
Screenshot Testing On Real Browsers & Devices

Rapidly test cross-browser compatibility across 3000+ browsers and devices

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    Enter your URL, select browsers and click Generate Screenshots to get started.
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  • Windows Resolution:
  • Quality:
  • Defer Time (sec):
  • Mobile Layout:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the browser screenshot tool do?

The browser screenshot tool allows users to check how their website appears on a vast range of real device-real browser combinations.

How do cross browser screenshots help test browser compatibility?

By generating cross browser screenshots for a single website, a user can get 100% accurate views of the site’s compatibility with multiple devices and browsers. Essentially, they can see what their website looks like on numerous devices and browsers in real user conditions. The screenshots allow developers to get a quick view of their website on different browsers.

How to perform screenshot testing with BrowserStack’s Screenshot tool?

Simply select desired devices, browsers and browser versions from the list above. Click on Generate Screenshots and the screenshot testing tool will generate images of how the site appears on the selected devices and browsers.

What are the capabilities of the screenshot tool?

Firstly, this tool allows users to perform screenshot testing on a large number of devices, browsers, and browser versions. Users can also choose a number of related factors such as OSX resolution, Windows resolution, quality, defer time and mobile layout. They can also choose to have the browser screenshots emailed to them on completion.

What is the advantage of screenshot testing on real devices and browsers?

Screenshot testing on real devices and browsers, instead of emulators or simulators, ensures that the website appears exactly as it would to an end-user. There is no room for error when testing on real devices. The screenshots generated will display exactly what a user will see when the website loads on a particular device-browser combination. Thus, developers and QAs know exactly what they are rolling out to end-users.

What are the best devices for browser screenshot testing?

Depending on the content of a website and the country in which it is to be released, a developer/QA would have to test on a different set of devices to ensure the best possible UX for the largest number of users. To gain deeper insights into which mobile devices are best for browser screenshot testing, try exploring this page on testing on right devices..

Can I debug my website on this tool?

This browser screenshot tool only generates screenshots for a preliminary view of a certain website’s compatibility with certain devices and browsers. To access in-built devtools for debugging, as well as to test on 3000+ browsers and devices, sign up for free.

How many devices/browsers can I test on at once?

A single user can test on a combination of up to 25 devices/browsers at once.

How do I conduct more thorough testing?

In order to test on 3000+ real devices and browsers, as well as to use a wide range of tools for identifying and sharing bugs as well as for debugging, sign up for a free trial on Cross Browser Testing Tool - Live. Know more about the benefits of signing up here.

Can I automate the screenshots process?

You can automate screenshots through API by subscribing to Automate plans that include browser testing.