Set Appium version
BrowserStack supports multiple versions of Appium server including the latest releases. Use latest Appium versions to incorporate new features, enhancements, stability fixes into your tests executed on BrowserStack. If the Appium version is not explicitly specified, the default appium version is selected, depending on the OS and OS version.
Use the Appium version capability as shown in the following table and examples:
If you are using BrowserStack SDK, you can set the following capabilities in the browserstack.yml
Capability | Description | Values |
appiumVersion |
Set the Appium version in your test script |
Android: 1.15.0 , 1.16.0 , 1.17.0 , 1.18.0 , 1.19.1 , 1.20.2 , 1.21.0 , 1.22.0 , 2.0.1 , 2.4.1 , 2.6.0 , 2.12.1 iOS: 1.15.0 , 1.16.0 , 1.17.0 , 1.18.0 , 1.19.1 , 1.20.2 , 1.21.0 , 1.22.0 , 2.0.1 , 2.4.1 , 2.6.0 , 2.12.1 You can refer to our Appium Capability builder for more details. |
BrowserStack SDK is a plug-n-play solution that takes care of all the integration steps for you. Using the BrowserStack SDK is the recommended integration method for your project. To know more, visit the SDK core concepts page.
Capability | Description | Values |
appiumVersion |
Set the Appium version in your test script |
Android: 1.15.0 , 1.16.0 , 1.17.0 , 1.18.0 , 1.19.1 , 1.20.2 , 1.21.0 , 1.22.0 , 2.0.1 , 2.4.1 , 2.6.0 , 2.12.1 iOS: 1.15.0 , 1.16.0 , 1.17.0 , 1.18.0 , 1.19.1 , 1.20.2 , 1.21.0 , 1.22.0 , 2.0.1 , 2.4.1 , 2.6.0 , 2.12.1 You can refer to our Appium Capability builder for more details. |
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
HashMap<String, Object> browserstackOptions = new HashMap<String, Object>();
browserstackOptions.put("appiumVersion", "2.12.1");
capabilities.setCapability("bstack:options", browserstackOptions);
var capabilities = {
'bstack:options' : {
"appiumVersion" : "2.12.1",
AppiumOptions capabilities = new AppiumOptions();
Dictionary<string, object> browserstackOptions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
browserstackOptions.Add("appiumVersion", "2.12.1");
capabilities.AddAdditionalCapability("bstack:options", browserstackOptions);
$caps = array(
'bstack:options' => array(
"appiumVersion" => "2.12.1",
desired_cap = {
'bstack:options' : {
"appiumVersion" : "2.12.1",
capabilities = {
'bstack:options' => {
"appiumVersion" => "2.12.1",
Capability | Description | Values |
browserstack.appium_version |
Set the Appium version in your test script |
Android: 1.15.0 , 1.16.0 , 1.17.0 , 1.18.0 , 1.19.1 , 1.20.2 , 1.21.0 , 1.22.0 , 2.6.0 , 2.12.1 iOS: 1.7.0 , 1.15.0 , 1.16.0 , 1.17.0 , 1.18.0 , 1.19.1 , 1.20.2 , 1.21.0 , 1.22.0 , 2.6.0 , 2.12.1 You can refer to our Appium Capability builder for more details. |
DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
desiredCapabilities.setCapability("browserstack.appium_version", "2.12.1");
var capabilities = {
"browserstack.appium_version" : "2.12.1",
AppiumOptions capabilities = new AppiumOptions();
capabilities.AddAdditionalCapability("browserstack.appium_version", "2.12.1");
$caps = array(
"browserstack.appium_version" => "2.12.1"
desired_cap = {
"browserstack.appium_version" : "2.12.1"
caps =
caps["browserstack.appium_version"] = "2.12.1"
If you do not specify an Appium Version for your test, we automatically default to the version of Appium that is compatible with your selected OS and device combination. We keep on updating our default Appium versions to ensure stability of the tests for our users.
Appium 2.x versions
For each Appium version supported on BrowserStack App Automate, the driver versions are static and cannot be customized.
Appium Versions | Supported Driver Versions | Supported OS Versions |
2.12.1 |
appium - 2.12.1 XCUITest - 7.28.3 UIAutomator2 - 3.9.5 Flutter - 2.6.0 |
Android: 8 & above iOS: 15 & above |
2.6.0 |
appium - 2.6.0 XCUITest - 7.16.2 UIAutomator2 - 3.5.2 Flutter - 2.6.0 |
Android: 8 & above iOS: 15 & above |
2.4.1 |
appium - 2.4.1 XCUITest - 5.14.0 UIAutomator2 - 2.42.1 Flutter - 2.3.0 |
Android: 8 & above iOS: 15 & above |
2.0.1 |
appium - 2.0.1 XCUITest - 4.32.23 UIAutomator2 - 2.29.2 Flutter - 1.18.1 |
Android: 8 & above iOS: 14 & above |
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