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How do I find the owner of my Organization’s account on BrowserStack?

An owner of an Organization on BrowserStack is the member that has purchased the subscription. An owner has all privileges which include managing subscriptions, modifying product access privileges, and inviting/managing members. Each Organization can only have one owner.

Follow the steps below to know who is the Owner of your Organization on BrowserStack:

  1. Click the User Profile icon on the top-right and click Account & Profile.
    The App Live dashboard with the User Profile menu expanded and Account & Profile highlighted.
  2. On the Overview page, under Your Organization, click Users.
    The Overview page with the Users link highlighted in the Your Organization section
  3. You will be redirected to the Users page, where you can view all users and their roles. The Org Owner will be listed as "Owner" under the IAM Role column.
    The Users page highlighting the Owner role under the IAM Role column.

Alternatively, you can click the User Profile icon, and then go to User Management > Users to identify your organization account owner.

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