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Synchronous comparison results

Learn App Percy’s synchronous visual comparison for immediate result verification.

App Percy processes visual comparisons asynchronously by default. This allows you to view the snapshot or comparison results only upon the completion of the build on the Percy dashboard or by polling the snapshot API to determine whether the snapshot has finished processing. This process excels in fast processing and supports maximum parallelization.

If you want to immediately incorporate the visual comparison results into your functional tests upon detecting a visual change, the default asynchronous setup in Percy might be a bit challenging. Not to worry though, Percy’s got a solution with the synchronous comparison results option.

With the synchronous comparison results option, you can wait for each snapshot to be processed individually. This means you get the response in your test script as soon as Percy finishes processing each snapshot. This allows you to actively monitor visual comparison results in real-time, and fulfills the desire to flag visual changes and mark their functional tests as failed.

  • Currently, the synchronous comparison results feature is exclusively supported using the Percy SDK on Appium. If you are looking for support on other frameworks, contact us.


Before you start, ensure that you have the following:

  • @percy/cli version 1.28.0 and higher
  • Project token is set to Full-access

Synchronous comparison results workflow

Set up Percy project and ensure that builds are actively running by utilizing the percyScreenshot() method.

Enable synchronous comparison results during screenshot capture by setting the sync parameter to true.

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response = await percyScreenshot(driver, name, { sync: true });

Run the test script, and the command will return the object.

Wait for the response to finish, and when it’s done, the object gives you the comparison results of individual snapshots. Use these results to decide if your functional test passes or fails.

Response Structure

Copy icon Copy
    "snapshot-name": "Percy Synchronous CLI",
    "status": "success",
    "started-processing-at": "2024-01-30T17:47:30.000Z",
    "finished-processing-at": "2024-01-30T17:47:59.000Z",
    "dashboard-urls": {
        "current-build": "",
        "base-build": "",
        "current-snapshot": "",
        "base-snapshot": ""
    "screenshots": [
            "platform-information": {
                "browser-info": {
                    "name": null,
                    "version": null
                "os-info": {
                    "name": "Android",
                    "version": "12"
                "device-info": {
                    "name": "Google Pixel 6"
            "viewport": {
                "width": 1080,
                "height": 2400
            "resources": {
                "current-image": "",
                "base-image": "",
                "diff-image": "",
                "intelli-ignore-diff-image": null
            "diff-info": {
                "diff-ratio": 0.225429,
                "diff-coordinates": {
                    "y_coords": [
            "started-processing-at": "2024-01-30T17:47:30.000Z",
            "finished-processing-at": "2024-01-30T17:47:59.000Z"

Error response

Copy icon Copy
    "snapshot-name": "Percy Synchronous CLI",
    "status": "failure",
    "started-processing-at": "2024-01-30T17:47:30.000Z",
    "errors": [
      "message": "Snapshot failed to process"

Supported Parameters


Parameter Comparison Level Sub Parameter Description Use Case
screenshots platform-information browser-info Retrieve details such as browser name and version. Use it for test assertions for a particular browser version combination.
    os-info Retrieve details such as OS name and version. Use it for test assertions for a particular OS version combination.
    device-info Retrieve the device name. Use it for test assertions for a particular device. Only available for POA and App Percy.
  viewport width Viewport width. Use it for test assertions on a specific width, ensuring that the screenshot dimensions meet certain requirements.
    height Viewport height. Use it for test assertions on a specific height, ensuring that the screenshot dimensions meet certain requirements.
  resources current-image Retrieve the URL of the currently captured image from the system. Use it to identify and retrieve the specific head screenshot for further analysis.
    base-image Capture the Base Image URL. Use it to identify and retrieve the specific base screenshot for further analysis.
    diff_image Retrieve the Diff Image URL generated after the comparison. Provides users with access to the visual representation of the differences between the snapshots.
    intelli-ignore-diff-image Use the Intelli Ignore Image URL to display ignored diffs after running Intelli Ignore. Useful for users to analyze contextual differences between snapshots if available.
  diff-info diff_ratio Indicates the percentage of variation in comparison. Use it to retrieve the diff_ratio from the comparison and subsequently utilise it within the test case, to pass/fail the test case.
    diff-coordinates Diff Coordinates pinpointing specific y-axis locations of differences. May assist in pinpointing the exact locations of visual differences within screenshots wrt y locations.


Parameter Sub Parameter Description Use Case
errors [{ message: “error1“ }, { message: “error2“ } ] It is an array of error objects, with each object containing the error message. Users can check if the visual comparison is successful or not based on this parameter; it will be null when there is no error.

Global configuration file support

Synchronous comparison results is supported in the global configuration file as shown:

Copy icon Copy
version: 2
	sync: true/false

It does not function alongside the defer-uploads configuration.

SDK Compatibility Matrix

SDK Compatibility Matrix

Framework Language Version
Appium Python >=v2.0.4
  Java >=v2.1.1
  CSharp >=v3.0.3
  Javascript >=v2.0.4
  Ruby >=v0.0.4

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