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Website scanner reports

A visual representation along with a detailed summary of a website scan run.

After a website scan run is complete, you can view a report that contains a detailed summary of the scan. You can view this report in the Website scanner section on the Accessibility Testing Dashboard.

To view a website scan report, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Accessibility Testing Dashboard.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Website scanner. The Website scanner page lists all the website scan reports. It has the following columns:
    • Scan summary: Shows the name of the website scan, the user who ran it, the number of pages scanned, and the time when the scan was run.
    • Scan frequency: Shows whether the scan is on-demand (single scan run) or recurring (has a defined run schedule).
    • Latest run: Shows the number of identified issues in the latest scan run.
    • Run stability: Displays the number of pages where the scan was successful, failed, or redirected.
    • Clone scan configuration: An option to create a new scan using the configurations of an existing scan.
  3. Click the report that you want to view. You can search for the report by the scan name.
  4. Click the link under Accessibility Summary of the scan run you want to view.
  5. On the report page that you open, you can view the following tabs:
    • Summary: A set of charts that summarizes the accessibility issues, which include a breakdown of issues by category, severity, affected components, and affected pages.
    • All issues: Shows the individual errors ordered by type or WCAG guidelines.
  6. To share the report, click Share link.
    A two-tab window appears.
    Links to share a report
    To share the report internally with users who have a BrowserStack account, click Copy link on the Share report tab, and share the link as appropriate.
    To share the report externally with users who do not have a BrowserStack account, enable public link on the Share via public link tab.

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