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Home Guide What is Quality Assurance Testing?

What is Quality Assurance Testing?

By Sandra Felice, Community Contributor -

Delivering high-quality software is essential to maintain customer satisfaction and brand reputation of a company. Quality Assurance (QA) testing is critical in ensuring that software applications function smoothly, meet user expectations, and are free of critical bugs.

It involves a systematic process to verify that the software meets specified requirements and performs as expected under different conditions.

This guide explains what QA testing is, what is tested, its types, benefits, stages, best practices, and why BrowserStack is a reliable choice for QA testing.

What is Quality Assurance (QA) Testing?

Quality Assurance (QA) testing is the process of systematically evaluating software to ensure it meets specified requirements and quality standards. The primary goal is to identify defects, improve the product’s performance, and ensure the software functions as expected in various scenarios. QA testing helps prevent errors in the development phase and ensures that the final product is reliable, secure, and provides a seamless user experience.

The QA testing process typically follows four key steps:

Step 1: Plan – Develop well-structured tests that target potential issues and meet established standards.

Step 2: Execute – Carry out the tests across various scenarios and conditions.

Step 3: Check – Assess the product’s performance and pinpoint areas for enhancement.

Step 4: Act – Resolve any vulnerabilities uncovered during testing.

What is tested in Quality Assurance (QA) Testing?

In QA testing, several aspects of the software are examined to ensure its overall quality:

  • Functionality: Ensures all features work as expected.
  • Reliability: Verifies that the software performs consistently under normal and stressful conditions.
  • Usability: Measures how easy and intuitive the software is for users.
  • Efficiency: Examines performance aspects, such as response time and resource usage, etc.
  • Maintainability: Checks how easy it is to modify and maintain the code.
  • Portability: Evaluates the software’s compatibility across different devices and platforms.

Benefits of QA Testing

QA testing provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Early Bug Detection: Identifies issues early, reducing the cost and effort of fixing them later.
  • Improved Product Quality: Ensures the software meets high standards and delivers a positive user experience.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces the likelihood of post-release bugs that can cause customer dissatisfaction and financial losses.
  • Increased Customer Confidence: A reliable product builds customer trust and loyalty.
  • Compliance with Standards: Ensures the software adheres to industry and security standards.

Types of QA Testing

QA testing consists of a variety of types, each serving different purposes in the software development lifecycle:

1. Functional Testing

Functional testing verifies that the software’s features operate according to the specified requirements. It uses the black box method, focusing on the results of the software rather than the underlying code. This type of testing is typically conducted at both the system level and the user acceptance level.

For example, testing whether a login form accepts valid credentials and denies incorrect ones.

2. Non-functional Testing

Non-functional testing evaluates aspects such as performance, security, and usability that aren’t directly related to specific functions.

For instance, checking the website’s loading time under heavy traffic.

3. Manual Testing

In manual testing, testers execute test cases by hand without relying on automation tools. It allows for detailed examination but can be time-consuming.

For example, manually checking the UI design for alignment and color consistency.

4. Automated Testing

Automated testing uses scripts, tools, and frameworks like Selenium or Appium to run repetitive tests automatically. This testing method is more efficient for repetitive tasks and speeds up the testing process.

For instance, automating login and checkout processes for an e-commerce site.

5. Regression Testing

Regression testing involves re-checking existing functionalities after code changes to ensure that no new errors have been introduced. Although applicable at any level, regression testing is particularly crucial for integration and system quality assurance.

For example, verifying that a new feature doesn’t affect the login process.

6. Exploratory Testing

Exploratory testing is performed without predefined test cases, allowing testers to explore the software to find unexpected bugs. It helps identify problems that are not easily found through scripted testing.

For instance, interacting with a mobile app to discover hidden issues.

7. Usability Testing

Usability testing verifies how user-friendly and intuitive the software is for end users. This ensures that the software provides a positive and effective user experience.

For example, assessing how intuitive a shopping cart feature is for first-time users.

8. Security Testing

Security testing identifies vulnerabilities and ensure data protection within the software. Identifies vulnerabilities and threats that could lead to data leaks, malicious attacks, system crashes, and other issues. Common security checks include:

  • Penetration Testing: Simulates real-world cyber attacks to identify and fix security vulnerabilities.
  • Application Security Testing (AST): Detects vulnerabilities in application code and configurations to enhance security.
  • API Security Testing: Ensures APIs are secure against unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Configuration Scanning: Reviews system configurations to ensure they follow security best practices.
  • Security Audits: Evaluates system security and compliance with industry regulations and standards.

For instance, testing a banking application to ensure sensitive information is encrypted.

9. Performance Testing

Performance testing evaluates how an application works in terms of speed, responsiveness, and stability under varying loads. Different types of performance testing assess the system’s behavior based on the workload:

  • Load Testing: Assesses performance with a gradually increasing workload.
  • Stress Testing: Examines system behavior at or beyond the maximum anticipated workload.
  • Endurance Testing: Evaluates performance under a continuous and significant workload over an extended period.
  • Spike Testing: Tests the system’s response to sudden and substantial increases in workload.

