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In order to test your native and hybrid apps on BrowserStack using Espresso, you also need to upload your test-suite (.apk file) to BrowserStack servers. Use our REST API endpoints to upload and manage your test-suites on BrowserStack.

Upload a test-suite

POST /app-automate/espresso/v2/test-suite

Upload an Espresso test-suite (.apk file). There are two ways to upload the test-suite :

  1. Upload from filesystem : Use this option if your test-suite resides on your local machine or CI/CD server.
  2. Upload using public URL : Use this option when the test-suite is hosted on a remote server (e.g. S3 bucket) and its downloadable via a publicly accessible URL.

Request parameters


-X POST "" \
-F "file=@/path/to/test/file/app-debug-androidTest.apk" \
-F "custom_id=SampleTest"
  • file File

    File to upload. Ensure that the request’s content type is set to multipart/form-data. In cURL, you can do this using -F option. Either file or url parameter is required.

  • url String

    Remote URL to your test-suite. Ensure that it’s a publicly accessible URL as BrowserStack will attempt to download the test-suite from this location. Either file or url parameter is required.

  • custom_id String

    Custom ID for the test-suite. Accepted characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., -, _. All other characters are ignored. Character limit is 100.Refer to our custom ID documentation to know more.

Response attributes 200 application/json


    "test_suite_name": "app-debug-androidTest.apk",
    "test_suite_url": "bs://89c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba1",
    "test_suite_id": "89c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba1",
    "uploaded_at": "2020-09-09 15:35:00 UTC",
    "custom_id": "SampleTest",
    "shareable_id": "Steve/SampleTest",
    "framework": "espresso",
    "expiry": "2020-10-09 15:35:00 UTC",
  • test_suite_name String

    Filename of the uploaded test-suite.

  • test_suite_url String

    Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your test-suite on BrowserStack. This value can be used later to specify the test-suite for your Espresso test execution.
    Example: bs://c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

  • test_suite_id String

    Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your test-suite on BrowserStack.
    Example: c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

  • uploaded_at String

    Test-suite upload timestamp.

  • framework String

    Name of the automation framework. This is set to Espresso by default.

  • custom_id String

    Custom ID defined for the uploaded test-suite.
    Example: SampleTest. Accepted characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., -, _. All other characters are ignored. Character limit is 100.

  • shareable_id String

    Shareable ID allows other users in your organization to test with an Espresso test-suite you uploaded .
    Example: steve/SampleTest

  • expiry String

    By default, an uploaded test-suite expires in 30 days. Upon expiry, the uploaded test-suite is deleted from BrowserStack servers and thus can no longer be tested.

List uploaded test-suites

GET /app-automate/espresso/v2/test-suites

Retrieve a list of recently uploaded test-suites. By default, it returns the last 10 uploaded test-suites from your BrowserStack group.

Request parameters


-X GET ""

No parameter required.

Response attributes 200 application/json


  "test_suites" : [
      "test_suite_name": "app-debug-androidTest.apk",
      "test_suite_url": "bs://89c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba1",
      "test_suite_id": "89c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba1",
      "uploaded_at": "2020-09-09 15:35:00 UTC",
      "custom_id": "SampleTest",
      "shareable_id": "Steve/SampleTest",
      "framework": "espresso",
      "expiry": "2020-10-09 15:35:00 UTC"
  • test_suites Array

    List of recently uploaded test-suites.

    • test_suite_name String

      Filename of the uploaded test-suite.

    • test_suite_url String

      Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your test-suite on BrowserStack. This value can be used later to specify the test-suite for your test execution.
      Example: bs://c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

    • test_suite_id String

      Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your test-suite on BrowserStack.
      Example: c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

    • uploaded_at String

      Test-suite upload timestamp.

    • framework String

      Name of the automation framework. This is set to by default.

    • custom_id String

      Custom ID defined for the uploaded test-suite.
      Example: SampleTest. Accepted characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., -, _. All other characters are ignored. Character limit is 100.

    • shareable_id String

      Shareable ID allows other users in your organization to test with an test-suite you uploaded .
      Example: user/SampleTest

    • expiry String

      By default, an uploaded test-suite expires in 30 days. Upon expiry, the uploaded test-suite is deleted from BrowserStack servers and thus can no longer be tested.

Get test-suite details

GET /app-automate/espresso/v2/test-suites/{test_suite_id}

Get details of an uploaded test-suite.

Request parameters


-X GET "{test_suite_id}"
  • test_suite_id* String

    Test-suite ID of the uploaded test-suite.

Response attributes 200 application/json


  "test_suite" : {
    "test_suite_name": "app-debug-androidTest.apk",
    "test_suite_url": "bs://89c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba1",
    "test_suite_id": "89c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba1",
    "uploaded_at": "2020-09-09 15:35:00 UTC",
    "custom_id": "SampleTest",
    "shareable_id": "Steve/SampleTest",
    "framework": "espresso",
    "expiry": "2020-10-09 15:35:00 UTC",
  • test_suite Object

    Details of the uploaded test-suite

    • test_suite_name String

      Filename of the uploaded test-suite.

    • test_suite_url String

      Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your test-suite on BrowserStack. This value can be used later to specify the test-suite for your test execution.
      Example: bs://c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

    • test_suite_id String

      Unique identifier returned upon successful upload of your test-suite on BrowserStack.
      Example: c8ddcb5649a8280ca800075bfd8f151115bba6b3

    • uploaded_at String

      Test-suite upload timestamp.

    • framework String

      Name of the automation framework. This is set to by default.

    • custom_id String

      Custom ID defined for the uploaded test-suite.
      Example: SampleTest. Accepted characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., -, _. All other characters are ignored. Character limit is 100.

    • shareable_id String

      Shareable ID allows other users in your organization to test with an test-suite you uploaded .
      Example: user/SampleTest

    • expiry String

      By default, an uploaded test-suite expires in 30 days. Upon expiry, the uploaded test-suite is deleted from BrowserStack servers and thus can no longer be tested.

Delete a test-suite

DELETE /app-automate/espresso/v2/test-suites/{test_suite_id}

Delete an uploaded test suite. Note that test suites once deleted cannot be recovered.

Request parameters


  • test_suite_id* String

    Test-suite ID of the uploaded test-suite.

Response attributes 200 application/json


    "success": {
        "message": "Test Suite with url bs://6c4a46de7b0361585594fd3e5464bddff95d581b was deleted."
  • success Object

    This is returned when the test-suite is successfully deleted from BrowserStack servers.

    • message String

      Confirmation message for test-suite deletion.

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