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Test Case Templates with Example

By Ria Dayal, Community Contributor -

Creating effective test cases is essential for ensuring software quality. This blog post explores various test case templates and provides practical examples to help streamline your testing process.

What is a Test Case?

A test case refers to the actions needed to verify a specific functionality or feature in software testing. The purpose of a test case is to detail the data, steps, prerequisites, and post-conditions necessary to substantiate a feature.

In other words, a test case intends to lay out particular variables used by the QA team members to compare actual and expected results, determine the application’s health, and conclude whether the feature works. 

What Are the Components of a Test Case?

The components of a Test Case include the required input, execution process, and expected output. It guides testers and developers on what to do, how to do it, and the intended results.

A Test Case consists of the following components:

  • Test Case ID: Every test case has a unique ID. It’s good to practice a naming convention for it. For example, TC_UI_1 indicates “User Interface Test Case #1.”
  • Test Priority determines the order of executing the tests. Depending on the business requirements, test priority can be low, medium, or high. 
  • Module Name: This is the name of the module or sub-module being tested.
  • Test Designed by: The name of the tester who designed the test case.
  • Test Reviewed By: The person who reviewed and approved the test case.
  • Test Designed date: The date when the test case was designed.
  • Test Executed by: The name of the tester who executed the test. This field is populated after the test execution is completed.
  • Test Execution date: The date when the test case was executed.
  • Test Title/Name: Test case title/name
  • Test Summary/Description: A summary of the test case and what it intends to cover.
  • Pre-Requisites: This covers all the requirements to be catered to before the test case is executed. It’s good to list all the prerequisites to execute the test case successfully.
  • Dependencies: This Identifies and determines all the dependencies, if any, on other test cases or requirements
  • Test Steps: Here, all the test steps are listed with details and in their order of test execution.
  • Test Data: Input for the test cases is defined here. You can provide different data sets with their exact values for input.
  • Expected Result: Here, the expected result of the test case is mentioned, including messages or any errors that should appear on the screen.
  • Post-Condition: This captures the state of the system after running the test case
  • Actual Result: This captures the Actual result obtained after the test case execution is completed.
  • Status (Pass/Fail): The test case status is captured here: Pass if the actual and expected results match and Fail if they don’t.
  • Bug Details (optional): If a bug is identified, the details about it and the steps to reproduce it can be captured here.
  • Attachments: Any relevant screenshots, files, or document links associated with the test case are mentioned here.
  • Notes/Questions/Comments: This section captures any special information/insights or queries related to the test case that are also mentioned here.

What is a Test Case Template?

A test case template is a predefined structure intended to provide a standardized way to create and document test cases. It captures all the necessary information about a test scenario to ensure consistency and clarity. A well-designed template helps testers systematically outline a test’s objectives, steps, and expected outcomes, making execution and review more efficient.

Test Case Templates with Examples


The general test case planning and execution template can help capture all major details of test scenarios. Using this, test cases can be tracked through their Test Case ID and description. The prerequisites of the test case and their date of execution are also captured. Testers also have the expected and actual results captured, which determines the status of the test and additional notes for the cases, if any. This complete template can be used for any kind of test. 


Test Case Point Estimate Template

The test case point estimate template assesses the approach being used to test the application and determines the preconditions and checkpoints, followed by a detailed test result analysis. Using the above template, testers can allocate the time needed for each specific step, rate the priorities, and determine the amount of work needed for each test. 

Test case point estimate

Manual Testing Test Case Template

The manual testing test case template can be used to record the test cases using their IDs, descriptions, the date of their execution, their priority, and dependencies, if any. This can also be used to analyze the expected results versus the actual results and figure out whether the test case passed or failed. This template helps in a very detailed inspection of the test cases. 


Automation Testing Test Case Template

The automation testing test case template can be used to assess the status of automated test cases. Along with the Test case ID, description, and date of execution, testers also need to capture the test duration, which helps in analyzing the automation health. A very high or very low number in Test Duration would let the testers know which case needs fixing and identify automation bottlenecks. The Automation as Yes/No column helps determine the number of automated test cases. 

automation Testcase template

Cross Browser Testing Test Case Template

With this cross-browser testing test case template, along with the general test case details, including their Name, ID, Description, and Prerequisites/Dependencies, if any, testers must also capture the browser type in which the test case was executed. This helps keep track of the different browsers that were covered in testing and analyzes their results.


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What Makes a Good Test Case Template?

A good test case template is essential for effective software testing. It provides a structured framework for documenting the test cases consistently and efficiently. 

