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Test Cases

Test Cases are essential in verifying specific features or functionality in the software testing process. Our REST API provides comprehensive endpoints for handling test cases. With this endpoint, you can access the list of test cases in a project based on specific attributes.

Get the list of test cases

GET /api/v2/projects/{project_id}/test-cases

Invoking this API will fetch the list of test cases in a project. You will need the id of the project to access its list of test cases.

This list is paginated; for more information, refer Pagination.

Request Parameters


  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


  "success": true,
  "test_cases": [
      "case_type": "Accessibility",
      "priority": "Low",
      "status": "Active",
      "folder_id": 19590,
      "issues": ["TASK-309"],
      "tags": [
      "template": "test_case_steps",
      "description": "test case description of verify location access.",
      "preconditions": "<p>a valid pre-condition text.</p>",
      "title": "verify location access",
      "identifier": "TC-16667",
      "automation_status": "not_automated",
      "owner": "",
      "attachments": [
          "size": "200 KB",
          "name": "3.jpg",
          "content_type": "image/jpeg",
          "url": ""
      "steps": [
          "step": "Launch the App",
          "result": "Open the Android app on the device or emulator."
          "step": "Identify Location Feature",
          "result": "Locate the feature or functionality within the app that requires location access (e.g., map view, search by location)."
          "step": "Trigger Location Permission Request",
          "result": "Verify the system permission request dialog appears for location access."
          "step": "Select Permission Option",
          "result": "Choose the desired permission option (e.g., Allow All the Time, Allow While Using the App, Deny)."
      "custom_fields": [
          "name": "estimate",
          "value": "t1"
          "name": "Automation Type",
          "value": "Automation not required "
          "name": "String-check",
          "value": "test the login"
      "case_type": "Accessibility",
      "priority": "Low",
      "status": "Active",
      "folder_id": 19590,
      "issues": [],
      "tags": [
      "template": "test_case_text",
      "description": "",
      "preconditions": "a valid pre-condition text.",
      "title": "Verify Login Functionality",
      "identifier": "TC-1046",
      "automation_status": "not_automated",
      "owner": null,
      "attachments": [],
      "steps": [],
      "custom_fields": []
  "info": {
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 30,
    "count": 2,
    "prev": null,
    "next": null
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

  • test_cases Array

    This list has information about a specific test case.

    • case_type String

      Type of the test case.

    • priority String

      Proprity of the test case.

    • status String

      Indicates the status of the test case.

    • folder_id Integer

      ID of the test case folder.

    • issues Array

      List of the linked Jira, Asana or Azure issues.

    • tags Array

      Tags linked to the test case.

  • template String

    Type of test case template, either text or step template.

  • description String

    Brief information about the test case.

  • preconditions String

    Any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • title String

    Name of the test case.

  • identifier String

    Unique test case identifier.

  • automation_status String

    Indicates if test case is automated or not.

  • owner String

    Email of the test run owner.

  • attachments Array

    Any attachments in the test case.

  • steps Array

    A set of step combinations and their corresponding results, which are outlined in a step template.

  • custom_fields String

    The user defines the custom field with field names and their corresponding values.

  • info String

    Additional pagination information.

    • page Integer

      The current page being viewed displays a list of test cases.

    • page_size Integer

      Number of test cases in the page.

    • count Integer

      Total number of records across all pages.

    • prev Integer

      Previous page number.

    • next Integer

      Next page number.

Get the list of test cases based on specific test case IDs

GET /api/v2/projects/{project_id}/test-cases?id={test_case_id}

Invoking this API will fetch the list of test cases based on specific test case IDs in a project. You will need the id of the project to access and id of test cases.

Request Parameters


  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

  • test_case_id* String

    Identifier of the test case, used as a query parameter.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


