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Integrate Github Actions with Quality Engineering Insights

Integrate your Github Actions CI pipeline with BrowserStack Quality Engineering Insights and view insights on different pipelines and jobs configured in Github Actions.

Connect to Github Actions using Github PAT

You can configure the integration using a Github Personal Access Token (PAT).

Create a Github Personal Access Token (PAT)

  1. Follow this Github guide to create a personal access token within your GitHub user account.
  2. Grant the following permissions to the token so that BrowserStack Quality Engineering Insights can collect data to generate insights:
    • repo
    • workflow
    • admin:repo_hook
    • user
    • project

Grant access for tokens

  • Set an expiration date far in the future, or ideally, no expiration date at all. If a GitHub token expires, there may be data inconsistencies during the period between the token’s expiration and the issuance of a new one.

Connect to Github Actions

  • Step 1: Click the Connect button on the Github Actions tile on the Integrations page.
  • Step 2: Enter the PAT created in previous section and click the Continue button.

Connect GitHub using access token

  • Step 3: Select organizations and repositories to import to BrowserStack Quality Engineering Insights. All of the workflows of the selected repositories would be imported on Quality Engineering Insights.
  • Step 4: Click the View Insights button to start viewing rich insights from your Github Actions pipelines on Quality Engineering Insights.

Select organization and repos

Set up Automation metrics

BrowserStack Quality Engineering Insights provides insights into various CI/CD Automation metrics such as job frequency, stability, build flakiness and many more.

Configure Job Type for different jobs

From the Automation tab on the Settings page, you can configure the job type for all the jobs (Github Actions workflows) fetched from your Github Actions setup.
You can tag your jobs according to testing type, such as Regression, Functional, Deployments, Sanity etc. All jobs labeled with job types other than ‘Deployments’ will be considered Testing jobs and will be used to populate Testing-related insights. Jobs labeled ‘Deployments’ will be considered Deployment jobs and will be used to populate Deployment-related insights. The following metrics will start getting computed upon the configuration of job types:

  • Job Stability
  • Total Jobs Configured
  • Job Frequency
  • Build Duration

Configure job type

Store test output as workflow artifacts

BrowserStack Quality Engineering Insights cannot track tests related metrics such as Build Stability, Total Automated Tests, Build Flakiness unless you store the test output artifacts on Github. Github provides the upload-artifact action to upload your artifacts before a job ends. Add the following steps to your workflows:

- name: Store test results
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
  if: always()
    name: <name of the artifact>
    path: <path of the artifact>

  • Make sure to add these steps in all the workflows that you want to track on Quality Engineering Insights to ensure you are getting complete insights on the metrics mentioned under this section.


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