Comprehensive Test Stack

Open and flexible test platform. Superior AI throughout the testing lifecycle.

App & Browser Testing Made Easy

Give your users a seamless experience by testing on 20,000+ real devices.
Don't compromise with emulators and simulators.

Get started free
Browserstack AI Agents

Trusted by more than 50,000 customers globally

Test your websites and mobile apps

Trusted by more than 50,000 customers globally


Works out of the box
Works out of the box

Zero setup and zero maintenance to speed up releases.

Comprehensive coverage
Comprehensive coverage

Instant access to 3000+ browsers and real iOS and Android devices.

Uncompromising security
Uncompromising security

SOC2 compliant. Pristine browsers & devices for everyone, 24×7.


Improve test coverage

Cross-browser, real device, visual, accessibility testing Learn more

Boost productivity with AI

AI agents across the testing lifecycle harnessing a unified data store Learn more

Accelerate testing cycles

Achieve faster and reliable test automation at scale Learn more

150+ seamless integrations

We work with the tools and frameworks you use. Seamlessly connect BrowserStack with your tools for faster, simpler testing.

Hear from our customers

BrowserStack empowers 50,000+ customers to deliver flawless experiences to billions of users globally.

"We are able to wrap up our tests on BrowserStack within 2-5 minutes. Parallelization enables us to run around 650 tests within 4 hours. On a average, we run 1,500 test cases on BrowserStack every night."

Ayushi Arora SDET Lead
nightly test cases
650 tests
run in 4 hours
Nykaa transforms their test automation with BrowserStack

Seamlessly integrate BrowserStack into your setup

We work with the tools and frameworks you use. Test development code from Visual Studio and beta apps from App Center. Run automated tests on every commit from your CI/CD pipeline, and get test results directly in Jenkins and Slack. Report bugs directly to Jira, and reproduce them with a click.

Travis CI
App Center