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Commands Overview

This page provides App Percy commands overview.

Use this reference guide to understand and implement the essential App Percy commands that enhance your visual testing workflow.


  • percy config - manage configuration files.
  • percy build - interact with Percy builds.

  • percy exec- Use Percy exec command to capture and upload snapshots
  • percy options - use Percy options as a part of the device capability
  • run percy - run your tests on Percy using either your make file or by utilizing the Percy start and stop commands.

This applies only when using the Percy SDK.

percy config

Percy CLI commands for creating, validating, and updating Percy configuration files:

  • percy config:create
  • percy config:validate
  • percy config:migrate

percy config:create

Create a Percy config file

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  $ percy config:create [options] [filepath]
  filepath       Optional config filepath
  --rc           Create a .percyrc file
  --yaml         Create a .percy.yaml file
  --yml          Create a .percy.yml file
  --json         Create a .percy.json file
  --js           Create a .percy.js file
Global options:
  -v, --verbose  Log everything
  -q, --quiet    Log errors only
  -s, --silent   Log nothing
  -h, --help     Display command help
  $ percy config:create
  $ percy config:create --yaml
  $ percy config:create --json
  $ percy config:create --js
  $ percy config:create --rc
  $ percy config:create ./config/percy.yml

percy config:validate

Validate a Percy config file

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  $ percy config:validate [options] [filepath]
  filepath       Config filepath, detected by default
Global options:
  -v, --verbose  Log everything
  -q, --quiet    Log errors only
  -s, --silent   Log nothing
  -h, --help     Display command help
  $ percy config:validate
  $ percy config:validate ./config/percy.yml

percy config:migrate

Migrate a Percy config file to the latest version Validate a Percy config file

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  $ percy config:migrate [options] [filepath] [output]
  filepath       Current config filepath, detected by default
  output         New config filepath to write to, defaults to 'filepath'
  -d, --dry-run  Print the new config without writing it
Global options:
  -v, --verbose  Log everything
  -q, --quiet    Log errors only
  -s, --silent   Log nothing
  -h, --help     Display command help
  $ percy config:migrate
  $ percy config:migrate --dry-run
  $ percy config:migrate ./config/percy.yml
  $ percy config:migrate .percy.yml .percy.js

percy build

Commands for interacting with Percy builds:

  • percy build:finalize
  • percy build:wait

percy build:finalize

Finalize parallel Percy builds

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  $ percy build:finalize [options]
Global options:
  -v, --verbose  Log everything
  -q, --quiet    Log errors only
  -s, --silent   Log nothing
  -h, --help     Display command help

percy build:wait

Wait for a build to be finished

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  $ percy build:wait [options]
  -b, --build <id>       Build ID
  -p, --project <slug>   Build project slug, requires '--commit'
  -c, --commit <sha>     Build commit sha, requires '--project'
  -t, --timeout <ms>     Timeout before exiting without updates, defaults to 10 minutes
  -i, --interval <ms>    Interval at which to poll for updates, defaults to 10 second
  -f, --fail-on-changes  Exit with an error when diffs are found
  --pass-if-approved     Doesn't Exit with an error if the build is approved, requires '--fail-on-changes'
Global options:
  -v, --verbose          Log everything
  -q, --quiet            Log errors only
  -s, --silent           Log nothing
  -h, --help             Display command help
  $ percy build:wait --build 2222222
  $ percy build:wait --project org/project --commit HEAD

percy exec

The Percy CLI is used to capture and upload snapshots to from the command line.


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$ npm install --save-dev @percy/cli @percy/appium-app


  • percy app:exec - Start and stop Percy around a supplied command
  • percy app:exec:start - Starts a local Percy snapshot server
  • percy app:exec:stop - Stops a local running Percy snapshot server
  • percy app:exec:ping - Pings a local running Percy snapshot server

