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Test localhost and staging websites that are not publicly accessible

BrowserStack can integrate with test suites pointing to your localhost URL, staging environment, and even websites behind one or more proxies/firewalls. This is done using BrowserStack Local - a tunneling feature that establishes a secure connection between your machine and the BrowserStack Cloud.


BrowserStack Username and Access key. You can find this in your account settings. If you have not created an account yet, you can sign up for a Free Trial or purchase a plan.

Check BrowserStack Local connectivity

Run this sample test to check if BrowserStack Local is working as expected and can connect to BrowserStack servers.

Clone sample git repository

Clone the sample MSTest-playwright-browserstack repository using the following command:

Copy icon Copy

Set BrowserStack credentials

Set userName and accessKey in the browserstack.yml config file. Skip this step if you have already set credentials as environment variables.

Copy icon Copy

Configuring BrowserStack Local

Ensure that the browserstackLocal parameter is set to true in your browserstack.yml config file.

Copy icon Copy

Execute build on BrowserStack

From the csharp directory of this project, run the following command:

Copy icon Copy

View test results

View your tests on the BrowserStack Automate dashboard. To learn more about the dashboard, check the view test results document.

If the status check fails, refer to the sections below for additional configuration that may be needed.

Advanced use-cases and troubleshooting

For restricted networks and troubleshooting, refer the following articles:

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