Prity Ukey
Quality Engineering Manager
Prity Ukey is a Quality Engineering Manager at BrowserStack and has over 17 years of experience in QA and Project Management. Handled various projects with multiple flavors of testing including automation.
Shyam V S
Group Product Manager
Shyam is leading the Low Code Automation product now and the SpeedLab (Web performance) product before that. He has a deep understanding of web applications and their testing requirements from his experience of 8 years as a full-stack developer building complex enterprise applications.
About the event
At BrowserStack, we’re transforming the way quality is delivered through the power of low-code automation. Join us for an exclusive insight into how our Automation Engineering Manager and the team have leveraged low-code automation to enhance product quality, enabling higher coverage, faster releases, and higher reliability. Gain valuable insights into the strategies, implementation techniques, and measurable benefits driving our success.
What you’ll learn
- Learn how low-code automation accelerates feedback and ensures consistent quality at every stage.
- Achieve more comprehensive testing with less effort, increasing coverage without increasing complexity.
- Discover the tangible benefits we’ve gained, including faster time to market and enhanced product stability
Priyanka Halder
Senior Manager of Quality Engineering
We use BrowserStack heavily for cross-browser and mobile test automation. Our tests are now super solid—they catch anything and everything.
Kateryna Glushchuk
Senior Manager, OLX
We cannot afford having bugs in production. That’s why we avoid rollbacks. We try to identify the bug before we release.
Martin Schneider
Delivery Manager, Carousell
Before BrowserStack, it took eight test engineers a whole day to test. Now it takes an hour. We can release daily if we wanted to.