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Integrate App Percy with Appium and SpecFlow

Learn how to integrate Appium with SpecFlow automated tests and App Percy to catch visual differences in mobile apps.

To integrate your SpecFlow based test suite with App Percy using the BrowserStack SDK, follow these steps:


Before you start, ensure that you have the following:

  • A BrowserStack App Automate account using the BrowserStack SDK to integrate your test script.
  • An application is uploaded on App Automate, and an app URL is generated. Utilize the generated app URL in the BrowserStack configuration file as the app parameter.

Set BrowserStack credentials

Save your BrowserStack credentials as environment variables. It simplifies running your test suite from your local or CI environment. You can export the environment variables for the Username and Access Key of your BrowserStack account or you can set it in the config file.

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Install or Upgrade BrowserStack SDK

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dotnet add package BrowserStack.TestAdapter
dotnet build
dotnet browserstack-sdk setup --userName "YOUR_USERNAME" --accessKey "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"
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dotnet add package BrowserStack.TestAdapter
dotnet build
dotnet browserstack-sdk setup --userName "YOUR_USERNAME" --accessKey "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY"

Update your BrowserStack config file

In the browserstack.yml file:

  1. Set percy: true.

  2. Set a projectName.
    After you run a test, an App Automate project and an App Percy project are created with the project name you set here.
    If a App Percy project by the name you set in the browserstack.yml file already exists, your screenshots are added to the same project. However, if the name matches a Percy project, your visual tests will continue to run, but an error message will appear in your logs. Your functional tests still run as expected.

  3. Set percyCaptureMode: auto.
    There are other supported automated capture modes in the percyCaptureMode parameter. The table below lists and describes all the acceptable modes.

App Percy screenshot capture mode Description
auto Automatically capture screenshots on common events such as screenshot, click, and sendKeys.
testcase Automatically capture screenshots at the end of each test case.
click Automatically capture screenshots on every click.
screenshot Automatically capture screenshots on every driver.screenshot call.
manual This gives you more control over the screenshots you want captured. When used, you have to add the AppPercySDK.screenshot(driver, name) method at required points in your test script.

Below sample browserstack.yml file shows how to set the percy, the projectName, and the percyCaptureMode parameters.

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app: [Your App URL]
  - platformName: android
    deviceName: Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
    platformVersion: 12.0
  - platformName: android
    deviceName: Google Pixel 7 Pro
    platformVersion: 13.0
  - platformName: android
    deviceName: OnePlus 9
    platformVersion: 11.0
parallelsPerPlatform: 1
browserstackLocal: true
buildName: browserstack-build-1
projectName: BrowserStack Sample
percy: true
percyCaptureMode: auto

Additonal configuration settings (Optional)

To manually capture screenshots alongside the auto mode, implement the following steps in your test script:

  1. Import the BrowserStack Percy SDK in your test script.
  2. Add the AppPercySDK.screenshot(driver, name) method at required points in your test script to get the screenshots you want.

Include the import statement and AppPercySDK.screenshot method in your associated c-sharp files, and add the corresponding keyword to the Specflow files.

Here’s an example:

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using BrowserStackSDK.Percy;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
namespace SpecFlowBrowserStack;
public class MyTest
    [Then(@"Take Percy Screenshot")]
    public void ThenIShouldSeeTitle()
        AppPercySDK.Screenshot(driver, "screenshot name");

Run your test script

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dotnet test --filter <EXPRESSION> [other_args]


You have successfully integrated App Percy with BrowserStack SDK and created your first build. To see the build with snapshots of your application, visit your project in Percy.

When you run another build with visual changes to your application, App Percy takes new screenshots. You can then see the comparisons between the two runs on the new build. You can access the App Percy dashboard directly from the App Automate dashboard.

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