  "success": true,
  "test_cases": [
      "case_type": "Accessibility",
      "priority": "Low",
      "status": "Active",
      "folder_id": 19590,
      "issues": ["TASK-309"],
      "tags": [
      "template": "test_case_steps",
      "description": "test case description of verify location access.",
      "preconditions": "<p>a valid pre-condition text.</p>",
      "title": "verify location access",
      "identifier": "TC-16667",
      "automation_status": "not_automated",
      "owner": "",
      "attachments": [
          "size": "200 KB",
          "name": "3.jpg",
          "content_type": "image/jpeg",
          "url": ""
      "steps": [
          "step": "Launch the App",
          "result": "Open the Android app on the device or emulator."
          "step": "Identify Location Feature",
          "result": "Locate the feature or functionality within the app that requires location access (e.g., map view, search by location)."
          "step": "Trigger Location Permission Request",
          "result": "Verify the system permission request dialog appears for location access."
          "step": "Select Permission Option",
          "result": "Choose the desired permission option (e.g., Allow All the Time, Allow While Using the App, Deny)."
      "custom_fields": [
          "name": "estimate",
          "value": "t1"
          "name": "Automation Type",
          "value": "Automation not required "
          "name": "String-check",
          "value": "test the login"
      "case_type": "Accessibility",
      "priority": "Low",
      "status": "Active",
      "folder_id": 19590,
      "issues": [],
      "tags": [
      "template": "test_case_text",
      "description": "",
      "preconditions": "a valid pre-condition text.",
      "title": "Verify Login Functionality",
      "identifier": "TC-1046",
      "automation_status": "not_automated",
      "owner": null,
      "attachments": [],
      "steps": [],
      "custom_fields": []
  "info": {
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 30,
    "count": 2,
    "prev": null,
    "next": null
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

  • test_cases Array

    This list has information about a specific test case.

    • case_type String

      Type of the test case.

    • priority String

      Proprity of the test case.

    • status String

      Indicates the status of the test case.

    • folder_id Integer

      ID of the test case folder.

    • issues Array

      List of the linked Jira, Asana or Azure issues.

    • tags Array

      Tags linked to the test case.

  • template String

    Type of test case template, either text or step template.

  • description String

    Brief information about the test case.

  • preconditions String

    Any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • title String

    Name of the test case.

  • identifier String

    Unique test case identifier.

  • automation_status String

    Indicates if test case is automated or not.

  • owner String

    Email of the test run owner.

  • attachments Array

    Any attachments in the test case.

  • steps Array

    A set of step combinations and their corresponding results, which are outlined in a step template.

  • custom_fields String

    The user defines the custom field with field names and their corresponding values.

  • info String

    Additional pagination information.

    • page Integer

      The current page being viewed displays a list of test cases.

    • page_size Integer

      Number of test cases in the page.

    • count Integer

      Total number of records across all pages.

    • prev Integer

      Previous page number.

    • next Integer

      Next page number.

Get the list of test cases based on specific attributes

GET /api/v2/projects/{project_id}/test-cases?custom_fields[estimate]=test&custom_fields[automation type]=automated,test&case_type=functional&priority=medium&status=draft&folder_id=19590&p=2

Invoking this API will fetch the list of test cases based on specific attributes. You will need the id of the project and based on specific attributes associated with test cases.

When requesting a list of test cases using the REST API, you can apply filters to get only the ones you want. Attributes-based filtering allows for selecting test cases by matching one or more attribute values passed as query parameters. The following table lists the available attributes.

Field API query name Example query
identifier id id=TC-16667,TC-1046
status status status=active,draft
priority priority priority=high,low
owner owner
type case_type case_type=regression,smoke
custom fields custom_fields custom_fields[test]=a1,a2&custom_fields[estimate]=10,20
folder folder_id folder_id=10,11
tags tags tags=test,regression
page p p=2

When you provide multiple values for the same query parameter, any one value must match the specified attributes. This means that an OR operator is applied within the query parameter. On the other hand, if you include multiple attribute values across different parameters, an AND operator is used across these different parameters. This requires all conditions to be met for a match.

Request Parameters


curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \[estimate]=test&custom_fields[automation type]=automated,test&case_type=functional&priority=medium&status=draft&folder_id=19590&p=2
  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


