Add Build Tags in Test Observability
Learn how to pass custom Build Tags from your builds to Test Observability.
What are Build Tags?
Build Tags are labels that you can associate with a build.
You can view your Build Tags on the Test Observability dashboard, as shown in the below screenshot.
Why should you use Build Tags?
You might need to categorize your builds in Test Observability based on custom parameters.
For example, you might need to classify your builds according to something unique to your use cases, such as release version, test environment, or git branch. In such cases, you can pass these parameters as separate Build Tags. Your builds would then be associated with these Build Tags. You can then use these tags to filter builds across multiple dashboards in Test Observability.
How do you pass Build Tags to Test Observability?
You can pass Build Tags to Test Observability using:
- A config file
- CLI commands
You can find the syntax for adding Build Tags for different frameworks in the following table:
Framework | Syntax to add build tags in the config file | Config file | Syntax to add build tags using environment variables |
TestNG JUnit5 JUnit4 Serenity MochaJS Jest Cucumber JS Codecept JS Playwright NUnit xUnit MSTest Specflow Behave Pytest Robot |
CUSTOM_TAG_1: “You can set a custom Build Tag here” # Use CUSTOM_TAG_n and set more build tags as you need. | browserstack.yml |
CUSTOM_TAG_n="<BUILD TAG NAME>" <command-to-run-your-test> |
WebdriverIO | services: [ [‘browserstack’, { testObservability: true, testObservabilityOptions: { ‘buildTag’: ‘Any build tag goes here. For e.g. [“Tag1”,”Tag2”]’ }, }] ], |
wdio.conf.js |
TEST_OBSERVABILITY_BUILD_TAG=["<BUILD TAG NAME1>", "<BUILD TAG NAME2>"] <command to run the test> |
Cypress | “testObservabilityOptions”: { “buildTag”: [“Custom Tag 1”, “Custom Tag 2”] } |
browserstack.json |
Nightwatch.js | ‘@nightwatch/browserstack’: { test_observability: { buildTag: [“Custom Tag 1”,”Custom Tag 2”] } }, |
nightwatch.conf.js |
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