Appium Espresso driver
Learn how to run the Appium Espresso driver sessions on BrowserStack App Automate.
Appium Espresso driver is a test automation server for Android that uses Espresso as the underlying test technology.
In this guide, you’ll learn about:
- Ensure that you have installed Appium Espresso driver (v2.7.0) on your system.
- Ensure that you have a local Android real device (OS v7.0+).
- Ensure that you have access to BrowserStack account credentials, namely Access Key and Username.
Installing and configuring the Appium Espresso driver
Follow these steps to install and configure the Appium Espresso driver:
Step 1: Clone the Appium repository
- Run the following commands in your terminal/command-line to clone the Appium repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone -b releases/1.22 cd appium
- Replace the content in the
file of the cloned repository with the following content."appium-espresso-driver": "2.7.0",
- In your terminal/command-line, run the following command.
npm install
Step 2: Run local Appium Session
After you’ve cloned the repository, complete the following steps to run an appium session locally by connecting the local android device:
- In the cloned repository, run the following command:
node build/lib/main.js --log-timestamp # Running Appium Server
- Run the following Appium Script in your editor.
require 'json' require 'rubygems' require 'appium_lib' desired_caps = { 'build': 'Ruby Appium Sample', 'deviceName': '<local device name>', 'platformVersion': '<local device os>', 'platformName': 'android', 'app': '/path/to/app', 'automationName': 'Espresso', 'showGradleLog': true, 'forceEspressoRebuild': true, 'espressoBuildConfig': { } } appium_driver ={ 'caps' => desired_caps, 'appium_lib' => { :server_url => "https://localhost:4723/wd/hub" }}, true) driver = appium_driver.start_driver sleep 60 driver.quit
- After running the above script, capture the logline from the Appium Logs. A sample logline is as follows:
Copying built apk from '/var/folders/22/9dxnk2js3274f0l_64mmd8bw0000gn /T/espresso-server-RZ8R704ZZCY/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug /app-debug-androidTest.apk' to '/var/folders/22 /9dxnk2js3274f0l_64mmd8bw0000gn/T/io.appium.espressoserver.test_2.7.0 _com.example.jetpackcomposeplayground_RZ8R704ZZCY.apk'
- Copy the APK at
path1 / path2
to the destination directory(DESTINATION_APK)
and upload the APK atDESTINATION_APK
to BrowserStack using the following endpoint:curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \ -X POST " server" \ -F "file=@<DESTINATION_APK>" -F 'custom_id="<OPTIONAL_CUSTOM_ID>"'
- Copy the
from the response of curl request in Step 4. - Refer to the guide to upload your main app and use it under the
capability. - Run the Appium script using the following capabilities.
caps = { ... 'automationName': 'Espresso', 'bstack:options': { ... 'espressoServer': "<espresso_server_url>" ... } ... }
Common Issues
Whenever the Appium script in Step 2 (in the Step 2: Run local Appium Session) fails, error loglines are displayed in the Appium server logs (Step 2). In most cases, it could be dependency issues between the main app and the Espresso server app.
You can refer to other common issues here.
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