  "success": true,
  "test_cases": [
      "case_type": "Accessibility",
      "priority": "Low",
      "status": "Active",~
      "folder_id": 19590,
      "issues": ["TASK-309"],
      "tags": [
      "template": "test_case_steps",
      "description": "test case description of verify location access.",
      "preconditions": "<p>a valid pre-condition text.</p>",
      "title": "verify location access",
      "identifier": "TC-16667",
      "automation_status": "not_automated",
      "owner": "",
      "attachments": [
          "size": "200 KB",
          "name": "3.jpg",
          "content_type": "image/jpeg",
          "url": ""
      "steps": [
          "step": "Launch the App",
          "result": "Open the Android app on the device or emulator."
          "step": "Identify Location Feature",
          "result": "Locate the feature or functionality within the app that requires location access (e.g., map view, search by location)."
          "step": "Trigger Location Permission Request",
          "result": "Verify the system permission request dialog appears for location access."
          "step": "Select Permission Option",
          "result": "Choose the desired permission option (e.g., Allow All the Time, Allow While Using the App, Deny)."
      "custom_fields": [
          "name": "estimate",
          "value": "t1"
          "name": "Automation Type",
          "value": "Automation not required "
          "name": "String-check",
          "value": "test the login"
      "case_type": "Accessibility",
      "priority": "Low",
      "status": "Active",
      "folder_id": 19590,
      "issues": [],
      "tags": [
      "template": "test_case_text",
      "description": "",
      "preconditions": "a valid pre-condition text.",
      "title": "Verify Login Functionality",
      "identifier": "TC-1046",
      "automation_status": "not_automated",
      "owner": null,
      "attachments": [],
      "steps": [],
      "custom_fields": []
  "info": {
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 30,
    "count": 2,
    "prev": null,
    "next": null
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

  • test_cases Array

    This list has information about a specific test case.

    • case_type String

      Type of the test case.

    • priority String

      Proprity of the test case.

    • status String

      Indicates the status of the test case.

    • folder_id Integer

      ID of the test case folder.

    • issues Array

      List of the linked Jira, Asana or Azure issues.

    • tags Array

      Tags linked to the test case.

  • template String

    Type of test case template, either text or step template.

  • description String

    Brief information about the test case.

  • preconditions String

    Any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • title String

    Name of the test case.

  • identifier String

    Unique test case identifier.

  • automation_status String

    Indicates if test case is automated or not.

  • owner String

    Email of the test run owner.

  • attachments Array

    Any attachments in the test case.

  • steps Array

    A set of step combinations and their corresponding results, which are outlined in a step template.

  • custom_fields String

    The user defines the custom field with field names and their corresponding values.

  • info String

    Additional pagination information.

    • page Integer

      The current page being viewed displays a list of test cases.

    • page_size Integer

      Number of test cases in the page.

    • count Integer

      Total number of records across all pages.

    • prev Integer

      Previous page number.

    • next Integer

      Next page number.

Create a test case

POST /api/v2/projects/{project_identifier}/folders/{folder_id}/test-cases

Invoking this API will create test cases programmatically, providing flexibility and automation in managing your test cycles. To create a test case, you will need the id of the project and id of the folder in which the test case should be created.

Request Parameters


-X POST{project_identifier}/folders/{folder_id}/test-cases
  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

  • folder_id* String

    Identifier of the folder.

Request Body

Request Body

  "test_case": {
    "name": "verify submit button",
    "description": "Ensure that the submit button on the form submits the form data correctly and redirects to the expected page or displays the expected result.",
    "owner": "",
    "preconditions": "<p>a valid pre-condition text.</p>",
    "test_case_steps": [
        "step": "Navigate to the form page",
        "result": "The form page loads successfully"
    "issues": [
    "issue_tracker": {
      "name": "jira",
      "host": ""
    "tags": [
    "custom_fields": {
      "string custom": "sample_value_1",
      "date custom": "07/04/1988",
      "dropdown custom": "abc",
      "url custom": ""
  • name* String

    Name of the test case.

  • description String

    Brief information about the test case.

  • owner String

    Email of the test case owner.

  • preconditions String

    Any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • test_case_steps Array

    List of applicable test case steps, where each step is a combination of the step and its result.

  • issues Array

    List of the linked Jira, Asana or Azure issues.

  • issue_tracker Object

    Ensures that issue IDs are correctly associated with their respective issue tracking tool, facilitating accurate linking and management.

    • name String

      ​Specifies the issue tracking system to integrate with. For example, use jira for Jira, azure for Azure DevOps, or asana for Asana.​

    • host String

      The base URL of your issue tracking system. For Jira Cloud instances, this typically follows the format

  • tags Array

    Descriptive labels or keywords linked to the test cases.

