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Integrate your Appium and Python test suite with App Percy

A guide to integrating your Appium and Python automated tests with BrowserStack App Percy. Catch visual differences in your web application on time.

Integrate App Percy with your test suite to run visual tests. To do that, follow these steps:

We highly recommend using our BrowserStack SDK for Percy integration.


In order to conduct Percy visual testing for Python Appium, you must possess the following dependencies:

  • Appium version < 2.0.1
  • Node 12+ with npm

Create new app project on percy dashboard

Sign in to Percy and create a new app type project. After you’ve created the project, you’ll be shown a PERCY_TOKEN environment variable. Percy will use the PERCY_TOKEN to know which organisation and project to upload the screenshots to. You will need this PERCY_TOKEN in next steps.

Create an App Percy project

Set the project token as an environment variable

Run the given command to set PERCY_TOKEN as an environment variable:

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export PERCY_TOKEN=[your-project-token]

Install Percy packages

Install Percy CLI by running the following command:

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npm install --save-dev @percy/cli

Install dependencies

Install Percy’s appium SDK using pip

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source ../virtualenv/bin/activate
pip install percy-appium-app

Update test script

Make sure to import percy in your code.

Below is an example test using the percy_screenshot function. Use this function wherever you have to take a screenshot.

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from appium import webdriver
from percy import percy_screenshot
username = "App Automate Username"
access_key = "App Automate Access Key"
desired_caps = {...}
remote_url = f"https://{username}:{access_key}"
driver = webdriver.Remote(remote_url, desired_caps)
percy_screenshot(driver, 'here is some name') # take a screenshot

We are passing the required arguments.percy_screenshot method.

The screenshot method arguments are:

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percy_screenshot(driver, name[, **kwargs])
  • driver (required) - A appium driver instance
  • name (required) - The screenshot name; must be unique to each screenshot
  • device_name (optional) - The device name used for capturing screenshot
  • orientation (optional) - Orientation of device while capturing screeenshot. Allowed values are portrait or landscape
  • status_bar_height (optional) - Height of status bar; int
  • nav_bar_height (optional) - Height of navigation bar; int
  • full_screen (optional) - Indicate whether app is full screen; boolean
  • fullpage (optional) - [alpha] only supported on App Automate driver sessions [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]; boolean
  • screen_lengths (optional) - [alpha] max screen lengths for fullPage [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]; boolean
  • In case scrollview is overlapping with other app elements. Offsets can be provided to reduce the area which needs to be considered for scrolling:
    • top_scrollview_offset(optional) - [alpha] offset from top of scrollview [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]; int
    • bottom_scrollview_offset (optional) - [alpha] offset from bottom of scrollview [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]; int
  • scrollable_xpath (optional) - [alpha] scrollable element xpath for fullpage [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]; string
  • scrollable_id (optional) - [alpha] scrollable element accessibility id for fullpage [ needs @percy/cli 1.20.2+ ]; string
  • ignore_regions_xpaths (optional) - elements xpaths that user want to ignore in visual diff [ needs @percy/cli 1.23.0+ ]; list of string
  • ignore_region_accessibility_ids (optional) - elements accessibility_ids that user want to ignore in visual diff [ needs @percy/cli 1.23.0+ ]; list of string
  • ignore_region_appium_elements (optional) - appium elements that user want to ignore in visual diff [ needs @percy/cli 1.23.0+ ]; list of appium element object
  • custom_ignore_regions (optional) - Custom locations that users want to ignore in visual diffs, with (0, 0) starting at the top left (requires @percy/cli 1.23.0+); list of ignore_region objects.
  • IgnoreRegion :-
    • Description: This class represents a rectangular area on a screen that needs to be ignored for visual diff.
    • Constructor:
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init(self, top, bottom, left, right)
  • Parameters:
    • top (int): Top coordinate of the ignore region.
    • bottom (int): Bottom coordinate of the ignore region.
    • left (int): Left coordinate of the ignore region.
    • right (int): Right coordinate of the ignore region.
  • Raises ValueError: If top, bottom, left, or right is less than 0 or top is greater than or equal to bottom or left is greater than or equal to right.
  • valid: Ignore region should be within the boundaries of the screen.

Run your test script

Run your tests using percy app:exec.

If you are unable to use the percy app:exec command or prefer to run your tests using IDE run options, you can use the percy app:exec:start and percy app:exec:stop commands. To learn more, visit Run Percy.

Running the test above normally will result in the following log:

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npx percy app:exec -- python

This command starts Percy, create a new Percy build, takes snapshots and uploads them to your project, and stops Percy:

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[percy] Percy has started!
[percy] Created build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Snapshot taken "Appium Python example"
[percy] Stopping percy...
[percy] Finalized build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Done!


You have successfully created your first build on App Percy. To see the build with snapshots of your application, visit your project in Percy.

When you run another build with visual changes to your application, Percy takes new snapshots. You can then see the comparisons between the two runs on the new build.

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