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Queue tests on Automate TurboScale

Queue your tests beyond your purchased parallel limit for running parallel tests.

Your Automate TurboScale plan supports running a certain number of parallel tests, which you have purchased (for example, 100). However, with test queueing, you can submit more parallel test requests to BrowserStack than your plan limit allows. This means you can submit all your tests without worrying about exceeding your plan’s limits or manually managing execution.

Key benefits of queueing tests

  • Increased capacity: Run more tests than your plan allows. For example, if your plan supports 100 parallel tests, you can submit 120. The extra 20 tests will wait in a queue and run automatically as resources become available.
  • Simplified management: BrowserStack handles scheduling and execution, eliminating the need for manual intervention or custom dispatch logic.
  • Optimized resource utilization: Queues keep your testing resources fully utilized. When a test finishes, a queued test immediately takes its place.
  • Improved team collaboration: Teams using the same grid can avoid complex rationing of parallel tests. Submit your tests whenever you are ready, and the queue manages execution.
  • Reduced test completion time: Reduce test completion time by maximizing resource utilization and automating execution.
  • Maximum Queue length: Your maximum queue length is equal to the number of parallel tests in your plan. For example, if you have a plan that allows 200 parallel tests, you can queue up to 200 additional tests.
  • The wait limit for the execution of a queued test by default is 15 minutes after which the queued tests will be dropped.
  • You can customize the queue timeouts for a particular grid from Automation Console. Read more here

Key use cases for queuing tests

Queuing is enabled by default so you do not have to worry about managing test execution manually. It is especially helpful in the following situations:

  • Multiple projects or PRs If you are testing multiple projects or Pull Requests (PRs) on the same Automation Grid, and one project is already utilizing all available parallels, new tests simply wait in the queue rather than being dropped.

  • Multiple users sharing the same grid When multiple team members use the same grid, it can be difficult to allocate parallels manually. Queuing provides a simpler way to manage test execution without the need for complex rationing across teams.

  • Dispatching all tests at once If the total number of tests is within the queue limit and you do not want to implement any logic to schedule tests, you can submit all your tests to the Automation Grid at once. The grid will automatically manage and run them when slots become available.

  • Rare automatic Queuing by BrowserStack In unusual cases where certain browser and OS configurations have a long startup delay, BrowserStack may temporarily queue your tests (for example, due to the limited number of worker nodes or boot time). As soon as a slot becomes available, those tests start running automatically.

How does test queuing work?

While the core logic behind test queueing remains the same, its implementation differs based on whether you are using a self-hosted or cloud-hosted solution. The following tabs detail how test queueing works in each environment.

Account-level management

If your plan allows 100 concurrent tests, you can queue an additional 100 tests at the account level. This means that once your 100 currently running tests finish, the queued tests will automatically start running, as long as slots are available.

Grid-level management

Queues are managed at the Grid level. If you have purchased 100 parallel tests, you can create multiple grids, each configured to run up to 100 concurrent tests. However, regardless of how many grids you create, your account can only run 100 tests concurrently in total across all grids combined.

Queue size

  • The queue size for each grid is equal to the maximum concurrency you set for that grid.
  • For example, if you set maxConcurrency = 100 for Grid 1, then the queue size for Grid 1 is 100. If you set maxConcurrency = 50 for Grid 2, then the queue size for Grid 2 is 50.
  • However, at any given time, the total number of queued tests across all grids in your account cannot exceed 100.

Manage test dispatch

You can also manage the dispatching of tests yourself, with or without using the queuing functionality. BrowserStack provides Grid APIs that allow you to:

  • Retrieve the number of currently running parallel sessions.
  • Determine the maximum allowed parallel sessions for your plan.
  • Access information about queued sessions and the maximum queue size.

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