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Home Guide DevOps vs SysOps: What are the major differences

DevOps vs SysOps: What are the major differences

By Kitakabee, Community Contributor -

DevOps and SysOps are two of the top-discussed trends in the IT world. But still, there’s a lot of confusion surrounding these terminologies.

Knowing these terms is insufficient to utilize their benefits and transform your business operations.

Deep knowledge of DevOps and SysOps can help the development, testing, and IT teams enhance productivity and results.

But what’s the difference between DevOps vs. SysOps? How can you use these methodologies for your organization?

DevOps and SysOps are important because they can help your organizations improve the software development and IT operations processes. 

Together, they can create more efficient and effective processes for creating, testing, deploying software, and managing and maintaining IT infrastructure. 

The overall benefits can help you with faster time-to-market, increased reliability, and improved agility, which can help you stand out in today’s fast-paced business environment.

What is DevOps? 

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Development Operations or DevOps involves the engineering side of product development and the operational side of product delivery.

In software development, and with modern, agile approaches, DevOps is a looping process involving:

  • Development team plans, creates, and packages software for delivery in continuous delivery and build lifecycle.
  • Operations team then releases and continuously monitors the products.

DevOps applies agile practices to Dev and Ops teams, thus streamlining the build, deployment, validation, and development of software. 

For this purpose, DevOps prioritizes collaboration, integration, and automation between Dev and Ops teams. It aims to standardize development procedures and improve the software development lifecycle’s efficiency, predictability, and security.

Here are a few benefits highlighting the importance of using DevOps in your organization:

  • Achieves faster time to market
  • Provides more control over the production environment 
  • Improves the overall frequency of deployment
  • Reduces failure rate of new software releases
  • Increases speed and quality of released software
  • Improves mean time to recovery

Apart from these benefits, DevOps can simplify the digital transformation drive by quickly deploying new features and updates to your software, improving the quality and reliability.

You can improve the overall results from the DevOps-driven software development process using tailored best practices.

Best Practices for DevOps

Incorporate the following best practices to create the best DevOps integration in your ecosystem:

  1. Keep testing environments QA, staging, and production as frequently and thoroughly as possible to identify and mitigate potential issues before code is pushed to production.
  2. Stay updated with all the latest technology trends. Software development cannot fall behind on technological development.
  3. Run tests on all codes without failure for manual or automated testing
  4. Deliver software quickly. Also, when required, roll back the software without wasting any time.
  5. Integrate automation and use the right CI/CD tools for an effective DevOps system.

BrowserStack provides multiple integrations with popular CI/CD tools like Jira, Jenkins, TeamCity, Travis CI, etc., for better implementation of DevOps. It also provides a cloud Selenium grid of 3000+ real devices and browsers for testing. Additionally, you can access the in-built debugging tools for identifying and resolving bugs.

Now that you understand DevOps, let’s learn about SysOps.

What is SysOps? 

Systems Operations (SysOps) is an IT operations management field focused on IT systems management and administration. 

SysOps teams are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of servers, networks, and other IT infrastructure. They monitor IT systems to ensure they run smoothly, troubleshoot issues, and make regular updates and upgrades. 

SysOps teams are responsible for ensuring the availability, reliability, and security of IT systems, which are crucial for organizations to achieve their goals and be successful in today’s fast-paced business environment. 

Here are a few benefits highlighting the importance of using SysOps in your organization:

  1. Improved system availability and reliability: The use of monitoring tools and different strategies can ensure the systems run smoothly. It can help increase IT systems’ availability and reliability and minimize downtime.
  2. Improved security: SysOps can result in better security of IT systems as the teams can implement firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and other security measures to protect systems from unauthorized access and attacks.
  3. Cost savings: Using configuration management, automation, and other technologies to manage and maintain IT systems can help reduce costs associated with IT operations.
  4. Improved communication and collaboration: SysOps teams work closely with other IT teams, such as development and security teams, to ensure that IT systems are aligned with the overall goals and strategies of the organization. This helps improve communication and collaboration across teams, leading to more efficient and effective IT operations.

Apart from these benefits, SysOps play a vital role in driving digital transformation by ensuring that the underlying technology is secure, stable, and scalable.

