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Home Guide How to Run Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps

How to Run Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps

By Gurudatt S A, Community Contributor -

Cypress is the most powerful and popular test automation tool using which you can write robust tests for our web applications running in the browser. Cypress can be used in CI/CD for a faster and efficient software delivery. For doing this, once you have a significant number of tests written using Cypress, it is then crucial to integrate that with a CI/CD pipeline using CI/CD tools like Azure, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab etc.

In this article you will learn how to integrate the Cypress Tests to be run in the Azure DevOps as part of CI/CD Pipeline.

A typical CICD Pipeline will look like the one below.CICD Pipeline in Azure DevOps

There are three stages in the above pipeline

  1. Build the Application Code
  2. Run the Component Tests (Optional)
  3. Run the End to End tests

Why Run Cypress Tests in Azure Devops

Here are some of the core reasons why you should run Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps:

  1. Azure DevOps provides Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipelines and releases. And with help of Cypress we can build robust pipelines where the application can be tested thoroughly before deploying the application to Environments
  2. Azure Devops provides better scalability in terms of using Cypress tests across various projects and running them in parallel across agents
  3. Azure Devops provides centralized reporting for viewing Cypress tests reports which helps Developers and Testers to access reports in centralized place
  4. With Azure Devops and Cypress we can achieve collaborative testing with integration Component tests and End to End tests in the pipeline

How to set up an Azure DevOps pipeline to run Cypress Tests ?

Before you begin the process of setting up Azure DevOps pipeline to run Cypress Tests, here are some of the prerequisites that you need:

Prerequisites to set up Azure DevOps Pipeline

  1. Create Azure Account
  2. Source code Added in Azure repository

Setting up the Azure DevOps Pipeline to run Cypress Tests

In this Section, you will learn how to set up a basic pipeline. To create pipeline you need to navigate to Pipelines > Click on New Pipeline button.Setting up New Azure DevOps Pipeline for Cypress Tests 1You will be asked to connect to our code repository (Using Azure Repos Git in this article).Connecting with Azure Repos Git to run Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps 1Once you select the repository, you will be presented with available repositories in Azure.Select Code Repository to run Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps 1Azure provides predefined configuration based on the type of your project or you can just click on Starter pipeline and write your own configuration. Let’s click on the Starter pipeline.Configure Azure DevOps Pipeline 1Azure creates very basic .yml file. You can edit it in the Review stage like below.Edit and Review YAML in Azure DevOps 1

We do not edit this file now, as we will come to this later. For now, let’s click on Save and run.

This will create a new pipeline for us and executes like shown below.Executing Azure DevOps Pipeline 1This pipeline hasn’t run any tests yet, as we haven’t configured it to do so.

Configuring Azure pipeline to run Cypress Tests

Understanding the Project Structure in Azure DevOps Pipeline

Before you configure the pipeline to run tests, check for the project folder structure, as shown below.Checking folder structure of Cypress Tests to configure in Azure DevOps 2This is a mono repo, which contains application source code as well as Functional Cypress Tests. The Cypress tests are placed under the FunctionalTests folder.Folder Structure of Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps 1The package.json file within the FunctionalTests folder appears as follows.package JSON file for Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps 1In order to run the Cypress tests, we need to invoke test script, and our yarn command for this will be

yarn run test

Updating our pipeline to run tests

In order to edit the pipeline, Navigate to Pipelines > Select the newly created pipeline and click on Edit button

Update Azure DevOps Pipeline 1In order to run the Azure automation tests you need to do the following:

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Execute test script, which will run our tests

Install Dependency to run Cypress Tests in Azure Pipeline

Before running the tests, make sure to install the required dependencies for Cypress. You can install the dependency using either npm or yarn

Using npm we can execute below command in the command line

npm install

Using yarn we can execute below command in the command line

Yarn install

This will create a node_modules folder under the root of our project and all the dependencies are downloaded inside that folder.