For example, testing a website’s response time when thousands of users access it simultaneously.

10. Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing determines if the software satisfies the user’s requirements and is ready for final approval.

For example, having the client test a project management tool before final approval.

11. Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing verifies that the software works across different devices, browsers, and operating systems. This ensures a uniform user experience.

For instance, testing a website on both iOS and Android devices.

12. Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is a preliminary check to verify that the basic functionalities of a new build are working correctly. This initial test helps identify major issues early in the development cycle.

For example, verifying that the homepage loads after a new deployment.

13. Alpha Testing

Alpha testing is conducted by internal teams to identify bugs before releasing the software to external users. This phase helps catch problems early in the development process.

For example, a company’s developers testing a new app version internally.

14. Beta Testing

Conducted by real users in a production environment to get feedback. This feedback helps refine the product before the final release.

For example, releasing a beta version of a mobile game to a select group of players.

Stages in QA Testing

QA testing follows a structured approach consisting of the following stages:

Stage 1: Requirement Analysis

In this initial stage, the QA team reviews and understands the functional and non-functional requirements of the software. This helps identify what needs to be tested and sets clear testing objectives. The team works closely with stakeholders to ensure all expectations are captured.

Stage 2: Test Planning

In the test planning phase, a comprehensive test plan is created. This document outlines the testing strategy, scope, resources, schedule, and the types of testing to be performed.

It also defines the tools that will be used, the roles and responsibilities of the team members, and the risk management approach.

Stage 3: Test Case Development

Test case development includes writing detailed test cases and scripts to cover various scenarios. These test cases should address different conditions, including positive (valid inputs), negative (invalid inputs), and edge cases (boundary testing).

Each test case specifies the inputs, expected results, and steps to follow.

Stage 4: Environment Setup

This phase includes preparing the test environment where the tests will be executed. It includes setting up the required hardware, software, databases, and network configurations.

In some cases, the QA team may use cloud-based environments like BrowserStack to simulate different device or browser conditions.

Stage 5: Test Execution

During test execution, the QA team runs the prepared test cases in the testing environment. As the tests are executed, results are logged, and any deviations from expected behavior are noted as defects.

This is where the actual testing happens — manual or automated, functional or non-functional.

Stage 6: Defect Reporting

Any issues or bugs identified during test execution are documented in defect tracking tools like Jira.

Each defect report includes a description, steps to reproduce, severity, priority, screenshots, and expected versus actual results. Defects are assigned to developers for resolution, and their progress is tracked.

Stage 7: Retesting and Regression Testing

Once developers fix reported defects, the QA team performs retesting to ensure the fixes work correctly. Simultaneously, regression testing is conducted to verify that the new code changes haven’t caused unintended issues in other areas of the software.

Stage 8: Test Closure

This final stage involves wrapping up the testing process. The QA team reviews the test results, ensures that all objectives are met, and checks that any critical defects are addressed.

A test closure report is generated, summarizing the testing activities, coverage, results, outstanding issues, and lessons learned.

Best Practices for QA Testing

Achieving high-quality software while maintaining speed and efficiency in the development cycle requires a strategic approach to QA testing. Below are some best practices that can elevate your QA efforts:

1. Combine Manual and Automated Testing:

Use manual testing for complex scenarios and automate repetitive tasks to maximize coverage and efficiency. Use tools like Selenium, Cypress, or BrowserStack to automate regression and performance tests, allowing manual testers to focus on areas where human insight is essential.

2. Leverage Crowdtesting:

Scale testing quickly by engaging a large number of QA testers across different devices, browsers, and operating systems. For the best results, combine crowd testing with in-house and automated testing, increasing coverage and accelerating feedback.

3. Implement Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD):

Integrate continuous testing with CI/CD to catch defects early and ensure seamless product updates. With continuous integration (CI), developers can integrate small code changes into a shared repository, where automated test scripts run continuously.

Combine CI with continuous delivery (CD) to deploy updates regularly and ensure seamless user experience improvements.

4. Incorporate Risk Management:

QA testing should include a risk management strategy to address potential challenges early. By assessing and prioritizing risks from the start, teams can focus on high-risk areas and allocate resources efficiently.

5. Achieve Quality with Speed:

To balance speed with high-quality output, integrate testing into each development phase. Unit testing, CI/CD, and parallel testing are effective strategies to speed up testing without sacrificing quality.

6. Ensure Effective Methodologies:

Use a mix of testing methodologies (functional, performance, security) to reduce costs and improve quality. By ensuring the software conforms to the defined requirements and guidelines, QA teams can minimize development costs, reduce bugs, and enhance the user experience.

