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Test Observability on xUnit

Quick start guide to integrate BrowserStack Test Observability with xUnit


  • You have a C# xUnit test suite.
  • Ensure you have .Net v5.0+ and xUnit v2.0+.
  • You may run your tests on BrowserStack Automate or even on any other cloud provider or even locally.
  • Your tests can be unit / integration / functional or of any nature.
  • If you are using Mac computers with Apple silicon chips, use the BrowserStack SDK CLI workflow.

Integrate with Test Observability

You can use BrowserStack Test Observability both when you’re using BrowserStack’s devices and browsers to run your functional end-to-end tests and also if you’re running tests locally on your laptop/CI system or even when you’re using some other cloud provider.

Not only that, Test Observability is agnostic to the type of testing and hence you could also integrate it with your unit or integration test suite written using xUnit.

Please select your setup below to get started with an awesome debugging experience with Test Observability:

To start using BrowserStack Test Observability with your existing setup of NUnit tests running on BrowserStack Automate or App Automate, you’d need to integrate with the BrowserStack SDK. Follow one of the methods below to integrate the SDK and start using Test Observability:

If you’re an existing BrowserStack SDK user, you can skip the steps below. However, ensure that you’ve specified static names (names should not change across build runs) for projectName and buildName in the browserstack.yml file in your project. Also, restrict the characters in your projectName and buildName to alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), underscores (_), colons (:), and hyphens (-). Any other character will be replaced with a space.

Set BrowserStack credentials

Save your BrowserStack credentials as environment variables. It simplifies running your test suite from your local or CI environment.

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Add BrowserStack SDK as NuGet package

Steps to install BrowserStack SDK as a NuGet package:

  1. On the Visual Studio toolbar, select ProjectManage NuGet Packages. A NuGet Package Manager Window opens.
  2. In the Browse tab, search for BrowserStack.TestAdapter, and click Install.

Install BrowserStack as NuGet

Create the browserstack.yml file

Ensure you create browserstack.yml file at the root of your directory with the following structure.

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The projectName and buildName config must be static and not change across different runs of the same build. This is a deviation in approach as specified by BrowserStack Automate or App Automate as Test Observability will automatically identify different build runs.

Restrict the characters in your projectName and buildName to alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), underscores (_), colons (:), and hyphens (-). Any other character will be replaced with a space.

Enable Test Observabality

Run the commands bellow to set Test Observability on in an environment variable. This is a onetime setup that you will need to do before running tests.

dotnet build
dotnet build

Run your suite with Test Observability

The BrowserStack Test Adapter enables you to execute your test suite seamlessly, just as you did previously.

  1. On the Visual Studio toolbar, select TestTest Explorer.
  2. Right-click on your test and click Run.

Run test suite using VS code

Post build run completion, you’ll be able to see the build run report along with all necessary debugging information right on this dashboard.

Visit Test Observability

Set BrowserStack credentials

Save your BrowserStack credentials as environment variables. It simplifies running your test suite from your local or CI environment.

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Install BrowserStack SDK

Run the following command to install the BrowserStack SDK and create a browserstack.yml file in the root directory of your project.

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Make changes in your browserstack.yml config file

Once you have installed the SDK, a browserstack.yml config file will be created at the root level of your project. This file holds all the required capabilities to run tests on BrowserStack.

BrowserStack SDK is a very powerful tool that you can use to set the different browser/device combinations and parallelization. For more details, check out the Automate Integration guide.

Make sure you copy the contents of the below config file and set it in your project’s browserstack.yml file:

Copy icon Copy snippet

The projectName and buildName config must be static and not change across different runs of the same build. This is a deviation in approach as specified by BrowserStack Automate or App Automate as Test Observability will automatically identify different build runs.

Restrict the characters in your projectName and buildName to alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), underscores (_), colons (:), and hyphens (-). Any other character will be replaced with a space.

Run your test suite with Test Observability

Continue running your tests as you have been running previously. The command to run your tests using the BrowserStack SDK remains unchanged. For your reference, here’s a sample command:

Copy icon Copy snippet

Post build run completion, you’ll be able to see the build run report along with all necessary debugging information right on this dashboard.

Visit Test Observability

Verify you have BrowserStack.TestAdapter installed

As you’re an existing BrowserStack SDK user, you must already be having a browserstack.yml config file at the root level of your project, as well as BrowserStack.TestAdapter as a dependency.
Check if you have the following entry in your .csproj file of your project.

