Test on Internal Networks
BrowserStack allows you to test your apps hosted on local/internal development API servers through its Local Testing feature. This feature creates a secure connection between your device and the BrowserStack cloud, enabling all types of URLs, including HTTPS URLs and those blocked by a firewall or proxy, to function seamlessly.
Before configuring your WebdriverIO tests for Local Testing, go through Integrate your test suites with BrowserStack.
Configure local testing
The @wdio/browserstack-service
plugin provides support to manage the BrowserStack Tunnel out of the box. You just need to set browserstackLocal: true
to activate this feature.
Step 1: Set browserstackLocal: true
in your configuration file as shown below. If you’re using our sample repo for testing, test.conf.js
file located in the /examples/run-sample-test
folder of your preferred project(android/ios) has to be altered.
export.config = {
services: [
['browserstack', {
browserstackLocal: true
Step 2: Trigger your existing build command to run your WebdriverIO tests with BrowserStack Local.
Verify local connection
You can use the following sample test case to verify whether your Local test connection has been setup correctly:
If you are using your own app, modify the following code as per your test case:
var path = require('path');
var assert = require('assert');
describe('BrowserStack Local Testing', () => {
it('can check tunnel working', async () => {
var searchSelector =
await $('android=new UiSelector().resourceId(
await searchSelector.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 30000 });
await searchSelector.click();
var insertTextSelector = await $(`android.widget.TextView`);
await insertTextSelector.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 30000 });
var testElement = null;
try {
var textElement =
await $('android=new UiSelector().textContains("active connection is")');
await textElement.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 30000 });
testElement = textElement;
catch {
var screenshotPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'screenshot.png');
await browser.saveScreenshot(screenshotPath);
console.log('Screenshot stored at ' + screenshotPath);
throw new Error('Cannot find the needed TextView element from app');
var matchedString = await testElement.getText();
assert(matchedString.indexOf('The active connection is wifi') !== -1);
assert(matchedString.indexOf('Up and running') !== -1);
If you are using your own app, modify the following code as per your test case:
var path = require('path');
var assert = require('assert');
describe('BrowserStack Local Testing', () => {
it('can check tunnel working', async () => {
var searchSelector = await $(`~Test BrowserStackLocal connection`);
await searchSelector.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 30000 });
await searchSelector.click();
var textElements = await $(`~ResultBrowserStackLocal`);
await textElements.waitForDisplayed({ timeout: 30000 });
var testElement = null;
var textContent = await textElements.getText();
if (textContent.indexOf('Up and running') !== -1) {
testElement = textElements;
if (testElement === null) {
var screenshotPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'screenshot.png');
await browser.saveScreenshot(screenshotPath);
console.log('Screenshot stored at ' + screenshotPath);
throw new Error('Cannot find the Up and running response');
var matchedString = await testElement.getText();
assert(matchedString == 'Response is: Up and running');
After you run your test, visit the App Automate dashboard to view your test results.
Next steps
Once you have successfully executed local testing with BrowserStack, you might want to check the following:
- Generate a list of capabilities that you want to use in tests
- Find information about your Projects, Builds and Sessions using our REST APIs
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