7. Monitor Continuously:

QA testing isn’t a one-time task; it requires continuous monitoring throughout the development process. Ensuring adherence to relevant standards and procedures across all stages of testing helps maintain consistency and quality.

8. Use Predictive Analytics:

Leverage predictive analytics to forecast where bugs are most likely to occur based on past testing data. By analyzing defect, application, and customer usage data, QA teams can prioritize testing efforts and improve overall efficiency.

9. Conduct Rigorous Regression Testing:

Every code update risks introducing new bugs in previously working features. Implement regression testing to ensure that new additions don’t compromise the integrity of the existing software. Regular regression testing helps maintain the stability of the product, ensuring that new features and updates don’t inadvertently cause issues.

QA Testing Example: Performing User Registration Form Testing

This scenario tests the functionality of a simple user registration form on a website.

Step-by-Step QA Testing Process:

Step 1. Define Requirements

  • The registration form should allow users to input their name, email, and password, as well as confirm their password.
  • Form validation should check for valid email format, password strength, and matching passwords.
  • Upon successful registration, the user should receive a confirmation message.

Step 2. Create a Test Plan

  • Create manual test cases for:
    • Input validation (required fields, valid formats).
    • UI testing (layout, field labels, error messages).
    • Form submission and confirmation behavior.

Step 3. Test Cases and Scenarios

  • Test Case 1: Submit the form with valid inputs (for example, valid email and matching passwords) and verify the success message.
  • Test Case 2: Submit an invalid email format (for example, “test@invalid“) and ensure an error message is shown.
  • Test Case 3: Leave required fields blank and check for appropriate error messages.
  • Test Case 4: Enter mismatched passwords and verify that the form prevents submission and displays an error.

Step 4. Perform Manual Testing

  • Test the form on different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and devices (mobile and desktop) to ensure layout consistency.
  • Perform negative tests like submitting the form with the following:
    • Empty fields.
    • Invalid email format.
    • Weak password (e.g., “12345”).

Step 5. Automate Repetitive Tasks

  • Use tools like Selenium or Cypress to automate common form tests:
    • Automate the process of entering valid and invalid data into the form fields.
    • Automate validation of form submission and check for error messages.

Step 6. Cross-Browser and Device Testing

  • Use cross-browser testing tools like BrowserStack to test the form’s behavior across various browsers and devices to ensure responsiveness.

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Step 7. Regression Testing

  • If changes are made to the form (e.g., adding a phone number field), perform regression testing to ensure the original functionality (email, password fields) still works as expected.

Step 8. Bug Reporting and Fixes

  • If issues are found during testing (e.g., the form accepts weak passwords or the email validation doesn’t work), log these bugs and retest after fixes are applied.

Step 9. Retesting and Final Verification

  • Retest the form with all possible input scenarios to confirm that all bugs are fixed and the form behaves as expected before releasing the feature.

Why Choose BrowserStack for QA Testing?

BrowserStack is a robust cloud-based platform that provides an extensive range of features desiged to enhance QA testing. Here’s why it stands out as a premier choice:

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  1. Extensive Device and Browser Coverage: BrowserStack provides access to over 3,500+ real devices and browsers, enabling comprehensive testing in various real-world environments.
  2. Real-Time Testing: With BrowserStack Live, users can perform interactive testing, quickly reproduce bugs, and collaborate seamlessly with team members.
  3. Simulate Real-World Variables: The platform allows testing under diverse condition, such as network throttling and geolocation changes, ensuring applications perform optimally in varied scenarios.
  4. Accessibility Testing: BrowserStack supports accessibility testing features, including screen reader compatibility and navigability, making sure applications are usable by all individuals, including those with disabilities.
  5. Cross-Platform Developer Tools: Users can access browser developer tools across multiple platforms for effective debugging and ensuring functionality across different environments.
  6. Manual and Automated Testing: The platform accommodates both manual and automated testing using popular frameworks like Selenium and Appium, providing flexibility in testing approaches.
  7. Locally Hosted Website Testing: BrowserStack allows testing of locally hosted websites, enabling teams to identify and fix issues before deployment.
  8. Increased Efficiency: By streamlining the bug identification process and eliminating the need for multiple setups, BrowserStack enhances overall testing efficiency.
  9. Scalability: The platform supports scalable testing efforts without requiring additional physical resources, making it suitable for teams of all sizes.
  10. Faster Development Cycles: Through parallel testing and real-time collaboration, BrowserStack accelerates the development cycle, enabling faster delivery of high-quality products.


Quality Assurance (QA) testing is crucial for delivering software that is both dependable and user-centric. It meticulously assesses every aspect of the software—functionality, performance, security, and usability—to ensure it meets high standards and performs as expected.

By following a systematic testing approach, leveraging the right tools like BrowserStack, and adhering to best practices, teams can ensure their software is reliable, efficient, and bug-free. It results in a polished product that exceeds user expectations and fosters confidence.

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