Cross browser testing for every team
Give your whole team access to 3000+ real desktop & mobile browsers and save over 30%. Achieve quality through collaboration and test anywhere, anytime.
Looking for a companywide access? Save up to 90% costs!

Over 50,000 teams use Live to deliver great user experiences
Built for all kinds of teams
Unlock the full potential of manual testing and deliver great user experiences
Development & QA
Perform smoke, exploratory & usability tests, easily diagnose & fix issues, and ship bug-free websites & web apps.
Product & Marketing
Validate key user flows & journeys, test new features & designs, and build quality products and brands that users love.
Replicate customer issues accurately, and assign it to the right team for faster resolution and happier customers.
Bring your team together to ensure quality
Save more as you add more users
Add as many users as you need and save over 30%. Give every team access to cross-browser testing – QA, Development, Product, Marketing, Design, and more.Scale your testing with simpler licensing
Give your growing team access to BrowserStack Live, and enable everyone to test together. Easily add users without worrying about licenses.Test efficiently from anywhere and at anytime
Access 3000+ real desktop browsers
Test on an exhaustive range of browsers, from legacy versions of Internet Explorer, to the latest beta and developer releases of Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Yandex.Instant access to our Real Device Cloud
Get instant access to the latest Android and iOS devices, like iPhone, Pixel, and Samsung Galaxy hosted in our 15 secure data centers worldwide.Connect your tools, connect your teams
Live for Teams enhances collaboration by connecting your existing tools to capture bugs, file issues, and notify team members, all from your dashboard.
Enterprise-class features
Our platform is built to make large teams successful and ship with confidence.
Single Sign-On
Leverage SSO and simplify the login experience for your teams.
Advanced Access Control
Create sub-teams & allocate parallel threads to teams based on their testing needs.
Usage Analytics
Enable teams to plan and optimize test runs based on their BrowserStack usage.