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Integrate your test suite with BrowserStack


  • An existing automated test suite.
  • Python3 and Pip3 is installed on your machine.

Integration steps

Complete the following steps to integrate your Python test suite using BrowserStack SDK.

Set BrowserStack credentials

Saving your BrowserStack credentials as environment variables makes it simple to run your test suite from your local or CI environment.

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Install BrowserStack Python SDK

Execute the following commands to install BrowserStack python SDK for plug-and-play integration of your test suite with BrowserStack.

python3 -m pip install browserstack-sdk
browserstack-sdk setup --username "YOUR_USERNAME" --key "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"
python3 -m pip install browserstack-sdk
browserstack-sdk setup --username "YOUR_USERNAME" --key "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"

Unable to install BrowserStack SDK?

If you cannot install BrowserStack SDK due to sudo privilege issues, create a virtual environment and execute the adjacent installation commands again.

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

python3 -m venv env

Create your BrowserStack config file

Once you have installed the SDK, create a browserstack.yml config file at the root level of your project. This file holds all the required capabilities to run tests on BrowserStack.

Set platforms on which to test

Set the browsers/devices you want to test under the platforms object. Our configuration follows W3C-formatted capabilities.

Platform Browser
Linux Firefox
Linux Chrome
Linux Edge

Do you want to dynamically configure platforms?

To dynamically configure platforms across different tests, you can comment out the platforms capability while still passing platform-specific capabilities.

BrowserStack Reporting

You can leverage BrowserStack’s extensive reporting features using the following capabilities:

Build Name

Set a name to your build (usually the same as the build ID that’s on your CI/CD platform).
Accepted characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., :, -, [], /, @, &, ', _. All other characters are ignored.
Character limit: 255

buildIdentifier Description Generated build name on BrowserStack dashboard
${BUILD_NUMBER} (Default) If build is triggered locally, an incremental counter is appended.

If build is triggered with CI tools, CI generated build number is appended.
bstack-demo 1

bstack-demo CI 1395
${DATE_TIME} The timestamp of run time is appended to the build. bstack-demo 29-Nov-20:44

Advanced use cases for Build Names

Custom formatting of Build Name

Prefix buildIdentifier with desired characters, for example # or :

buildName: bstack-demo
buildIdentifier: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'

Re-run tests in a build

You can re-run selected tests from a build using any of the following options:

Option 1: Set the existing build name in the BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME variable and prepend it to your test run command to re-run tests in the same build:


BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME=“bstack-demo 123” browserstack-sdk

Windows Powershell:

$env:BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME=“bstack-demo 123”; browserstack-sdk

Windows cmd:

set BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME=“bstack-demo 123” && browserstack-sdk

Option 2: Set the build name as a combination of buildName and buildIdentifier, as seen on the dashboard, and set buildIdenitifier as null:

buildName: bstack-demo 123
buildIdentifier: null

Option 3: Set the buildIdentifier as the build number or time of the required build as seen on the dashboard:

buildName: bstack-demo
buildIdentifier: 123

Project Name

Set a project name for your project

Use additional debugging features

By default, BrowserStack provides prettified session logs, screenshots on every failed selenium command, and a video of the entire test. Additionally, you can enable the following features:

Test Observability

Enables Test Observability with advanced test reporting, debugging, analytics, and insights for your test suites with the help of automatic test data collection using the SDK

Network logs

Enables network capture for the session in HAR format. Might reduce session performance slightly


Use Automate Turboscale


Enables Turboscale

Grid Name

Set grid name as the name of the Turboscale grid. Accepted characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., :, -, [], /, @, &, , _. All other characters are ignored.
Character limit: 255

Create browserstack.yml file

Copy the following code snippet and create browserstack.yml file in the root folder of your test suite.

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Run your test suite

Prepend browserstack-sdk before your existing run commands to execute your tests on BrowserStack using the Python SDK.

python <path-to-test-files>

browserstack-sdk python <path-to-test-files>

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