Set up local testing
Set up your internally hosted web pages for running accessibility or visual scans
The Local Testing feature of Website Scanner enables you to scan your web content for accessibility issues or visual differences before the content goes public. Catch and fix issues in your web pages while they are still in a development, staging, or other lower environment. This feature helps you eliminate the costs involved in making retroactive fixes and ensure that your public content is truly accessible and is devoid of visual differences.
To learn about Local Testing with BrowserStack, see Test localhost and staging websites.
To use Website Scanner on a locally hosted page:
- Set up a local testing connection with BrowserStack.
- Add the local testing setup to your website scan configuration.
Set up a local testing connection
Download the Local Binary. It’s a zip file.
Unzip the Local Binary to $HOME/.browserstack
, which is the location we recommend.
The following command unzips the Local Binary on macOS:
Set the Local Binary path as an environment variable.
For example, the following sets the environment variable on macOS:
Start a local testing connection:
Add local testing setup
Adding local testing setup is part of the tasks you perform to schedule a website scan.
In the Set up a website scan window:
Click Add next to Local testing.
If you are a Central Local Testing user, a message indicating so is shown. Then, continue setting up your website scan.
If you are not a Central Local Testing user, the Select a binary to set up local testing connection window appears that shows the list of local binaries you can select from.
If you do not have any binaries installed, the No binaries detected message appears. You must have at least one binary installed.
Select the appropriate binary and click Confirm. Your local binary details are shown on the Setup a website scan window.
Then, continue setting up your website scan.
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