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Home Guide How to create an ultimate mobile experience

How to create an ultimate mobile experience

By Somosree Roy, Community Contributor -

With the steady rise in the number of smartphones, it is evident that users spanning ages, locations, professions and demographics are all connected through mobiles in every walk of their lives. This is why, ensuring an ultimate mobile experience is imperative. 

It is important that mobile apps are user friendly, so that the users can seamless access them through their mobile devices without facing any disruptions. This article discusses various ways to create a high-end mobile experience.

NumberOfSmartphonesSource: Statistia

Why mobile experience needs to be ultimate?

How does it feel when an app does a slow loading and offers slacking experience in moving from one menu to another? The first reaction is to exit the app and uninstall. To ensure that this is never the case and you offer a high-end mobile experience, using a Mobile App Testing tool that is equipped with advanced features like Camera Injection, Geolocation Testing to test your mobile application functionalities under real user conditions

You need to provide apps which foster an enticing mobile experience that converts visitors into paying customers and keeps them coming back for more. Testing on Emulators and Simulators will certainly not take real world conditions into account and might not be able to detect defects which the users might encounter during access.

App developers and testers need to stay on top of their toes to ensure that users experience an unwavering mobile experience while browsing through the apps. BrowserStack App Live gets you access to thousands of real mobile devices for Android testing and iOS testing

You can conveniently bid adieu to device labs, as they are difficult and costly to set up and maintain.

Test on Real Android and iOS devices

Best Practices for delivering an ultimate mobile experience

Here are some of the best practices that should be followed to ensure your Mobile App engages customers and delivers an exceptional user experience:

1. Check Cross Platform Compatibility

With the Android and iOS platforms, it is important to build cross compatible mobile apps to ensure users across different OS and device have a consistent experience. Due to several mobile device manufacturers in the market such as Samsung, Apple, etc. it is important to ensure that your mobile app should offer seamless across legacy and new devices alike irrespective of whether it is Android or iOS devices.

When it comes to mobile devices, one size does not fit all. An iPhone app will not work on an Android device, and a mobile website for BlackBerry will look completely different on a Nokia device. 

Elements of the mobile design will be determined by the environments & devices you want to support. The mobile web is accessed from a wide variety of devices.

Thus it is important to know what those devices are when designing a mobile website. When designing a mobile app, remember that you’ll need to make separate versions for each supported platform. 

Since, people often have a low tolerance for interruptions, difficult input devices, and slow operation, hence it is very important to perform cross platform testing and ensure a consistent user experience.

Test on real Android and iOS Devices

2. Consider Device Fragmentation

Due to extensive research in the mobile device industry, different companies are launching latest models with advanced features to keep the users engaged. Hence, with every new device being launched, it is essential that your mobile app works seamlessly on it. 

A lot of times apps work well in specific hand devices and fail miserably on its competitors. To be at an edge and ensure top-class mobile experience for your users, make sure you test it well before releasing it. 

While you check its device compatibility, make it a point to test across as many mobile and tab devices as possible.

That is why, you should test your mobile app on as many as devices to ensure the app does not throw bugs for select mobile devices. One of the most convenient ways is Building An Effective Device Matrix For Mobile App Testing  and then testing it on a device farm like BrowserStack is a best way to deal with it.

Read More: Why is it important to build a Mobile Device Farm?

BrowserStack Mobile devices


Test from the latest launched devices like iPhone 14 and Google Pixel 7 that are made available on BrowserStack from Day 0, to the legacy devices for a broader device coverage. 

Read More: Test on Right Mobile Devices

3. Ensure to test from multiple sources

Mobile app testing needs to go through multiple layers and steps to ensure it is robust from functionality standpoint. Test it from multiple workflows like URL and direct uploads, beta distribution tool integrations, build tool integrations and Playstore/iOS App store installation. 

Testing on Devices


4. Personalization is the key

Create your Mobile App workflows keeping the target audience in mind. Right from the design aesthetics to the features, everything should be formulated keeping the users in mind. Make use of Data Analytics, AI and ML for a more personalized recommendations. 

5. Try to make the Checkout stress-free

If you have developed an ecom-app, mobile experience is by far the most crucial element you need to take care of. Investing in a smooth shopping cart experience is crucial due to the limited time available to make a transaction through the mobile channel.

Streamline the purchasing process by making the checkout button prominent and always accessible whenever an item is in the shopping cart. 

Enrich the user experience by pre-populating the necessary fields with the customer’s profile information with the mobile context so that users can save their shopping history or favorites list. 

This lets them easily complete money transfers later on their smartphone or use it as a product comparison tool while shopping in-store. 

Deep Links and Universal Links can make the user experience seamless, specially when they have to open a link within the mobile app, without interrupting the access. 

6. Fixing the bugs on the spot

Piling up all the bugs to fix later only make the process complicated. Instead, continue finding bugs and solving them as and when you find them using real time device logs.  BrowserStack App Live allows you to debug your Android and iOS App on Chrome in real time to fix the bugs on the go.

Try BrowserStack App Live for Free

7. Adapt to Your Users

User behavior change with the demographics. Geolocation play a major role in the customer behavior and it is crucial for a business to adapt as per its users. Same thing applies to your mobile application, which is why you should try Localization of your Mobile App to target the local audience. Using Localization, Amazon has captured the markets by acting on the pulse of the local consumer choices and is leading by the example for others.

An important step to Localize your Mobile App is to check if these are implemented properly by performing Localization Testing on a reliable tool like BrowserStack that can provide different features of Geolocation-based Testing.

Read More: How to Perform Localization of Mobile Apps using Appium

More people will use your mobile solution and be happy with it if you can provide a superior experience swifter than the competitors. The mobile platform is a great way to monitor and analyze user actions, so pay attention and adjust accordingly. 

Bonus Tips to create an ultimate mobile experience

  • Are you at a development stage? Perfect time to start testing.

Through Shift Left Approach, you can start testing right at the development stage, and reduce the cost of fixing bugs. Jump start on mobile testing experience right from the development stage using the Local Engine. You need no pre-testing set-up or separate extensions, apart from BrowserStack extension or desktop app. 

A thorough QA is indispensable when it comes to ensuring unwavering mobile experience. Pointing out bugs right at the staging environments and eliminating them using robust iterations and codes changes will ensure your app remains seamless at beta stage and post-launch.

  • Ease your app testing through automation – the smartest way

Save ample time and get freedup from investing on device labs by automating your mobile app testing. Not only will it help you to fix and find bugs swiftly, but also focus more on professing seamless mobile experience for your users. 

Signup for free and go to BrowserStack App Automate, to run your mobile test automation tests on real Android and iOS devices.

Final words

Your mobile environment needs to be tempting enough for users to adopt it and keep returning if you want to remain competitive. Learn about your mobile audience and how they differ from your online Website visitors in terms of their wants, challenges, and activities. 

Make up for mobile restrictions by emphasizing ease of use, speed, and proximity. Customers are more likely to return & spend money if they find your mobile environment engaging and useful.

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