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Integrate Issue Trackers

Learn how to integrate issue-tracking tools like Jira and Azure DevOps with Test Management to manage defects and requirements.

Test Management offers robust integration with issue-tracking tools like Jira and Azure DevOps. These integrations enable you to add and manage requirements or defects directly from your test cases and test runs.

Jira integration

Jira cloud integration

Jira Cloud integration allows you to log, track, and manage defects and requirements directly from your test cases and test runs. Connecting to Jira Cloud allows you to sync issues in real-time, manage workflows, and ensure that all test-related activities are documented and tracked within Jira. Connect your Jira Cloud account, including API tokens and permissions, and sync defects and requirements from your test cases and test runs. Learn more about integrating Jira on cloud.

Self-Hosted Jira integration

If you use a self-hosted Jira instance, this integration allows you to manage defects and requirements within your on-premises Jira setup. This ensures effective collaboration regardless of where your Jira server is hosted. Learn more about integrating self-hosted Jira.

Azure DevOps integration

Azure DevOps provides comprehensive tools for managing requirements and tracking defects. Integrating Azure DevOps allows you to sync work items directly from your test cases and test runs, ensuring that all issues are captured and managed within your Azure DevOps environment. Connect your Azure DevOps organization, configure Personal Access Tokens (PAT), and sync work items as defects and requirements from your test cases and test runs. Learn more about integrating Azure DevOps.

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