Get real-time insights into all your testing efforts
Track all your testing efforts across manual test cases and automated test in a single place.

Rich dashboard with real-time insights
Get a high-level overview or drilled-down details of your test cases and test runs through the rich dashboard.

Test run analytics
Easily track active and closed test runs for your project. Get details like the number of Automated Test Cases & Manual Test Cases, and the Total Test Cases of the project.
Test case analytics
Track and analyze test cases for your project across multiple parameters such as Type of Test Cases, Trend of Test Cases, Automated Test Cases, and Manual Test Cases.
Automation coverage
Monitor historical data, automation coverage metric, and testing trends across test cases & test runs executed.
Defects analytics
Track and analyze Jira issues associated with your project. Analyze JIRA issues associated with your test runs and test cases for the last 12 months.
Gain real-time visibility into test run status and test results through reports
Customize reports
Generated reports tailored to your needs based on multiple filters.
Test run detailed report
Get comprehensive data at a granular level, including individual test case details.
Test run summary report
Get a summary of active and closed test runs, test cases, and linked issues.
Schedule and download reports
Automatically generate reports summarizing test runs and providing detailed test run information based on configured schedules.
Requirement traceability report
Create custom traceability reports & get insights into requirement prioritization, automation coverage, defect logs, test run results, etc. Download traceability reports in CSV or PDF formats.
The modern & unified test management is just a click away
Gain complete visibility into testing with Test Management.