The sample pipeline yml script which looks like below, which we can find by navigating to Pipelines > Access the pipeline created and Click on Edit.

Sample YML script in Azure DevOpsDelete the above script and paste the below script

- master

vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- task:
displayName: 'Yarn Install'
projectDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/FunctionalTests'
arguments: install

Let’s break down this code

- master

The trigger defines the pipeline trigger criteria, in our case we have mentioned trigger criteria as master. This means whenever any code is merged to master branch this pipeline will be triggered.

 vmImage: ubuntu-latest

Pool specifies which VM image to use to execute the code, we have used ubuntu image

- task:
displayName: 'Yarn Install'
projectDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/FunctionalTests'
arguments: install

Steps contain a series of tasks, this is the section where we install our dependencies and then add another task to run our test.

To test if the pipeline is working as we want, we have now added a task to install the dependencies.

Click on Save and our pipeline will be triggered

Click and save to trigger Azure DevOps Pipeline 1

Triggering Azure DevOps Pipeline

Run Cypress tests in Azure DevOps Pipeline 1As seen in the image above, the install task is executed successfully.

Run Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps

Let’s edit the pipeline to add a task to run our tests.

Add Tasks to run Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps Pipeline 1As we can see, we now have new task to run cypress tests

- task:
displayName: 'run cypress tests'
projectDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/FunctionalTests'
arguments: test

We are passing our script name(this is the npm script which we have added in our package.json file under the scripts section) to run the tests. In this case, the script name to run cypress tests is “test” . Now if we Save this, our pipeline will trigger and execute tests

To confirm this let’s go back to Pipelines > Open our Pipeline > Open the latest build and click on Job, which open below Job Steps detail screen.

Cypress Test Execution in Azure DevOps Pipeline 1We can see that our tests were executed successfully.

Publishing Cypress Test Results using JUnit Reporter

Cypress supports various Reporters. In this article we will use Junit Reporter.

In JUnit reporter, the reporter first produces multiple xml files (1 xml file per test) and you need to combine them before publishing.

The cypress.config.js file looks like below.

Cypress Config File in Azure DevOps 1

reporter: "junit",
reporterOptions: {
mochaFile: "results/my-test-output-[hash].xml",

The above block specifies the type of reporter that Cypress has to use for generating report and the output file path.

Once these files are generated, we need to combine these xml files using below command

jrm results/combined-report.xml \"results/*.xml\"

Adding this command as npm script in the package.json file.

Package JSON file of Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps

Now in our pipeline we need to add two tasks

  1. Execute the npm script to combine reports
  2. Publish the Test Results
- task:
condition: always()
displayName: 'generate Report '
projectDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/FunctionalTests'
arguments: combine:reports

- task: PublishTestResults@2
condition: always()
displayName: 'Publish Test Results'
testResultsFiles: '**/combined-report.xml'
searchFolder: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/FunctionalTests/'

The above two tasks will perform the operation of executing npm script using yarn and then Publish the Combined XML test result.

Our pipeline.yml will look like this.

Pipeline YML File for Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps 1Now when you run the pipeline, you can see the task added in the Steps.

Jobs in Running Azure DevOps Pipeline 1To access the published JUnit report, we need to navigate to Test Plans > Runs, which shows all the Runs and to access report click on the State of the run.

Access JUnit Test Report for Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps 1

The below report will be displayed when we access the State of the run.

JUnit Test Report for Cypress Tests in Azure DevOps 2Conclusion

In this article we have seen how easy it is to integrate our cypress tests in the pipeline and also publish the JUnit report and view it. With this we can integrate this step into the CI/CD pipeline so that our application is tested thoroughly before getting deployed to the next environment/stage.

Whenever running Cypress tests, it is recommended to test on real devices so that the  real user conditions can be taken into account for better accuracy of test results. Tools like BrowserStack Automate help QAs by providing access to 3000+ device browser combinations for a comprehensive automated testing.

Run Cypress Tests on Real Devices

Automation Testing CI CD Tools Cypress

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