  • custom_fields Object

    The user-defined custom field with field names and their corresponding values.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


  "data": {
    "success": true,
      "test_case": {
        "case_type": "Other",
        "priority": "Medium",
        "status": "Active",
        "folder_id": 23806,
        "issues": [
             "jira_id": "Tm-443",
             "issue_type": "jira"
             "jira_id": "TM-7565",
             "issue_type": "jira"
         "tags": [
         "template": "test_case_steps",
           "description": "Ensure that the submit button on the form submits the form data correctly and redirects to the expected page or displays the expected result.",
           "preconditions": "<p>a valid pre-condition text.</p>",
           "title":"verify submit button",
           "identifier": "TC-6655",
           "automation_status": "not_automated",
           "owner": "",
           "steps": [
              "step": "Navigate to the form page.",
              "result": "The form page loads successfully".
              "step": "Click on the submit button.",
              "result": "The form data is submitted and a loading indicator (if any) is displayed".
            "custom_fields": [
                 "name": "string_custom",
                 "value": "built_in"
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

  • case_type String

    Specifies the type of test case.

  • priority String

    Indicates the priority level of the test case.

  • status String

    Provides the current status of the test case.

  • folder_id String

    Identifier of the Folder.

  • issues Array

    List of the linked Jira, Asana or Azure issues.

  • template String

    Defines the template type used in the API call. It can either be ‘steps’ for step-by-step templates or ‘text’ for textual templates.

  • description String

    Brief information about the test case.

  • preconditions String

    Any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • title String

    Name of the test case.

  • identifier String

    Identifier of the test case.

  • automation_status String

    Status of the automation process, which should be one of the following values “automated”, “not_automated”, “cannot_be_automated”, “obsolete”, or “automation_not_required”.

  • owner String

    Email of the test case owner.

  • steps Array

    List of applicable test case steps, where each step is a combination of the step and its result.

  • custom_fields Object

    List of the custom fields with field names and their corresponding values.

Update a test case

PATCH /api/v2/projects/{project_id}/test-cases/{test-case-id}

Invoking this API allows you to update test cases in a given project. To update a test case, you will need both the id of the project and the id of the test case within that project.

Note: Only provide values for the fields you wish to update. If you include a field in the API call without specifying a value, that field will be set to null. All other fields will retain their existing values.

Request Parameters


-X PATCH{project_identifier}/test-cases/{test-case-id}
  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

  • test-case-id* String

    Identifier of the test case.

Request Body

Request Body

  "test_case": {
    "name": "verify submit button",
    "case_type": "Accessibility",
    "priority": "Low",
    "status": "Active",
    "description": "Ensure that the submit button on the form submits the form data correctly and redirects to the expected page or displays the expected result.",
    "owner": "",
    "preconditions": "The form fields are all filled with valid data.",
    "test_case_steps": [
        "step": "Navigate to the form page",
        "result": "The form page loads successfully"
    "issues": [
    "issue_tracker": {
      "name": "jira",
      "host": ""
    "tags": [
    "custom_fields": {
      "field_name 1": "fields value 1",
      "field_name 2": "fields value 2",
      "field_name 3": "fields value 3",
      "field_name 4": "fields value 4"
    "automation_status": "not_automated",
  • name String

    Name of the test case.

  • case_type String

    Type of the test case.

  • priority String

    Proprity of the test case.

  • status String

    Indicates the status of the test case.

  • description String

    Brief information about the test case.

  • owner String

    Email of the test case owner.

  • preconditions String

    Any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • test_case_steps Array

    List of applicable test case steps, where each step is a combination of the step and its result.

  • issues Array

    List of the linked Jira, Asana or Azure issues.

  • issue_tracker Object

    Ensures that issue IDs are correctly associated with their respective issue tracking tool, facilitating accurate linking and management.

    • name String

      ​Specifies the issue tracking system to integrate with. For example, use jira for Jira, azure for Azure DevOps, or asana for Asana.​

    • host String

      The base URL of your issue tracking system. For Jira Cloud instances, this typically follows the format

  • tags Array

    Descriptive labels or keywords linked to the test cases.

  • custom_fields Object

    The user-defined custom field with field names and their corresponding values.

  • automation_status String

    Status of the automation process, which should be one of the following values “automated”, “not_automated”, “cannot_be_automated”, “obsolete”, or “automation_not_required”.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


  "data": {
    "success": true,
    "test_case": {
      "case_type": "Other",
      "priority": "Medium",
      "status": "Active",
      "folder_id": 23806,
      "issues": [
          "jira_id": "Tm-443",
          "issue_type": "jira"
          "jira_id": "TM-7565",
          "issue_type": "jira"
      "tags": [
      "template": "test_case_steps",
      "description": "Ensure that the submit button on the form submits the form data correctly and redirects to the expected page or displays the expected result.",
      "preconditions": "The form fields are all filled with valid data.",
      "title": "dsdasdasad",
      "identifier": "TC-6655",
      "automation_status": "not_automated",
      "owner": "",
      "steps": [
          "step": "Navigate to the form page",
          "result": "The form page loads successfully"
      "custom_fields": [
          "name": "string_custom",
          "value": "signal"
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

  • case_type String

    Specifies the type of test case.