percy exec

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  $ percy app:exec [options] -- <command>
  app:exec:start [options]               Starts a local Percy snapshot server
  app:exec:stop [options]                Stops a local running Percy snapshot server
  app:exec:ping [options]                Pings a local running Percy snapshot server
  help [command]                     Display command help
  -P, --port [number]                Local CLI server port (default: 5338)
  --parallel                         Marks the build as one of many parallel builds
  --partial                          Marks the build as a partial build
Percy options:
  -c, --config <file>                Config file path
  -d, --dry-run                      Print snapshot names only
  -h, --allowed-hostname <hostname>  Allowed hostnames to capture in asset discovery
  -t, --network-idle-timeout <ms>    Asset discovery network idle timeout
  --disable-cache                    Disable asset discovery caches
  --debug                            Debug asset discovery and do not upload snapshots
Global options:
  -v, --verbose                      Log everything
  -q, --quiet                        Log errors only
  -s, --silent                       Log nothing
  --help                             Display command help
  $ percy app:exec -- echo "percy is running around this echo command"
  $ percy app:exec -- yarn test

percy app:exec:start

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  $ percy app:exec:start [options]
  -P, --port [number]                Local CLI server port (default: 5338)
Percy options:
  -c, --config <file>                Config file path
  -d, --dry-run                      Print snapshot names only
  -h, --allowed-hostname <hostname>  Allowed hostnames to capture in asset discovery
  -t, --network-idle-timeout <ms>    Asset discovery network idle timeout
  --disable-cache                    Disable asset discovery caches
  --debug                            Debug asset discovery and do not upload snapshots
Global options:
  -v, --verbose                      Log everything
  -q, --quiet                        Log errors only
  -s, --silent                       Log nothing
  --help                             Display command help
  $ percy app:exec:start &> percy.log

percy app:exec:stop

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  $ percy app:exec:stop [options]
  -P, --port [number]  Local CLI server port (default: 5338)
Global options:
  -v, --verbose        Log everything
  -q, --quiet          Log errors only
  -s, --silent         Log nothing
  -h, --help           Display command help

percy app:exec:ping

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  $ percy app:exec:ping [options]
  -P, --port [number]  Local CLI server port (default: 5338)
Global options:
  -v, --verbose        Log everything
  -q, --quiet          Log errors only
  -s, --silent         Log nothing
  -h, --help           Display command help

percy options

Percy Options is part of the device capability configured for App Automate or any similar service.

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desiredCaps = {
  // Set BStack options that would allow App Automate to run
  'bstack:options': {
    userName: process.env.AA_USERNAME,
    accessKey: process.env.AA_ACCESS_KEY
  // Percy Options (defaults)
  'appium:percyOptions': {
    enabled: true, // true by default, decides if percy is enabled for particular session or device
    ignoreErrors: true // true by default, decides whether to ignore errors occurred during test
  // Set URL of the application under test
  app: process.env.APP,
  // Specify device and os_version for testing
  device: 'Google Pixel 6',
  os_version: '12',
  // Set other BrowserStack capabilities
  project: 'First App Percy test',
  build: 'App Percy test',
  name: 'first_visual_test'

Available Percy options

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'appium:percyOptions': {
  enabled: true, // true by default, decides if percy is enabled for particular session or device
  ignoreErrors: true // true by default, decides whether to ignore errors occurred during test
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var capabilties = {
   "deviceName": "iPhone 14",
   "percy.enabled": true/false,
   "percy.ignoreErrors": true/false,
'appium:percyOptions': {
  enabled: true, // true by default, decides if percy is enabled for particular session or device
  ignoreErrors: true // true by default, decides whether to ignore errors occurred during test
var capabilties = {
   "deviceName": "iPhone 14",
   "percy.enabled": true/false,
   "percy.ignoreErrors": true/false,

run percy

You can run your tests on Percy using either your make file or by utilizing the Percy start and stop commands.

Run test using exec command

Add the percy app exec command in your make file for executing tests on Percy, as shown below:

Percy CLI command to upload a directory of static images to Percy for diffing.

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npx percy app:exec python

Run test using Percy start stop commands

If you cannot use the percy app:exec command in your configuration file or you want to run your test via IDE, use the percy app:exec:start and percy app:exec:stop commands.

(1) Execute the below command to start Percy.

Percy CLI command to upload a directory of static images to Percy for diffing.

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npx percy app:exec:start # starts percy CLI tool, percy is ready to receive screenshots

(2) Run your tests using the IDE’s run option.
(3) On test completion, you can stop Percy.

Percy CLI command to upload a directory of static images to Percy for diffing.

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npx percy app:exec:start # starts percy CLI tool, percy is ready to receive screenshots

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