Alternatively, you can run dotnet list package and ensure BrowserStack.TestAdapter is present.

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Install the latest SDK version

Now, run the below command to ensure that the latest version is installed:

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Verify your browserstack.yml file

Test Observability mandatorily needs the following four configurations in the file. You need not change anything but you have to ensure that the values of the buildName and projectName variables are not changing across different build runs.

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The projectName and buildName config must be static and not change across different runs of the same build. This is a deviation in approach as specified by BrowserStack Automate or App Automate as Test Observability will automatically identify different build runs.

Restrict the characters in your projectName and buildName to alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), underscores (_), colons (:), and hyphens (-). Any other character will be replaced with a space.

Enable Test Observabality

Run the commands bellow to set Test Observability on in an environment variable. This is a onetime setup that you will need to do before running tests.

dotnet build
dotnet build

Run your test suite with Test Observability

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Continue running your tests as you have been running previously. The command to run your tests using the BrowserStack SDK remains unchanged. For your reference, here’s a sample command:

Post build run completion, you’ll be able to see the build run report along with all necessary debugging information right on this dashboard.

To start using BrowserStack Test Observability with your existing setup of xUnit tests running on your local laptop or CI or even on any other cloud provider, you’d need to integrate using the BrowserStack SDK. Follow one of the methods below to integrate the SDK and start using Test Observability:

BrowserStack Test Observability works with any kind of automation tests. Use it with your unit or integration test suites and also your end-to-end functional test suite.

Set BrowserStack credentials

Save your BrowserStack credentials as environment variables. It simplifies running your test suite from your local or CI environment.

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Add BrowserStack SDK as NuGet package

Steps to install BrowserStack SDK as a NuGet package:

  1. On the Visual Studio toolbar, select ProjectManage NuGet Packages. A NuGet Package Manager Window opens.
  2. In the Browse tab, search for BrowserStack.TestAdapter, and click Install.

Install BrowserStack as NuGet

Create the browserstack.yml file in your project root

Ensure you create browserstack.yml file at the root of your directory with the following structure.

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The projectName and buildName config must be static and not change across different runs of the same build. This is a deviation in approach as specified by BrowserStack Automate or App Automate as Test Observability will automatically identify different build runs.

Restrict the characters in your projectName and buildName to alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), underscores (_), colons (:), and hyphens (-). Any other character will be replaced with a space.

Enable Test Observabality

Run the commands bellow to set Test Observability on in an environment variable. This is a onetime setup that you will need to do before running tests.

dotnet build
dotnet build

Run your suite with Test Observability

The BrowserStack Test Adapter enables you to execute your test suite seamlessly, just as you did previously.

  1. On the Visual Studio toolbar, select TestTest Explorer.
  2. Right-click on your test and click Run.

Run test suite using VS code

Post build run completion, you’ll be able to see the build run report along with all necessary debugging information right on this dashboard.

Visit Test Observability

Set BrowserStack credentials

Save your BrowserStack credentials as environment variables. It simplifies running your test suite from your local or CI environment.

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Install BrowserStack SDK

Run the following command to install the BrowserStack SDK and create a browserstack.yml file in the root directory of your project.

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Make changes in your browserstack.yml config file

Once you have installed the SDK, a browserstack.yml config file will be created at the root level of your project. This file holds all the required capabilities to run tests on BrowserStack.

BrowserStack SDK is a very powerful tool that you can use to set the different browser/device combinations and parallelization. For more details, check out the Automate Integration guide.

Make sure you copy the contents of the below config file and set it in your project’s browserstack.yml file:

Copy icon Copy snippet

The projectName and buildName config must be static and not change across different runs of the same build. This is a deviation in approach as specified by BrowserStack Automate or App Automate as Test Observability will automatically identify different build runs.

Restrict the characters in your projectName and buildName to alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), underscores (_), colons (:), and hyphens (-). Any other character will be replaced with a space.

Run your test suite with Test Observability

Continue running your tests as you have been running previously. The command to run your tests using the BrowserStack SDK remains unchanged. For your reference, here’s a sample command:

Copy icon Copy snippet

Post build run completion, you’ll be able to see the build run report along with all necessary debugging information right on this dashboard.

Visit Test Observability

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