One build execution can have multiple test sessions, each representing a new browser or driver session. A session can include a combination of various tests based on the client-side test framework (Say WebdriverIO, etc.) used. Each session created on BrowserStack has a unique identifier (Hashed ID) associated with it. Using this unique hashed_id
, you can use our REST API to access its execution details including status and debugging information.
Required: You need
to invoke most of the endpoints here.
Get session list
To retrieve a list of sessions under a particular build, query the server with the build ID. You can also limit the number of sessions and paginate through your data.
Required: You need Build’s
to get the list of sessions. You can get thehashed_id
by invoking the Build API.
Request Parameters
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \<build-id>/sessions
# Limit the number of sessions to be displayed using "limit" parameter
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \<build-id>/sessions?limit=5
# View a subset of results using "status" parameter
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \<build-id>/sessions?status=running
id* String
ID of the Build.
limit String
Specify the number of results to be displayed. The default value is 10, and the maximum value is 100.
offset String
Specify the retrieval of session records from a particular point using the
parameter. -
status String
parameter is used to refine your results. The values this parameter takes arerunning
, andfailed
Response Attributes 200 OK
"sessions": [
"name": "Performance Test",
"duration": 46,
"platform": "Linux",
"browser": "chrome",
"status": "passed",
"hashed_id": "1dcee4ca7f0066b785f5a738ff7a4486e12090a0",
"reason": "passed",
"priority": "low",
"tags": [],
"created_at": "2020-09-01T15:09:37.000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-09-01T15:09:49.000Z",
"url": "<build_hashed_id>/sessions/<session_hashed_id>",
"video": "<session_hashed_id>/video",
"logs": "<session_hashed_id>/logs",
"console_logs": "<session_hashed_id>/consolelogs",
"framework_logs": "<session_hashed_id>/frameworklogs"
name String
Name of your session.
duration Integer
Time taken to run the session.
platform String
Platform OS used for the session.
browser String
Browser used for the session.
status String
Status of the session.
- Show 8 more
hashed_id String
ID of the session.
reason String
Reason for test status.
tags Array
A list of Test Tags attached to a Session.
logs String
URL to view the session logs.
url String
URL to view the session on Automate TurboScale Builds Dashboard.
video String
URL to view session video.
framework_logs String
URL to view Framework logs.
console_logs String
URL to view Console logs.
Get session details
Once the list of sessions is available, more specific information such as test results and debugging information such as logs, video, etc. about a particular session can be queried using the session’s unique ID hashed_id
Request Parameters
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \<session-id>
id* String
ID of the Session.
Response Attributes 200 OK
"name": "Performance Test",
"duration": 46,
"platform": "Linux",
"browser": "chrome",
"status": "passed",
"hashed_id": "1dcee4ca7f0066b785f5a738ff7a4486e12090a0",
"reason": "passed",
"priority": "low",
"tags": [],
"created_at": "2020-09-01T15:09:37.000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-09-01T15:09:49.000Z",
"url": "<build_hashed_id>/sessions/<session_hashed_id>",
"video": "<session_hashed_id>/video",
"logs": "<session_hashed_id>/logs",
"console_logs": "<session_hashed_id>/consolelogs",
"framework_logs": "<session_hashed_id>/frameworklogs"
name String
Name of your session.
duration Integer
Time taken to run the session.
platform String
Platform OS used for the session.
browser String
Browser used for the session.
status String
Status of the session.
- Show 8 more
hashed_id String
ID of the session.
reason String
Reason for test status.
tags Array
A list of Test Tags attached to a Session.
logs String
URL to view the session logs.
url String
URL to view the session on Automate TurboScale Builds Dashboard.
video String
URL to view session video.
framework_logs String
URL to view Framework logs.
console_logs String
URL to view Console logs.
Get session logs
Whenever you execute a session on BrowserStack, a session log is generated. These logs are available to you in text format, and these, too, can be retrieved using REST API.
Request Parameters
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \<session-id>/logs
id* String
ID of the Session.
