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Run accessibility checks on a sample repo

Try out App Accessibility Automation with our provided sample repository.

This feature is currently in Alpha. To get access, contact support.

Download our sample test repo

Get our sample project using one of the following options:

  • Option 1:
    Download our sample test repository to get started.
  • Option 2:
    Clone our sample Git repository using the commands.
git clone -b master
cd testng-appium-app-browserstack

Install the latest SDK

To install the latest SDK version, run the following commands in your terminal:

cd android/testng-examples
mvn clean install
cd ios/testng-examples
mvn clean install

Configure the browserstack.yml file

The browserstack.yml file holds all the required capabilities to run your tests on BrowserStack. It is found in your project’s (android/ios) root folder and is part of downloaded sample.

  1. Open browserstack.yml file from your project directory.
  2. Set accessibility capability in the browserstack.yml file.

The projectName and buildName config must be static and not change across different runs of the same build. This is a deviation in approach as specified by BrowserStack App Automate since Automated tests will automatically identify different build runs.

framework: testng
accessibility: true
browserstackLocal: false
buildName: browserstack-build-1
projectName: BrowserStack Sample
# Accessibility testing-related configurations
  # Scanner configuration: WCAG version
  # Optional: wcag2a / wcag2aa / wcag21a / wcag21aa / wcag21aaa
  # Default: wcag21aa
  wcagVersion: wcag21aa
  # Scanner configuration: Include Best practices issues
  # Optional boolean to include best practice issues (`default: false`)
  # true/false
    bestPractice: false
  # Scanner processing timeout at end of test case (0-30 seconds, `default: 10`)
  # Optional numeric value
  scannerProcessingTimeout: 10

Run the sample test

Run the following command to execute the sample test:

 mvn test -P sample-test

Ensure you are in the testng-examples directory while running the command.

View the Accessibility test report

After the test completes, access the report in your project folder on the App Accessibility dashboard.

Visit App Accessibility dashboard

Next steps

Integrate Accessibility testing into App Automate.

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