But you must incorporate specific techniques to extract the most from a SysOps:

Best practices for SysOps

Here are a few best practices that your SysOps team can follow to improve the management and administration of IT systems:

  1. Use tools like Ansible, Puppet, and Chef to automate the configuration of servers, networks, and other IT infrastructure.
  2. Use industry standards like Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) to manage and maintain IT systems.
  3. Continuously measure the performance of the systems and processes and use that data to make improvements.
  4. Regularly update systems to ensure they are running the latest software version, which can help improve security and stability.
  5. Regularly back up the data and have a disaster recovery plan in case of system failure.

By following these best practices, your SysOps team can improve the management and administration of IT systems to increase their reliability, availability, and security and contribute to the organization’s success.

How to Implement and Maintain SysOps with Examples

There are several key steps to implementing and maintaining SysOps like:

  1. Planning: Before implementing changes to your IT system, it is important to plan and ensure that they align with the overall business goals and objectives.
  2. Implementation: Once a plan is ready, the next step is implementing the changes. 
  3. Monitoring: After a system has been implemented, use monitoring tools to track key metrics such as uptime, resource usage, and error rates.
  4. Maintenance: Ensure regular maintenance by applying security patches, upgrading software, and backing up data.
  5. Incident response: When incidents occur, it is important to respond quickly and effectively by troubleshooting the issue, restoring service, and taking steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Some examples of SysOps tasks include:

  • Regularly backing up data
  • Managing the security of servers and network infrastructure
  • Automating software deployment on servers
  • Managing and configuring cloud infrastructure like Azure, AWS, or GCP
  • Monitoring server performance and troubleshooting issues
  • Managing to scale of resources based on traffic

Now that your basics of DevOps and SysOps are clear, let’s dive further into understanding the key difference between the two.

But to achieve the combined benefits, you must understand their differences.

DevOps vs. SysOps: Responsibilities, Focus Area and Process

SysOps and DevOps are both important processes used to develop and maintain systems, but they have different responsibilities, focus, and processes.

ResponsibilitiesSysOps responsibilities involve system administration, network management, security, monitoring, and troubleshooting system-related issues.DevOps responsibilities involve software development process automation, continuous testing and delivery, and collaboration of the dev and ops teams.
FocusSysOps focus on ensuring that systems are running efficiently and meet the organization’s needs. DevOps focuses on improving software delivery’s speed, quality, and scalability.
ProcessesSysOps processes involve system administration, network management, security, monitoring, troubleshooting, maintenance, and upgradesDevOps processes involve continuous integration, delivery, containerization, automation, testing, and monitoring.

DevOps vs. SysOps: How They Complement Each Other

DevOps and SysOps complement each other in several ways:

  1. Collaboration: DevOps emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams, which is vital for SysOps teams to understand the requirements and constraints of the software they are managing.
  2. Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD): DevOps practices like continuous integration and deployment allow for effective updates to systems, which helps SysOps teams to keep systems up-to-date and running smoothly.
  3. Agile and Faster Time-to-Market: DevOps and SysOps help organizations achieve faster time-to-market and improve agility.
  4. Automation: DevOps encourages automation in software development and deployment, making it easier for SysOps teams to manage and maintain IT systems.

Key Differences Between DevOps and SysOps 

DevOps and SysOps are important for organizations to achieve their goals and be successful. Here’s a comparison table to help you better understand the differences.

It focuses on building a collaborative ecosystem between the development and operations teams.Focuses on the management and administration of IT systems.
It can help you improve the overall software development process.Maintains and manages IT systems.
Automates processes, testing, and deploying software.Monitors systems to ensure they are running smoothly.
Implements continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD).Manages infrastructure and scaling.
Focuses on delivering functionalities and features of the software.Focuses on ensuring stability and reliability of the infrastructure

Which is Better: DevOps or SysOps?

DevOps and SysOps are related but have different processes. DevOps is focused on the integration of development and operations, whereas SysOps is focused on the management and operations of systems. 

So, depending on your organization’s goals and objectives, one may be more important than the other.

But while developing and maintaining systems, the continuous testing phase is highly important to achieve desired results from these effective methodologies.

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