Response Description 200 OK
2020-9-4 13:45:17:356 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:17:356] POST /session {"desiredCapabilities":{"name":"pricing_project","browser_version":"84.0","project":"pricing_project","os_version":"10","browserstack.selenium_version":"3.14.0","build":"pricing_build","browserstack.local":false,"os":"Windows","browser":"Chrome","acceptSslCert":false,"detected_language":"selenium/3.141.0 (python mac)","new_bucketing":true}}
2020-9-4 13:45:17:356 START_SESSION
2020-9-4 13:45:17:357 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:17:357] GET /session/6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22
2020-9-4 13:45:17:357 RESPONSE {"status":0,"sessionId":"6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22","value":{"acceptInsecureCerts":false,"browserName":"chrome","browserVersion":"84.0.4147.89","chrome":{"chromedriverVersion":"84.0.4147.30 (48b3e868b4cc0aa7e8149519690b6f6949e110a8-refs/branch-heads/4147@{#310})","userDataDir":"C:\\Windows\\proxy\\scoped_dir7248_938245152"},"goog:chromeOptions":{"debuggerAddress":"localhost:1893"},"networkConnectionEnabled":false,"pageLoadStrategy":"normal","platformName":"windows","setWindowRect":true,"strictFileInteractability":false,"timeouts":{"implicit":0,"pageLoad":300000,"script":30000},"unhandledPromptBehavior":"dismiss and notify","webauthn:virtualAuthenticators":true,"webdriver.remote.sessionid":"6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22","platform":"WINDOWS"}}
2020-9-4 13:45:17:609 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:17:609] POST /session/6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22/url {"url":"","sessionId":"6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22"}
2020-9-4 13:45:19:94 RESPONSE {"sessionId":null,"state":"success","class":"org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response","value":null,"status":0}
2020-9-4 13:45:19:348 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:19:348] GET /session/6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22/title {}
2020-9-4 13:45:19:362 RESPONSE {"sessionId":null,"state":"success","class":"org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response","value":"Google","status":0}
2020-9-4 13:45:19:666 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:19:666] POST /session/6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22/element {"using":"name","sessionId":"6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22","value":"q"}
2020-9-4 13:45:19:697 RESPONSE {"sessionId":null,"state":"success","class":"org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response","value":{"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"f2c7c4db-43a7-43a3-9dba-1ed0a683c7f6"},"status":0}
2020-9-4 13:45:19:998 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:19:998] POST /session/6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22/element/f2c7c4db-43a7-43a3-9dba-1ed0a683c7f6/value {"value":["[REDACTED]"]}
2020-9-4 13:45:20:196 RESPONSE {"sessionId":null,"state":"success","class":"org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response","value":null,"status":0}
2020-9-4 13:45:20:427 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:20:427] POST /session/6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22/element/f2c7c4db-43a7-43a3-9dba-1ed0a683c7f6/submit {"sessionId":"6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22","id":"f2c7c4db-43a7-43a3-9dba-1ed0a683c7f6"}
2020-9-4 13:45:22:380 RESPONSE {"sessionId":null,"state":"success","class":"org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response","value":null,"status":0}
2020-9-4 13:45:22:631 REQUEST [2020-9-4 13:45:22:631] GET /session/6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22/title {}
2020-9-4 13:45:22:644 RESPONSE {"sessionId":null,"state":"success","class":"org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response","value":"BrowserStack - Google Search","status":0}
2020-9-4 13:45:25:488 STOP_SESSION {"status":0,"sessionId":"6d09cfdafd1f48f4c5a0e77272a10d41a2b5dc22","value":{"message":"CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION"},"errorStack":{}}
A session log consists of all the requests made by the session and the corresponding responses.
Get session network logs
Network Logs for each session are available to you in HAR (HTTP Archive) format, and these can be retrieved using REST API.
Request Parameters
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \{session_id}/networklogs
id* String
ID of the Session.
