Jenkins Integration with BrowserStack Test Management
Learn how to integrate Jenkins with BrowserStack Test Management to automate your test runs and generate test reports.
BrowserStack offers a simple integration between Test Management and Jenkins. With this integration, you can automate your test runs and generate test reports.
- A Jenkins pipeline created.
- A Project has been created in Test Management.
Integrate Jenkins and Import Test Run reports
Modify or create a Jenkinsfile in your code.
Go to code base.
Open root folder and verify if
exists. You can also use this sample Jenkinsfile. -
Modify the sample code.
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'TEST_MANAGEMENT_API_TOKEN', defaultValue: '*************28a42', description: 'API Token of your Test Management Account - You can find here:')
string(name: 'TEST_MANAGEMENT_PROJECT_NAME', defaultValue: 'Project Name', description: 'Project Name where you want to upload test results, NOTE: If any new project name is defined, Test Management will create a project for you')
string(name: 'TEST_RUN_NAME', defaultValue: 'Test Run - $BUILD_NUMBER', description: 'Name of your Test Run')
string(name: 'USER_EMAIL', defaultValue: '', description: 'User Email')
stage('Upload Reports in Test Management') {
steps {
sh '''
export JUNIT_XML_FILE_PATH="<report path>"
curl -k -X POST \
-F "file_path=@$JUNIT_XML_FILE_PATH" \
-F test_run_name="$TEST_RUN_NAME" \
-F user_email=$USER_EMAIL
as per your own configuration value.
Push the codebase to your version controling system like Github or Bitbucket.
Go to your Jenkins Dashboard and select the master branch of your Pipeline.
Select Build with Parameters.
Insert your BrowserStack Test Management parameters.
- API token of BrowserStack Test Management in TEST_MANAGEMENT_API_TOKEN
- Name of you Test Management project name in TEST_MANAGEMENT_PROJECT_NAME
- Name of your test run TEST_RUN_NAME
- You BrowserStack email ID USER_EMAIL
from the Active API Key section on the Test Management Settings page.
Click Build.
Wait for the build to complete and generate test reports. Here are sample test reports:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Generated by org.testng.reporters.JUnitReportReporter -->
<testsuite hostname="HarshAgarwal-FVFHG5HGQ05D" failures="1" tests="8" name="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" time="127.157" errors="1" timestamp="2023-03-06T16:02:53 IST" skipped="1">
<testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="logoutFromBstackDemo" time="14.590"/>
<testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="visitBStackDemo" time="16.022"/>
<testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="makePayment" time="32.323"/>
<testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="placeOrder" time="17.422"/>
<testcase classname="com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest" name="addDuplicateProductToCart" time="16.562"/>
</testsuite> <!-- com.browserstack.BStackDemoTest -->
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