Running with hybrid apps
A guide to run with hybrid apps
Appium Java
For a hybrid app, we need to switch to native context before taking screenshot.
- Add a helper method similar to the following example for say flutter based hybrid app:
public void percyScreenshotFlutter(AppPercy appPercy, AppiumDriver driver, String name, ScreenshotOptions options) {
// switch to native context
appPercy.screenshot(name, options);
// switch back to flutter context
- Call percyScreenshotFlutter helper function when you want to take screenshot:
percyScreenshotFlutter(appPercy, driver, name, options);
- Note: For other hybrid apps the driver.context(“FLUTTER”); would change to context that it uses like say WEBVIEW etc.
Appium Python
Appium uses capabilities configuration to decide which devices to run your tests on. BrowserStack has a helpful Appium capabilities builder that can help you set things up. Your Percy capabilities can look something like this:
pixel_4 = {
"deviceName": "Google Pixel 4",
"app": '<APP URL>', # replace app url with the URL you received in step 1
"appium:percyOptions": {
"enabled": True # True by default. This can be used to disable visual testing for certain devices
'bstack:options' : {
"projectName" : "My Project",
"buildName" : "test percy_screnshot",
"sessionName" : "BStack first_test",
"userName" : USER_NAME, # set your App Automate username
"accessKey" : ACCESS_KEY # set your App Automate password
"platformName": "android",
desired_caps = [pixel_4] # you can define as many devices as you want in capabilites
Percy options are rather powerful. To further configure capabilities for Percy, look at this document.
For a hybrid app, we need to switch to native context before taking screenshot.
- Add a helper method similar to the following example for say flutter based hybrid app:
def percy_screenshot_flutter(driver, name: str, **kwargs):
percy_screenshot(driver, name, **kwargs)
- Call percyScreenshotFlutter helper function when you want to take screenshot:
percy_screenshot_flutter(driver, name, **kwargs)
- Note: For other hybrid apps the driver.switch_to.context(‘FLUTTER’) would change to context that it uses like say WEBVIEW etc.
Appium Javascript
For a hybrid app, we need to switch to native context before taking screenshot.
- Add a helper method similar to the following example for say flutter based hybrid app:
async function percyScreenshotFlutter(driver, name, options) {
// switch to native context
await driver.switchContext('NATIVE_APP');
await percyScreenshot(driver, name, options);
// switch back to flutter context
await driver.switchContext('FLUTTER');
- Call percyScreenshotFlutter helper function when you want to take screenshot:
await percyScreenshotFlutter(driver, name[, {
- Note: For other hybrid apps the await driver.switchContext(‘FLUTTER’); would change to context that it uses like say WEBVIEW etc.
WebdriverIO Javascript
For a hybrid app, we need to switch to native context before taking screenshot.
- Add a helper method similar to the following example for say flutter based hybrid app:
async function percyScreenshotFlutter(driver, name, options) {
// switch to native context
await driver.switchContext('NATIVE_APP');
await percyScreenshot(driver, name, options);
// switch back to flutter context
await driver.switchContext('FLUTTER');
- Call percyScreenshotFlutter helper function when you want to take screenshot:
await percyScreenshotFlutter(driver, name[, {
- Note: For other hybrid apps the await driver.switchContext(‘FLUTTER’); would change to context that it uses like say WEBVIEW etc.
C Sharp
For a hybrid app, we need to switch to native context before taking screenshot.
- Add a helper method similar to the following example for say flutter based hybrid app:
public void PercyScreenshotFlutter(AppPercy appPercy, AndroidDriver<AndroidElement> driver, String name, ScreenshotOptions options) {
// switch to native context
driver.Context = "NATIVE_APP";
appPercy.Screenshot(name, options);
// switch back to flutter context
driver.Context = "FLUTTER";
- Call percyScreenshotFlutter helper function when you want to take screenshot:
PercyScreenshotFlutter(appPercy, driver, name, options);
- Note: For other hybrid apps the driver.context(“FLUTTER”); would change to context that it uses like say WEBVIEW etc.
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