Response Description 200 OK
"log": {
"version": "1.2",
"creator": {
"name": "BrowserMob Proxy",
"version": "2.1.5",
"comment": ""
"pages": [
"id": "Page 0",
"startedDateTime": "2020-09-08T14:10:24.211+05:30",
"title": "Page 0",
"pageTimings": {
"comment": ""
"comment": ""
"entries": [
"pageref": "Page 0",
"startedDateTime": "2020-09-08T14:10:25.924+05:30",
"request": {
"method": "CONNECT",
"url": "",
"httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
"cookies": [],
"headers": [],
"queryString": [],
"headersSize": 0,
"bodySize": 0,
"comment": ""
"response": {
"status": 0,
"statusText": "",
"httpVersion": "unknown",
"cookies": [],
"headers": [],
"content": {
"size": 0,
"mimeType": "",
"comment": ""
"redirectURL": "",
"headersSize": -1,
"bodySize": -1,
"comment": "",
"_error": "Unable to connect to host"
"cache": {},
"timings": {
"comment": "",
"connect": 472,
"receive": 0,
"blocked": -1,
"send": 1,
"ssl": -1,
"wait": -9860836,
"dns": -1
"comment": "",
"time": 474
"pageref": "Page 0",
"startedDateTime": "2020-09-08T14:10:26.415+05:30",
"request": {
"method": "CONNECT",
"url": "",
"httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
"cookies": [],
"headers": [],
"queryString": [],
"headersSize": 0,
"bodySize": 0,
"comment": ""
"response": {
"status": 0,
"statusText": "",
"httpVersion": "unknown",
"cookies": [],
"headers": [],
"content": {
"size": 0,
"mimeType": "",
"comment": ""
"redirectURL": "",
"headersSize": -1,
"bodySize": -1,
"comment": "",
"_error": "Unable to connect to host"
"cache": {},
"timings": {
"comment": "",
"connect": 299,
"receive": 0,
"blocked": -1,
"send": 0,
"ssl": -1,
"wait": -9861281,
"dns": -1
"comment": "",
"time": 299
"pageref": "Page 0",
"startedDateTime": "2020-09-08T14:10:26.717+05:30",
"request": {
"method": "CONNECT",
"url": "",
"httpVersion": "HTTP/1.1",
"cookies": [],
"headers": [],
"queryString": [],
"headersSize": 0,
"bodySize": 0,
"comment": ""
"response": {
"status": 0,
"statusText": "",
"httpVersion": "unknown",
"cookies": [],
"headers": [],
"content": {
"size": 0,
"mimeType": "",
"comment": ""
"redirectURL": "",
"headersSize": -1,
"bodySize": -1,
"comment": "",
"_error": "Unable to connect to host"
"cache": {},
"timings": {
"comment": "",
"connect": 305,
"receive": 0,
"blocked": -1,
"send": 0,
"ssl": -1,
"wait": -9861583,
"dns": -1
"comment": "",
"time": 305
"comment": ""
Network Logs capture the browser’s performance data such as network traffic, latency, HTTP requests and responses in the HAR format.
Get session console logs
Console logs are enabled by default and are set to errors
. You can disable them or change verbosity options by using the console
capability under bstack:options
to disabled
, errors
, warnings
, info
, verbose
. Raw Console Logs for each session are available to you in text format, and these, too, can be retrieved using REST API (supported for Chrome browser only).
Request Parameters
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \<session-id>/consolelogs
id* String
ID of the Session.
Response Description 200 OK
1599563924892:SEVERE: 566:212 Uncaught TypeError: na`bdkMDe`
Console Logs capture the browser’s JS console output at various steps of the test to troubleshoot JavaScript issues.
Get Framework logs
Raw elenium/Playwright Logs for each session are available to you in text format, and these can be retrieved using REST API.
Request Parameters
curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \<session-id>/frameworklogs
id* String
ID of the Session.
