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Build lifecycle

Explore the actions you can perform on builds and snapshots.

This page explains the actions you can perform on builds and snapshots, including creating, reviewing, approving, or discarding changes, enabling you to effectively manage builds and streamline your visual testing workflow.

Build actions

You can perform the following actions on an approved build if the build is approved and at least one snapshot is marked as approved.

  • Unapprove build – Revert the approval status of the build. This option is available when at least one snapshot is approved.
  • Reject build – Mark the build as rejected to prevent it from becoming the base build for future builds.
  • Delete build – Permanently remove the build and its associated snapshots.

Build actions for App Percy review screen

Snapshot actions

You can approve and unapprove snapshots:

  • Approve snapshot – Confirm the changes in the snapshot.
  • Unapprove snapshot – Revert the approval, marking the snapshot as unreviewed.

Unapproving the build automatically unapproves all the snapshots within that build.

For detailed information about the approval process, including how to review, approve, and manage snapshots, visit the Percy Approval workflow page.

Additional actions for Visual Git

For Visual Git, you have the following additional options:

  • Unmerge – Undo the merge action, setting the previous merged build as the baseline.
  • Unmerge and unapprove build – Unmerge the build and change its status to unapproved.
  • Unmerge snapshot – Undo the merge action, setting the previous merged snapshot as the baseline.

Build actions for Visual Git build

  • Unmerging sets the previously merged snapshot as the baseline.
  • If you approve the build and want to unapprove a snapshot, a confirmation modal appears.

For detailed information on managing baselines and performing actions with Git and Visual Git, refer to the following pages:

Build receiving State

You can perform the following actions when receiving a build:

  • Finalize to review – Mark the build as ready for review, making snapshots available for approval.
  • Fail build – Mark the build as failed, indicating that it did not pass the required checks.

Build receiving states for triggered builds

History panel

Click the history icon to view the snapshot history. You can filter snapshots by date and the following states:

  • All – Display all snapshots within the build.
  • Approved – Show snapshots that you approved.
  • Merged – Display snapshots that you merged into the baseline.
  • Unreviewed – List snapshots awaiting approval.
  • Changes requested – Show snapshots with requested changes.
  • Failed – Display snapshots that failed checks.
  • Auto-approved – Show snapshots automatically approved based on predefined rules.
  • Rejected – Display snapshots you marked as rejected.

Snapshot history filter options

In summary, managing your builds and snapshots helps you maintain accurate visual test baselines. Use the available actions and explore Git and Visual Git features to streamline your workflow.

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