Set debugging options
On BrowserStack App Automate, you can debug and fix your failed XCUI tests using video recording and a variety of logs. While executing your XCUI tests, you can configure the debugging options that need to be enabled.
Instrumentation logs
Instrumentation logs are a comprehensive record of your XCUI test executions. They are used to identify all the steps executed in the test and troubleshoot errors for any failed steps. Instrumentation logs are accessible both from the App Automate dashboard, as well as using our REST API.
Instrumentation logs are enabled by default, and cannot be disabled.
Network logs
Network logs capture performance data such as network traffic, latency, HTTP requests and responses in the HAR (HTTP Archive) format. You can download network logs using both the App Automate dashboard, as well as using our REST API. You can visualize HAR files using a HAR Viewer.
Network Logs are disabled by default. To enable network logs, you need to pass the networkLogs
parameter in the REST API request to start XCUI test execution.
-X POST "" \
-d '{"networkLogs": "true", "devices": ["iPhone 8 Plus-11"], "app": "bs://f5L3azt9pLzE995f49376eb1fa3c284dc321f8d", "testSuite": "bs://6eb1fa3c284ddbe9971b2d1aee0d52943b9c081"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Device logs
Device logs are system logs specific to your application generated by iOS. They can help you access your application logs and are especially helpful if the application under test crashes during test execution.
Device logs are disabled by default. To enable device logs, you need to pass the deviceLogs
parameter in the REST API request to start XCUI test execution. An example cURL
request to enable device logs is shown below :
-X POST "" \
-d '{"deviceLogs": "true", "devices": ["iPhone 8 Plus-11"], "app": "bs://f5L3azt9pLzE995f49376eb1fa3c284dc321f8d", "testSuite": "bs://6eb1fa3c284ddbe9971b2d1aee0d52943b9c081"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Visual logs
You can capture screenshots for your XCUI tests to find the exact step and the app screen where the failure occurred. They also help identify any layout or design-related issues in your application.
To enable the capture of visual logs, you need to pass the debugscreenshots
parameter in the REST API request to start XCUI test execution to save the screenshots automatically captured by XCode.
-X POST "" \
-d '{"debugscreenshots": "true", "devices": ["iPhone 8 Plus-11"], "app": "bs://f5L3azt9pLzE995f49376eb1fa3c284dc321f8d", "testSuite": "bs://6eb1fa3c284ddbe9971b2d1aee0d52943b9c081"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Video recording
Every test executed on the BrowserStack is recorded. This feature is particularly helpful whenever a test fails - it helps you see the test in action. You can access these videos from the App Automate dashboard for each test. You can also download the videos from the dashboard or retrieve a link to download the video using our REST API.
Video logs are enabled by default. Note that video recording slightly increases the text execution time. To disable video recording, you need to set the video
parameter to false in the REST API request to start XCUI test execution.
-X POST "" \
-d '{"video": "false", "devices": ["iPhone 8 Plus-11"], "app": "bs://f5L3azt9pLzE995f49376eb1fa3c284dc321f8d", "testSuite": "bs://6eb1fa3c284ddbe9971b2d1aee0d52943b9c081"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Related topics
Manage your uploaded app or test suite using our upload app REST API and upload test suite REST API.
Use the get app API endpoint and list test suites API endpoint to list your recently uploaded apps and test suites.
Delete your uploaded app or test suite using the delete app API endpoint and delete test suite API endpoint.
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