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Test Observability on Espresso

Quick start guide to integrate BrowserStack Test Observability with Espresso


  • You have an account with BrowserStack (even a free trial works) and can get the Username and Access Key from your account profile.
  • You have a pre-existing Espresso test suite integrated with BrowserStack App Automate.
  • Espresso tests are built into a separate apk file from your app. Hence, you will need access to both the app (.apk or .aab) and the Espresso test suite (separate .apk file).
  • Java 11 or later installed on your machine.
  • AGP 7.3 or later.
  • API Level 27 or higher.
  • Gradle 7 or later.
  • Cucumber v4 + Junit v4 or Junit v4.
Note: Add the following entry to your AndroidManifest.xml file if it doesn’t exist already:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
This is to provide internet permissions for your test app.
Note: If you do not have .apk files and want to try App Automate, you can download our sample Calculator app and Calculator test-suite. Alternatively, check out our Espresso sample GitHub repository.
Note: BrowserStack SDK doesn’t support Espresso on Junit 5 Runner currently.

Integrate with Test Observability

Add the gradle plugin and the SDK dependency

Add the gradle plugin under plugins and the BrowserStack SDK dependency under dependencies in the build.gradle file of the app.

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plugins {
    id 'com.browserstack.gradle-tool'
dependencies {
    androidTestImplementation group: 'com.browserstack', name: 'browserstack-java-sdk', version: '1.21.0'

Add mavenCentral and the classpath for android tools

Add mavenCentral under buildscript at root level and the classpath for android tools under dependencies in the build.gradle file.

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buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath '<AGP_version>'
        classpath 'com.browserstack:gradle-tool:1.0.0'

Build the main and the test apk

Use the command that you usually use to build the main and the test apk. Some of the commands generally used are gradle assembleDebug and gradle assembleAndroidTest.

Upload your app

Upload your Android app (.apk or .aab file) to BrowserStack servers using a REST API request.

Use the following sample cURL comman to upload an app:

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-X POST "" \
-F "file=@/path/to/app/file/Application-debug.apk"

You can refer to the App Automate Espresso guide for more details and a sample request response.

Note: App upload will take a few seconds to about a minute, depending on the size of your app. Do not interrupt the curl command until you get the response back.

Upload your test suite

Upload your Espresso test suite (.apk) file to BrowserStack servers using our REST API.

The following sample cURL command shows how to upload a test suite:

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-X POST "" \
-F "file=@/path/to/app/file/Application-debug-test.apk"

You can refer to the App Automate Espresso guide for more details and a sample request response.

Run your test suite

After you upload your app and test suite to BrowserStack servers, send an API request with testObservability parameter set as true and other parameters, to start the test execution as shown in the following sample cURL request:

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-X POST "" \
-d '{"app": "bs://8ec7295713fd5928ce0e7a35e7b533b6285fc5ca", "testSuite": "bs://4413d5a5b75f32ddbbb8f50db5963d2cabef9c56", "devices": ["Google Pixel 6 Pro-13.0"], "testObservability": true, "project" : "Espresso_Testpsq", "o11y_buildTags": ["build tag 1", "build tag 2"], "o11y_hostInfo": {"hostname": "samplehostname"}, "o11y_ciInfo":{"name":"Jenkins","build_url":"","job_name":"workflow_name","build_number":"run-id"}, "o11y_buildRunIdentifier": "Sample Build Identifier", "o11y_reRun": false}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

The parameters related to Test Observability in the above sample curl request are the following:

  • project: The project name under which the test will be organized.
  • o11y_buildTags: Any custom build tags (optional) you want to associate with the build.
  • o11y_hostInfo: An optional parameter with information related to the host including the host name.
  • o11y_ciInfo: An optional parameter with information related to the CI build including the name of the CI tool, build URL, job name, and build number.
  • o11y_buildRunIdentifier: An optional custom identifier for the build run. You can merge multiple reports into a single report using this parameter.
  • o11y_reRun: Set this to true for re-runs of your suite. By default, this parameter is set to false.

Post build run completion, you will see the build URL of Test Observability in your console. Alternatively, you can also navigate to your build run using Build Runs.

Visit Test Observability

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