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Report Upload CLI

This CLI helps users import JUnit XML and Allure Reports into Test Observability.

Advantages the CLI offers:

  • Simple upload! No need to worry about the using lengthy curl commands!
  • Easy configuration of Build Metadata with a single .yml file.
  • Automatic detection of the your CI and Git metadata for deep integration in Test Observability.

Installing the CLI

Download and install the CLI

Navigate to your project’s root directory and install the CLI using the following command:

curl -L "" | bsdtar -xvf- -O > browserstack_cli && chmod 0775 browserstack_cli
curl -L "" | bsdtar -xvf- -O > browserstack_cli && chmod 0775 browserstack_cli

Create the browserstack.yml file

Create a browserstack.yml file as in the following code sample:

Copy icon Copy

Upload your test results

Simply run the following command to upload your test results to Test Observability. The CLI will look for the test results and browserstack.yml file in the current directory and upload the test results to Test Observability.

./browserstack-cli upload-report

# Alternatively, you can specify the browserstackConfigFile, reportPath, and reportFormat with the following command:
./browserstack-cli upload-report --browserstackConfigFile="<custom-browserstack.yml-path>" --reportPath="<reportFolderPath/reportZipFile>" --reportFormat="allure/junit"

Post report upload completion, you will see the Test Observability build URL printed in the terminal. Alternatively, you can also navigate to your build run using Build Runs.

Visit Test Observability

Download and install the CLI

Navigate to your project’s root directory and install the CLI using the following command:

curl -L "" | tar -xz -O > browserstack_cli && chmod +x browserstack_cli
curl -L "" | tar -xz -O > browserstack_cli && chmod +x browserstack_cli
curl -L "" | tar -xz -O > browserstack_cli && chmod +x browserstack_cli

Create the browserstack.yml file

Create a browserstack.yml file as in the following code sample:

Copy icon Copy

Upload your test results

Simply run the following command to upload your test results to Test Observability. The CLI will look for the test results and browserstack.yml file in the current directory and upload the test results to Test Observability.

./browserstack_cli upload-report

# Alternatively, you can specify the browserstackConfigFile, reportPath, and reportFormat with the following command:
./browserstack_cli upload-report --browserstackConfigFile="<custom-browserstack.yml-path>" --reportPath="<reportFolderPath/reportZipFile>" --reportFormat="allure/junit"

Post report upload completion, you will see the Test Observability build URL printed in the terminal. Alternatively, you can also navigate to your build run using Build Runs.

Visit Test Observability

Download and install the CLI

Navigate to your project’s root directory and install the CLI using the following command:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath . -Force
Rename-Item -Path "binary-windows-x64.exe" -NewName "browserstack_cli.exe"
Remove-Item  # Cleanup

Create the browserstack.yml file

Create a browserstack.yml file as in the following code sample:

Copy icon Copy

Upload your test results

Simply run the following command to upload your test results to Test Observability. The CLI will look for the test results and browserstack.yml file in the current directory and upload the test results to Test Observability.

.\browserstack_cli.exe upload-report

# Alternatively, you can specify the browserstackConfigFile, reportPath, and reportFormat with the following command:
.\browserstack_cli.exe upload-report --browserstackConfigFile="<custom-browserstack.yml-path>" --reportPath="<reportFolderPath/reportZipFile>" --reportFormat="allure/junit"

Post report upload completion, you will see the Test Observability build URL printed in the terminal. Alternatively, you can also navigate to your build run using Build Runs.

Visit Test Observability

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