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Integrate Your Test Suite with BrowserStack

BrowserStack CucumberJS SDK supports a plug-and-play integration. Run your entire test suite in parallel with a few steps!


  • An existing appium based automated test suite.
  • Node v16 installed on your machine.

Looking for a starter project? Get started with our CucumberJS sample project.

Integration steps

Complete the following steps to integrate your Cucumberjs test suite using BrowserStack SDK.

Set BrowserStack credentials

Saving your BrowserStack credentials as environment variables makes it simple to run your test suite from your local or CI environment.

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Copy icon Copy

Create your BrowserStack config file

Once you have installed the SDK, create a browserstack.yml config file at the root level of your project. This file holds all the required capabilities to run tests on BrowserStack.

Set app to be tested

The app property determines the app to be tested. You can upload an Android app (.apk or .aab file) or an iOS app (.ipa file) from your local filesystem.

Supported method Description
path(Recommended) SDK uploads the app using the specified relative or absolute path.
Eg: app: ./SampleApp.apk.

Check out how to create IPA files for iOS app testing on BrowserStack.


Set the path to your app. Or, if you have already uploaded your app, provide one of the other acceptable app property values here

Other acceptable app property values

You can use BrowserStack REST API to upload your app.

Following is a sample response that is generated when you upload an app using any of the mentioned methods:


The following table explains the other acceptable app property values:

Supported method Description
app_url Uploaded app’s app_url is a valid value for app property.
Eg: app: bs://45e1c1473b17b7643aed1761f51cb5cdf3d3e334
custom_id If you’ve defined a custom_id while uploading your app, the same value can be used as app property value.
Eg: app: CalculatorApp
shareable_id If you wish to test an app uploaded by someone else from your organization, a shareable_id can be used as the app property value.
Eg: app: exampleuser/CalculatorApp

Check out how to specify the application under test to understand the above options better.

Set platforms to test on

Set the devices you want to test under the platforms object.

Parallel thread #1
Parallel thread #2
Parallel thread #3

Do you want to dynamically configure platforms?

To dynamically configure platforms across different tests, you can comment out the platforms capability while still passing platform-specific capabilities.

Set number of parallel threads per platform

The parallelsPerPlatform property determines the number of parallel threads to be executed. BrowserStack’s SDK runner selects the best strategy based on the configured value.

Example 1: If you have configured 3 platforms and set parallelsPerPlatform as 2: a total of 6 (3 x 2) parallel threads are used on BrowserStack.

Example 2: If you have configured 1 platform and set parallelsPerPlatform as 15: a total of 15 (1 x 15) parallel threads are used on BrowserStack.

Do you want to perform cross-browser testing without test level parallelization?

Remove the parallelsPerPlatform capability from the configuration file.

Do you want to test parallelization without performing cross-browser testing?

Remove or comment out the platform capability while keeping the parallelsPerPlatform capability intact in the configuration file.

Do you want to skip cross-browser testing as well as parallelization?

Remove or comment out the platform and parallelsPerPlatform capabilities from the configuration file.

Enable BrowserStack Local

Test apps with local/staging API servers

Test apps locally with local/staging API servers

BrowserStack’s Local Testing feature connects with locally hosted API servers to run your apps

Learn more

BrowserStack Reporting

You can leverage BrowserStack’s extensive reporting features using the following capabilities:

Build Name

Set a name to your build (usually the same as the build ID that’s on your CI/CD platform).
Accepted characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., :, -, [], /, @, &, ', _. All other characters are ignored.
Character limit: 255

Project Name

Set a project name for your project

The projectName and buildName config must be static and not change across different runs of the same build. This is a deviation in approach as specified by BrowserStack Automate or App Automate as Test Observability will automatically identify different build runs.

Restrict the characters in your projectName and buildName to alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), underscores (_), colons (:), and hyphens (-). Any other character will be replaced with a space.

Use additional debugging features

By default, BrowserStack provides prettified session logs, screenshots on every failed selenium command, and a video of the entire test. Additionally, you can enable the following features:

Visual logs

Enables screenshots for every selenium command ran

Network logs

Enables network capture for the session in HAR format. Might reduce session performance slightly


Create browserstack.yml file

Copy the following code snippet and create browserstack.yml file in the root folder of your test suite.

You can also pass regular expressions (regex) in deviceName and platformVersion capabilities if your device selection is more flexible. Check out how to use regular expressions to specify device attributes.

Copy icon Copy

Use our Capability Generator to select from a comprehensive set of options you can use to customize your tests.

Run your test suite

Your test suite is now ready to run on BrowserStack. Execute the following command from the project’s root directory(android/ios) to run your test suite with BrowserStack.

Copy icon Copy

To find out the location of the BrowserStack SDK log files, refer to BrowserStack SDK Log Files. If you are looking for more information, see FAQ documentation.

After you run your test, visit the App Automate dashboard to view your test results.

Advanced features and use cases

Here’s a list of features and capabilities you may find useful.

Accept insecure certificates

The acceptInsecureCerts capability suppresses warning about self-signed certificates usually found in staging environments.

Capability Expected values
acceptInsecureCerts A boolean. Default is False.
True if you want to accept all SSL certificates.

Change device orientation

The deviceOrientation capability changes the default mobile screen orientation for your tests on BrowserStack infra.

  • If the parameter is set at the root level, its applicable to all the devices in the test.
  • If you wish to apply it to a specific device, set it at the platform level which has the device details.
Capability Description Expected values
deviceOrientation Set the orientation of your app before beginning your test A string. Default orientation is portrait.

Supported orientations:
portrait and landscape.

Simulate IP geolocation

The geoLocation capability lets you test your app across different countries.

Note that this capability is supported on the Enterprise plan only. You can contact sales to get an Enterprise plan for your account.

Capability Description Expected values
geoLocation Set the country code you want your test to detect A string. An ISO 2 country code

FR for France,
CN for China

Check out the complete list of 45+ countries we support.

Simulate network conditions

The networkProfile capability lets you test your app under different network conditions.

Capability Description Expected values
networkProfile Set the network profile to start the test with A string.

2g-gprs-good, 4g-lte-advanced-lossy


Following are a few additional links to documentation pages that might help with your test scenarios:


Here’s a list of troubleshooting options you may find useful.

Resigned Apps and Third-Party Library Integration Issues

  • Uploading an unsigned version of an Android app will require us to sign it with our certificates before installing it on our devices. In the same manner, any uploaded .aab files will be converted into a universal APK and signed with our certificates.

  • If BrowserStack resigns the apps, third-party library integrations such as Google Firebase services, Google Maps SDK, Facebook SDK, etc., may not function properly if the use of API keys is restricted based on the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint of the app’s signing key.

  • To prevent this issue, it’s recommended to sign the APK with your own certificates before uploading it to BrowserStack.

Disabling Re-Signing for iOS Apps

  • If you upload an iOS app, we will re-sign the app with our own provisioning profile to be able to install your app on our devices during test execution.
  • However, if your app is signed using the Apple Developer Enterprise Program, you can disable this behavior to test features such as push notifications on BrowserStack devices.
Capability Expected values
resignApp A boolean. To disable re-signing, set the capability to false in your Appium test scripts.

Next steps

Once you have successfully integrated your test suite with BrowserStack, you might want to check the following:

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