  • priority String

    Indicates the priority level of the test case.

  • status String

    Indicates the current status of the test case.

  • folder_id String

    Identifier of the Folder.

  • issues Array

    List of the linked Jira, Asana or Azure issues.

  • tags Array

    Descriptive labels or keywords linked to the test cases.

  • template String

    Indicates the template type used in the API call. It can either be ‘steps’ for step-by-step template or ‘text’ for textual template.

  • description String

    Brief information about the test case.

  • preconditions String

    Shows any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • title String

    Name of the test case.

  • identifier String

    Identifier of the test case.

  • automation_status String

    Status of the automation process, which should be one of the following values “automated”, “not_automated”, “cannot_be_automated”, “obsolete”, or “automation_not_required”.

  • owner String

    Email of the test case owner.

  • steps String

    List of applicable test case steps, where each step is a combination of the step and its result.

  • custom_fields Object

    List of the custom fields with field names and their corresponding values.

Bulk edit test cases

PATCH /api/v2/projects/PR-21854/test-cases

Invoking this API allows you to update multiple test cases in a given project. To update a test case, you will need both the id of the project and the id of the test case within that project.

Note: Only provide values for the fields you wish to update. If you include a field in the API call without specifying a value, that field will be set to null. All other fields will retain their existing values.

Request Parameters


  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

Request Body

Request Body

  "test_case": {
    "ids": [
    "preconditions": "<p>a valid pre-condition text.</p>",
    "issues": [
        "issue_id": "Tm-443",
        "issue_type": "jira"
        "issue_id": "TM-7565",
        "issue_type": "jira"
    "issue_tracker": {
      "name": "jira",
      "host": ""
    "owner": "",
    "tags": [
    "custom_fields": {
      "field_name 1": "fields value 1",
      "field_name 2": "fields value 2",
      "field_name 3": "fields value 3",
      "field_name 4": "fields value 4"
    "automation_status": "automation_not_required",
    "case_type": "Other",
    "priority": "Medium",
    "status": "Active"
  • ids* Array

    Identifiers of the test cases.

  • preconditions String

    Any necessary setups or configurations before executing the test.

  • issues Array

    List of the linked issues.

  • issue_tracker Object

    Ensures that issue IDs are correctly associated with their respective issue tracking tool, facilitating accurate linking and management.​

    • name String

      ​Specifies the issue tracking system to integrate with. For example, use jira for Jira, azure for Azure DevOps, or asana for Asana.​

    • host String

      The base URL of your issue tracking system. For Jira Cloud instances, this typically follows the format

  • owner String

    Email of the test case owner.

  • tags Array

    Descriptive labels or keywords linked to the test cases.

  • custom_fields Object

    The user-defined custom field with field names and their corresponding values.

  • automation_status String

    Indicates if test case is automated or not. Status of the automation process, which should be one of the following values “automated”, “not_automated”, “cannot_be_automated”, “obsolete”, or “automation_not_required”.

  • case_type String

    Specifies the type of test case.

  • priority String

    Indicates the priority level of the test case.

  • status String

    Specifies the current status of the test case.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


    "success": true
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

Delete a test case

DELETE /api/v2/projects/PR-71521/test-cases/TC-1234

Invoking this API will delete a test case. You will need the id of the project and id of the test run to delete a test case.

Warning: Using the delete API call will permanently remove test cases. This action cannot be undone.

Request Parameters


  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

  • test_case_id* String

    Identifier of the test case.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


    "success": true
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

Bulk delete test cases

DELETE /api/v2/projects/PR-71521/test-cases

Invoking this API will delete multiple test cases. You will need the id of the project and id of the test cases to delete.

Warning: Using the delete API call will permanently remove test cases. This action cannot be undone.

Request Parameters


  • project_id* String

    Identifier of the project.

Request Body

Request Body

"test_case": {
  "ids": [
  • ids* Array

    Identifiers of the test cases.

Response Attributes 200 OK json


    "success": true
  • success Boolean

    API call is executed successfully.

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