Response Description 200 OK
07:38:24.636 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - /session: Executing POST on /session (handler: BeginSession)
07:38:24.750 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.apply] - Capabilities are: {
"64bit": true,
"acceptSslCert": true,
"acceptSslCerts": true,
"browser": "chrome",
"browserName": "chrome",
"browser_name": "Chrome",
"browser_version": "84.0",
"browserstack.is_hub_canary": "false",
"browserstack.seleniumVersion": "3.14.0",
"browserstack.useChromeDriver": "true",
"buildName": "pricing_build",
"chrome.binary": "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\84.0.4147.89\\chrome.exe",
"chromeOptions": {
"binary": "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\84.0.4147.89\\chrome.exe",
"prefs": {
"browser": {
"show_update_promotion_info_bar": false,
"check_default_browser": false
"devtools": {
"preferences": {
"cacheDisabled": true
"profile": {
"password_manager_enabled": false
"args": [
"detected_language": "selenium\u002f3.141.0 (python mac)",
"loggingPrefs": {
"browser": "SEVERE"
"new_bucketing": true,
"orig_os": "win10",
"os": "Windows",
"osVersion": "10",
"os_version": "10",
"platform": "WINDOWS",
"projectName": "pricing_project",
"sessionName": "pricing_session",
"version": "84.0"
07:38:24.752 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.lambda$apply$11] - Matched factory org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.ServicedSession$Factory (provider:
07:38:24.775 DEBUG [UrlChecker.waitUntilAvailable] - Waiting for [http://localhost:19708/status]
07:38:24.777 DEBUG [UrlChecker.lambda$waitUntilAvailable$1] - Polling http://localhost:19708/status
07:38:25.409 DEBUG [UrlChecker.lambda$waitUntilAvailable$1] - Polling http://localhost:19708/status
07:38:25.412 DEBUG [HttpURLConnection.writeRequests] - pairs: {GET /status HTTP/1.1: null}{User-Agent: Java/1.8.0_181}{Host: localhost:19708}{Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2}{Connection: keep-alive}
07:38:25.415 DEBUG [HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0] - pairs: {null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK}{Content-Length: 247}{Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8}{cache-control: no-cache}
07:38:27.643 INFO [ProtocolHandshake.createSession] - Detected dialect: W3C
07:38:27.674 DEBUG [RemoteWebDriver.log] - Executing: newSession [null, newSession {desiredCapabilities=Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: false, browserName: chrome, browserVersion: 84.0.4147.89, chrome: {chromedriverVersion: 84.0.4147.30 (48b3e868b4cc0..., userDataDir: C:\Windows\proxy\scoped_dir...}, goog:chromeOptions: {debuggerAddress: localhost:1662}, networkConnectionEnabled: false, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platformName: windows, proxy: Proxy(), setWindowRect: true, strictFileInteractability: false, timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000}, unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss and notify, webauthn:virtualAuthenticators: true}}]
07:38:27.675 DEBUG [RemoteWebDriver.log] - Executed: [null, newSession {desiredCapabilities=Capabilities {acceptInsecureCerts: false, browserName: chrome, browserVersion: 84.0.4147.89, chrome: {chromedriverVersion: 84.0.4147.30 (48b3e868b4cc0..., userDataDir: C:\Windows\proxy\scoped_dir...}, goog:chromeOptions: {debuggerAddress: localhost:1662}, networkConnectionEnabled: false, pageLoadStrategy: normal, platformName: windows, proxy: Proxy(), setWindowRect: true, strictFileInteractability: false, timeouts: {implicit: 0, pageLoad: 300000, script: 30000}, unhandledPromptBehavior: dismiss and notify, webauthn:virtualAuthenticators: true}}]
07:38:27.678 INFO [RemoteSession$Factory.lambda$performHandshake$0] - Started new session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:27.695 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:27.695 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/timeouts (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:27.703 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":null}
07:38:28.754 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:28.754 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/url (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:29.830 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":null}
07:38:30.792 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:30.792 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/execute (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:30.802 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":"complete"}
07:38:30.827 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:30.827 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing GET on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/title (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:30.832 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":"Google"}
07:38:32.555 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:32.555 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/execute (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:32.562 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":"complete"}
