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Percy Action options

Explore the available actions in Percy to customize your visual testing workflow.

Percy is a visual testing and review platform that lets you run tests using either the BrowserStack SDK or the Percy SDK. You can create a Percy Web or a Percy with Automate project. and customize your workflow with available actions.

Under the Project settings > Actions in Percy, you have the following options:

  • Change project type for browser management

  • Move a project to a different team
  • Archive

Use the Actions options to organize your projects

These options help you organize and manage projects efficiently within Percy to suit your team’s needs.

Project type for browser management

Follow these steps to change a Percy Web Project type to an Automate Project type, or vice versa. Select Percy to manage browsers with Percy, or choose Automate to manage browsers with Automate capabilities. This action creates a new project and permanently deletes all existing builds in the original project.

  1. Go to Project settings > Actions.
  2. Under the Project type for browser management option, toggle between Percy or Automate as applicable.
  3. Enter the same project name and click Confirm.

You will receive a notification on the same Project Settings page once the changes are complete.

Move a project to a different team

Enter or select the team name in the text field, then click Move project to transfer the project to another team.


Click Archive project to archive a project. This action is reversible.

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