Selenium with Ruby
BrowserStack gives you instant access to our Selenium Grid of 3000+ real devices and desktop browsers. Running your Selenium tests with Ruby on BrowserStack is simple.
Run a sample Build
Here’s how you can run a sample Ruby test build in three simple steps on BrowserStack:
Sample test scripts are available in the ruby-browserstack repository.
The sample test script in this section is compatible with W3C-based client bindings. Check out our JSON wire protocol-based scripts in the selenium-3 branch of the repository.
Set up the dependencies
Before you can start running your Selenium tests with Ruby, you need to have the required gems installed. Run the adjacent command on your terminal/command prompt to install the selenium-webdriver
gem install selenium-webdriver -v 4.1.0
Configure test script
In order to test, you will need to configure a few parameters in the sample repo.
Configure the browser or device combinations
Select desktop browsers or real devices from a list of 3000+ available combinations. You can see the selected device combination in the below code snippet as capabilities:
Copy the code
Copy the following code snippet and save it in your machine. In the next step, we will run this script which will execute your first build on BrowserStack.
The following sample test case opens the
website, adds a product to the cart, and verifies whether the product is added to the cart.
require 'rubygems'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
def run_session(bstack_options)
options = Selenium::WebDriver::Options.send "chrome"
options.browser_name = bstack_options["browserName"].downcase
options.add_option('bstack:options', bstack_options)
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote,
:url => "https://#{USER_NAME}:#{ACCESS_KEY}",
:capabilities => options)
# opening the website ""
wait = => 10) # seconds
wait.until { !driver.title.match(/StackDemo/i).nil? }
# getting name of the product available on the webpage
product = driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*[@id="1"]/p')
wait.until { product.displayed? }
product_text = product.text
# waiting until the Add to Cart button is displayed on webpage and then clicking it
cart_btn = driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*[@id="1"]/div[4]')
wait.until { cart_btn.displayed? }
# waiting until the Cart pane appears
wait.until { driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*[@id="__next"]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/p[1]').displayed? }
# getting name of the product in the cart
product_in_cart = driver.find_element(:xpath, '//*[@id="__next"]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div[3]/p[1]')
wait.until { product_in_cart.displayed? }
product_in_cart_text = product_in_cart.text
# checking if the product has been added to the cart
if product_text.eql? product_in_cart_text
# marking test as 'passed' if the product is successfully added to the cart
driver.execute_script('browserstack_executor: {"action": "setSessionStatus", "arguments": {"status":"passed", "reason": "Product has been successfully added to the cart!"}}')
# marking test as 'failed' if the product is not added to the cart
driver.execute_script('browserstack_executor: {"action": "setSessionStatus", "arguments": {"status":"failed", "reason": "Failed to add product to the cart"}}')
# marking test as 'failed' if test script is unable to open the website
driver.execute_script('browserstack_executor: {"action": "setSessionStatus", "arguments": {"status":"failed", "reason": "Some elements failed to load"}}')
BUILD_NAME = "browserstack-build-1"
caps = [{
"os" => "Windows",
"osVersion" => "10",
"browserName" => "Chrome",
"browserVersion" => "120.0",
"buildName" => BUILD_NAME,
"sessionName" => "Ruby thread 1"
"os" => "OS X",
"osVersion" => "Monterey",
"browserName" => "Safari",
"browserVersion" => "15.6",
"buildName" => BUILD_NAME,
"sessionName" => "Ruby thread 2"
"deviceName" => "iPhone 13",
"osVersion" => "15",
"browserName" => "Chromium",
"deviceOrientation" => "portrait",
"buildName" => BUILD_NAME,
"sessionName" => "Ruby thread 3"
t1 ={ run_session(caps[0]) }
t2 ={ run_session(caps[1]) }
t3 ={ run_session(caps[2]) }
Execute build on BrowserStack
You are now ready to run your build on BrowserStack. From the root directory of this project, run the following command.
ruby parallel.rb
Facing issues? View commonly occurring errors
Check the regular culprits
Check if the file is saved correctly and you’ve installed the required packages & libraries installed to run the test. In most cases, searching on Google is helpful.
Authentication errors
If you are facing any authentication errors, you might have not passed or passed incorrect credentials. You can find your Username and Access Key on the Account Settings page. Try running the test again and it should solve your issue!
Behind a proxy?
You might face some connection issues if you are behind a proxy as your network may be blocking traffic to Just whitelist traffic to *
and you’re all set. If you have a complex network setup, just reach out to our Support team and they’ll work with you to get this working.
Next steps
After you have successfully run your first test on BrowserStack, try integrating your test suite with BrowserStack
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