07:38:32.566 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:32.567 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/element (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:32.581 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":{"element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf":"4fe9035e-682e-41df-8ea4-7c76defc33b7"}}
07:38:33.501 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:33.502 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/element/4fe9035e-682e-41df-8ea4-7c76defc33b7/value (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:33.796 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":null}
07:38:35.503 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:35.503 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/element/4fe9035e-682e-41df-8ea4-7c76defc33b7/submit (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:37.183 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":null}
07:38:38.319 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:38.320 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/execute (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:38.382 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":"complete"}
07:38:38.392 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:38.392 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing GET on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/title (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:38.396 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":"BrowserStack - Google ?????"}
07:38:39.752 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: org.openqa.selenium.remote.server.commandhandler.GetLogsOfType@59cfc8
07:38:39.753 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/log: Executing POST on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611/log (handler: GetLogsOfType)
07:38:39.756 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":[]}
07:38:39.765 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.handle] - Found handler: 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:39.766 DEBUG [WebDriverServlet.lambda$handle$3] - Handler thread for session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (chrome): Executing DELETE on /session/368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (handler: ServicedSession)
07:38:39.820 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":null}
07:38:39.824 INFO [ActiveSessions$1.onStop] - Removing session 368acd0e2dbe71e58b3b5249e697a611 (
07:38:39.886 DEBUG [W3CHttpResponseCodec.decode] - Decoding response. Response code was: 200 and content: {"value":null}
07:38:39.887 DEBUG [UrlChecker.waitUntilUnavailable] - Waiting for http://localhost:19708/shutdown
07:38:39.888 DEBUG [UrlChecker.lambda$waitUntilUnavailable$2] - Polling http://localhost:19708/shutdown
07:38:39.889 DEBUG [HttpURLConnection.writeRequests] - pairs: {GET /shutdown HTTP/1.1: null}{User-Agent: Java/1.8.0_181}{Host: localhost:19708}{Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2}{Connection: keep-alive}
07:38:39.889 DEBUG [HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0] - pairs: {null: HTTP/1.1 200 OK}{Content-Length: 40}{Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8}
07:38:39.900 DEBUG [UrlChecker.lambda$waitUntilUnavailable$2] - Polling http://localhost:19708/shutdown
Selenium Logs captures the raw logs of Selenium JAR for your test execution. With Selenium logs you can debug the test in case of any exceptions.
Update Session Details
Use this API to update Session details like it’s status, reason, tags or name.
Request Parameters
-X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"status":"<new-status>", "reason":"<reason text>"}'<session-id>
id* String
ID of the Session.
name String
Name of the Session.
status String
Set session status to either
. -
reason String
Reason for session failure.
tags Array
Attach different Tags to the Session.
Response Attributes 200 OK
"name": "Performance Test",
"duration": 46,
"platform": "Linux",
"browser": "chrome",
"status": "passed",
"hashed_id": "1dcee4ca7f0066b785f5a738ff7a4486e12090a0",
"reason": "passed",
"priority": "low",
"tags": [],
"created_at": "2020-09-01T15:09:37.000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-09-01T15:09:49.000Z",
"url": "<build_hashed_id>/sessions/<session_hashed_id>",
"video": "<session_hashed_id>/video",
"logs": "<session_hashed_id>/logs",
"console_logs": "<session_hashed_id>/consolelogs",
"framework_logs": "<session_hashed_id>/frameworklogs"
name String
Name of your session.
duration Integer
Time taken to run the session.
os String
OS used for the session.
os_version String
Version of the OS used.
browser_version String
Version of the browser used.
- Show 7 more
browser String
Browser used for the session.
device String
Name of the device used for the session.
status String
Status of the session.
hashed_id String
ID of the session.
reason String
Reason for test status.
build_name String
Name of the build.
project_name String
Name of the project.
Delete session
You can delete a session on the server, using the DELETE
method. Sessions once deleted cannot be recovered.
Request Parameters
-X DELETE<session-id>
id* String
ID of the Session.
Response Attributes 200 OK
"status": "ok",
"message": "Session f6d62071ca9c83c3b1e4d06e02206bdc489d8fc3 was deleted successfully."
status String
Status of deletion.
message String
Session deletion message.
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