Gradle Plugin
Documentation for running Espresso test using BrowserStack's Gradle Plugin.
Getting Started
The plugin allows to build your apps and execute the tests on BrowserStack. Github: BrowserStack Gradle Plugin.
Step 1: Add to build.gradle
In order to configure the plugin, add the following dependencies and parameters in your app-level build.gradle file:
Add the BrowserStack plugin dependencies
Add the dependency and the lines that defines the plugin task as shown:
buildscript { repositories { ... maven { url "" } } dependencies { classpath "" } } ... apply plugin: "com.browserstack.gradle" ...
Add browserStackConfig parameters
Add the following lines to authenticate user and load configurations from the json configuration file(details about the config file explained in next step):
browserStackConfig { username = "BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME" accessKey = "BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY" configFilePath = "path/to/your/json/configFile" }
Step 2: Create an Espresso configuration file
In this step, you need to create JSON text file that contains all espresso related parameters for configuring your test execution on BrowserStack. These parameters include specifying the devices, debugging options, using device features and so on.
Sample configuration file
{ "devices": [ "Google Pixel-7.1" ], "project": "EspressoGradleTest" "deviceLogs": true, "networkLogs": true, ..... }
Step 3: Execute
Execute below command to build your app and run your Espresso test
gradle clean executeDebugTestsOnBrowserstack
This will execute the following:
- Build debug and test apks, as dependencies are declared on assembleDebug and assembleDebugAndroidTest tasks.
- Find the latest app apk and test apk in the app directory recursively.
- Upload both the apks on BrowserStack server.
- Execute Espresso test using the uploaded apps on the devices mentioned in the configuration.
On successful task execution, the test results will be available on the command-line interface, as well as the App Automate dashboard.
Sample command-line output:
Most recent DebugApp apk: /Users/{username}/AndroidStudioProjects/espresso-browserstack/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk Most recent TestApp apk: /Users/{username}/AndroidStudioProjects/espresso-browserstack/app/build/outputs/apk/androidTest/debug/app-debug-androidTest.apk App upload Response Code : 200 {"app_url":"bs://83c5dab1adac36004b5f6fc72d9d3136c17e3b5c"} TestSuite upload Response Code : 200 {"test_url":"bs://83c5dab1adac36004b5f6fc72d9d3136c17e3b5c"} Response Code : 200 {"message":"Success","build_id":"5a2bac8e53d4786bc2895316badc92299ee22fb9"} View build status at
For running tests on a project with no variants, you can simply run following command for uploading and running tests on the debug apk:
gradle clean execute${buildVariantName}DebugTestsOnBrowserstack
For projects with productFlavors, replace ${buildVariantName} with your build variant (i.e. "product flavours") name, for example if your productFlavor name is "phone" and you want to test debug build type of this variant then command will be:
gradle clean executePhoneDebugTestsOnBrowserstack