Here are some key characteristics that make a test case template effective:

Characteristics of a Good Test Case Template

  1. Clarity and Simplicity: The template should be straightforward to understand, with clear instructions to avoid confusion.
  2. Completeness: It should cover all necessary details and scenarios, including edge cases and negative testing.
  3. Consistency: Ensure uniformity in format and content across all test cases to maintain organization and readability.
  4. Reusability: Test cases should be designed to be reusable in future testing cycles or projects, saving time and effort.
  5. Traceability: The ability to link test cases to specific requirements or defects, facilitating tracking and impact analysis.
  6. Flexibility: The template should be adaptable to different projects or testing types, accommodating changes without major revisions.
  7. Measurability: Clearly define success and failure criteria to measure test results accurately.
  8. Maintainability: Easy to update and maintain as the application or requirements evolve, ensuring the test cases remain relevant.

By incorporating these elements and characteristics, a test case template can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your testing process, leading to higher software quality and reduced defect risk.

Differences Between Test Cases and Test Scenarios

Understanding the differences between a test case and a test scenario is crucial for effective software testing, as they serve distinct purposes and play different roles in the testing process.

Test CaseTest Scenario
Offers detailed information on what to test, steps required for testing, and the accurate result to be expectedOnly detailed information on what feature is to be tested and the user story associated with the feature.
Required keeping testers and developers in syncRequired so that testers know what their task is on a high level
It consists of low-level, individual actions testers have to undertakeConsists of high-level information (usually a one-liner) about what feature should be tested
It is derived from test scenariosIt is derived from the requirements document
Creating test cases is a one-time effort since test cases can be reused, especially during regression testing.Test scenarios may need to be changed as the software evolves to align with newly developed features.
It is mostly helpful for guiding individual testers on how to progress in a certain projectMost helpful in reducing complexity by listing out everything that must be tested and helping testers create test cases for each scenario

How Can You Write a Test Case?

To create comprehensive and detailed test cases and make the most of them, one must keep in mind the pointers below.

  • Make the test steps clear and precise, and avoid any vague directions or objectives.
  • Mention the test case name and a unique test case ID to keep the tests segregated.
  • Include a detailed description of the scenario being tested so that anyone else can understand it.
  • To avoid confusion, ensure that there are no more than 15 steps. If there are more than 15 steps, bifurcate the tests into multiple tests.
  • Always write the test cases, keeping the end user in mind to build better software.
  • Always follow the peer review process for the test cases and incorporate suggestions from the team members who participated in it.
  • Capture the actual and expected result of the test case so that the status can be determined after the execution.
  • Try to make the test cases atomic and avoid repetition of the same steps across multiple cases.

If you would like to learn in detail about creating and managing test cases, refer to our guide on how to write test cases.

How To Create and Manage Test Cases Using BrowserStack?

Creating and managing test cases using BrowserStack Test Management are simple and efficient methods. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to follow:

Creating Test Cases Using Test Management Tool

  • To access BrowserStack Test Management, Register or log in to your BrowserStack Test Management account and go to your project.
  • Navigate to the Test Cases Section: Find and access your project’s “Test Cases” section.
  • Create a New Test Case: Start by clicking on “New Test Case” to create one.
  • Define Test Case Details: Enter the test case title, description, and tags.
  • Add Test Steps: Outline your test case with clear, actionable steps for thorough testing.
  • Set Test Case Priority Level: Assign a priority level to manage the test execution effectively.
  • Save and Review the Test Case: Ensure the test case is accurate and complete before finalizing.

Browserstack test Management

Managing Test Cases Using Test Management Tool

  • Access Test Cases Section: Log into your BrowserStack Test Management account, navigate to your project, and enter the “Test Cases” section to start managing your test cases.
  • View and Organize Test Cases: Look over your project’s list of test cases and arrange them by priority or other relevant criteria to enhance management.
  • Edit Test Cases: Select a test case to see its details and edit information such as the title, description, test steps, and priority as necessary.
  • Add or Remove Test Cases: Click on “New Test Case” to integrate new test cases or delete outdated or unnecessary ones to keep your repository organized.
  • Execute Test Cases: Run the test cases, monitor the progress of test executions, and track the results within the Test Management platform.
  • Review Test Results: After the test is executed, analyze the outcomes, identify any issues or bugs, and classify them for fixing.
  • Update Test Cases: Modify test cases based on the results or any changes in the application functionality.

Test Management Banner

Test Case Management Resources

The resources below can be referred to to help you understand the entire test case management from scratch.

By now, you must understand that the foundation of a successful testing cycle lies in creating well-structured, maintained, and comprehensive test cases. This can be achieved by maintaining clean and detailed test case templates. The entire test management process also plays a major role in getting the desired results. 

BrowserStack Test Management Tool is an intuitive platform that provides a robust framework for comprehensive test coverage. It offers a clear and detailed roadmap for the QA teams to follow. By utilizing this tool, teams can enhance their testing efficiency and accuracy, leading to more reliable software development and better end-user experiences. 

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