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Run a sample App Percy build with Appium and JavaScript

Get hands-on experience on running App Percy with Appium and JavaScript using our sample repository


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With App Percy, you can automate the visual testing of app applications, ensuring visual consistency across different releases and preventing visual regressions. This page demonstrates how to use App Percy to run visual tests on a sample app application.

Run your App Percy build

Follow these steps to clone the sample App Percy application, run a build, and view the results of the visual comparison:

Clone the sample application

Clone the sample application and install the required dependencies:

Copy icon Copy
git clone
cd example-percy-appium-js
make install

Upload the sample application

Upload the sample application to BrowserStack App Automate:

Copy icon Copy
  -X POST "" \
  -F "file=@resources/android_resources/WikipediaSample.apk"
Copy icon Copy
  -X POST "" \
  -F "file=@resources/ios_resources/BStackSampleApp.ipa"

After the command runs successfully, you get a response similar to the following:

Copy icon Copy

Make a note of the app url.

To know more about uploading an app to App Automate, refer to the Upload an App REST API documentation.

Create an App Percy project

Sign in to Percy and create a new app project, for example, test-project. After you’ve created the project, you’ll be shown a Percy Access Token. Use it in the next step.

Create an App Percy project

Set Percy token as an environment variable

Export the token environment variable:

Copy icon Copy
export PERCY_TOKEN="<your token here>"

Usually this would only be set up in your CI environment, but to keep things simple we’ll configure it in your local shell so that Percy is enabled in your local environment.

Generate the first build

Check out a new branch for your work in this tutorial (we’ll call this branch tutorial-example), then run tests & take screenshots:

$ git checkout -b tutorial-example
$ cd wd
$ npm install

Now run the build with following commands

npx percy app:exec -- node android.js
npx percy app:exec -- node ios.js

This will run the app’s JavaScript Appium tests, which contain calls to create Percy screenshots. The screenshots will then be uploaded to Percy for comparison. Percy will use the PERCY_TOKEN you used in Step 2 to know which organization and project to upload the screenshots to.

In general, your test would look like the below example. Whenever you have to capture a screenshot for visual testing, use percyScreenshot function.

Copy icon Copy
const percyScreenshot = require('@percy/appium-app');
const wd = require('wd');
const desiredCaps = {...}
  .then(function() {
    // wait for app to load
    return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 5000))
  .then(function() {
    return percyScreenshot(driver, 'Home Screen');
  .then(function () {
    return driver.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Search Wikipedia', asserters.isDisplayed && asserters.isEnabled, 30000);
  .then(function (searchElement) {
  .then(function () {
    return driver.waitForElementById('org.wikipedia.alpha:id/search_src_text', asserters.isDisplayed && asserters.isEnabled, 30000);
  .then(function (searchInput) {
    // Change `BrowserStack` to other word to see the diff in next build
    return searchInput.sendKeys("BrowserStack");
  .then(function () {
    return driver.elementsByClassName('android.widget.TextView');   
  .then(function () {
    return driver.hideKeyboard();   
  .then(function() {
    return percyScreenshot(driver, 'Search results');
  .fin(function() {
    // Invoke driver.quit() after the test is done to indicate that the test is completed.
    return driver.quit();

You can view the screenshots in Percy now if you want, but there will be no visual comparisons yet. You’ll see that Percy shows you that these screenshots come from your tutorial-example branch.

Modify the sample application

Now, it’s time to introduce some visual changes to your app. Replace the search_input.send_keys in your test script as shown below.

search_input.send_keys("BrowserStack again")
search_input.send_keys("BrowserStack again")

Commit your changes

Create a commit with the changes.

Copy icon Copy
git commit -am "Text Changed"

Run tests again

Run the tests with screenshots again.

npx percy app:exec -- node android.js
npx percy app:exec -- node ios.js

View visual differences on dashboard

Visit your project in Percy and you’ll see a new build with visual comparisons between the two runs. Click anywhere on the Build 2 row (we are assuming here that you are using a new project to test things out). You can see the original screenshots on the left, and the new screenshots on the right.

Percy has highlighted what’s changed visually in the app! Screenshots with the largest changes are shown first You can click on the highlight to reveal the underlying screenshot.

View visual differences

If you scroll down, you’ll see that no other test cases were impacted by our changes to text. The unchanged screenshots are shown under an Unchanged filter and are hidden by default.


From here, you can try making your own changes to the app and tests, if you like. If you do, re-run the tests and you’ll see any visual changes reflected in Percy.

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