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Get test case report summary API in Automated Tests

Use this API to get a high-level summary of test cases in an Automated Tests build report.

get test case report summary


Request parameters


curl -u "YOUR_USERNAME:YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" \{thBuildId}/test-cases/{test-case-id}
  • next_page String

    Used to fetch subsequent pages from the API when has_next parameter is true. Pass the next_page reference received in the response of last request.

Response Attributes 200 OK JSON


    "data": {
        "name": "BStack Sample Test - Add product to cart",
    "tags": null,
    "file": "/src/test/resources/features/sample.feature",
    "scopeList": [
    "osData": {
        "name": "OS X",
        "version": null,
        "logo": "mac"
    "browserData": {
        "name": "chrome",
        "version": "131.0.6778.70",
                    "logo": "chrome"
    "issueSummary": {
        "issueCount": 76,
        "pageCount": 1,
        "componentCount": 12,
        "needsReview": 568,
        "hidden": 0
    "issueCount": {
      "issueCountBySeverity": {
      "minor": 0,
      "serious": 708,
      "critical": 76,
      "moderate": 0
      "issueCountByURL": [
          "url": "",
          "count": 58
      "issueCountByComponent": [
          "componentId": "A#main-nav__link",
          "count": 174
      "issueCountByCategory": [
          "count": 0,
          "category": "keyboard"
    "pagination": {
      "has_next": true,
      "next_page": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJwYWdlIjoxLCJwYWdlX3NpemUiOjEwLCJidWlsZF91dWlkIjoic3pkdGplMnhsaHNydWZkajF3bnJnYnZndnNmZzJjdGRsdWt4Nnl5eCIsImV4cCI6MTczNjY4NDA1OH0.sLI7hWQwE_bB6AB-ORgz1K6D2VIHqH_H39qK8Jh3HqA"
  • name String

    Name of the test case.

  • tags String

    Any tag associated with the test case.

  • file String

    The path of the filename that houses the test case.

  • scopeList Array

    An array of strings that describes the scope of the test case.

  • osData Object

    Contains details about the OS on which the test case was run.

    • name String

      Name of the OS used.

    • version String

      Version of the OS used.

    • logo Object

      Brand name of the OS used.

  • browserData Object

    Contains details about the browser on which the test case was run.

    • name String

      Name of the browser used.

    • version String

      Version of the browser used.

    • logo String

      Brand name of the browser used.

  • issueSummary Object

    Contains a summary of the accessibility issues found out in analysis.

    • issueCount Integer

      Number of issues reported.

    • pageCount Integer

      Number of pages that have accessibility issues.

    • componentCount Integer

      Number of components that have accessibility issues.

    • needsReview Integer

      Number of issues that require manual confirmation.

    • hidden Integer

      Number of issues that are hidden in the report.

  • issueCount Object

    Contains separate counts of issues according to various classifications.

    • issueCountBySeverity Object

      Separate counts of minor, serious, critical, and moderate issues.

      • minor Integer

        Number of minor issues.

      • serious Integer

        Number of serious issues.

      • critical Integer

        Number of critical issues.

      • moderate Integer

        Number of moderate issues.

    • issueCountByURL Object

      Separate counts of issues for each URL.

      • url String

        URL on which accessibility tests were performed.

      • count Integer

        Number of issues found on a specific URL.

    • issueCountByComponent Object

      Separate counts of issues for each component.

      • componentId String

        The component on which accessibility issues were found.

      • count Integer

        Number of issues found on a specific component.

    • issueCountByCategory Object

      Separate counts of issues for each component.

      • count Integer

        Number of issues found under a specific category.

      • category String

        A category under which issues were tracked.

  • pagination Object

    Contains information to facilitate fetching additional records if they exist.

    • has_next Boolean

      True if there are more records to fetch. False if the current response is the last page of records.

    • next_page String

      A reference to the next page. Pass this as a request parameter in the subsequent request as “next_page” to get the next page of records.

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