Master Selenium Wire Proxy in Python for Seamless Automation

Learn how to use Selenium Wire Proxy in Python for advanced web scraping and testing with real browser behavior. Automate and monitor traffic effortlessly.

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Home Guide Using Selenium Wire Proxy in Python

Using Selenium Wire Proxy in Python

By Arjun M. Shrivastva, Community Contributor -

Capturing network traffic is crucial in test automation and web scraping. However, it is beyond the scope of standard Selenium. Selenium Wire extends Selenium’s functionality, allowing users to monitor and manipulate network requests during automated tests.

This guide explores Selenium Wire in Python to enhance browser automation and gain insights into web traffic.

What is Selenium Wire?

Selenium Wire is an extension of the standard Selenium library that allows you to capture and manipulate network requests during browser automation. It provides features like

  • logging HTTP requests
  • modifying headers
  • intercepting responses

which can be invaluable for debugging, performance testing, and scraping data from dynamic websites.

With its seamless integration into Selenium, it enhances your ability to inspect traffic and gain control over the browser’s network activity, all from within your Python code.

Benefits of using Selenium wire proxy in Python

Using Selenium Wire in Python offers several advantages that go beyond basic browser automation:

  1. Network Traffic Monitoring: Selenium Wire captures all HTTP/HTTPS requests and responses, making it easy to inspect and log network activity in real-time.
  2. Request and Response Modification: You can intercept requests and responses, modify headers, or inject custom data to simulate various scenarios, such as different user agents or cookies.
  3. Support for Proxies: Selenium Wire allows you to route browser traffic through a proxy, which is useful for web scraping, bypassing geo-blocking, or testing under different network conditions.
  4. Enhanced Debugging: By providing insights into network calls, Selenium Wire helps debug API responses, troubleshoot slow-loading elements, or identify errors in requests.
  5. Block Requests: Easily block specific resources (e.g., ads, large media files) to speed up scraping or test how a site behaves without them.

These benefits make Selenium Wire an indispensable tool for developers and testers who need deeper control over network interactions during browser automation.

How to configure Selenium Wire in Python?

Getting started with Selenium Wire is straightforward. Follow these steps to set up the environment and integrate it with your Python project:

Step 1. Install the Required Libraries

First, install Selenium and Selenium Wire using pip:

pip install selenium

pip install selenium-wire

Step 2. Set Up WebDriver

After installation, you can configure Selenium Wire with your WebDriver, just like with regular Selenium:

from seleniumwire import webdriver

# Set up Chrome WebDriver with Selenium Wire

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to the demo website


Step 3. Capturing Network Requests

To capture network requests, simply access the requests attribute from Selenium Wire:

for request in driver.requests:

   print(request.url, request.method)


(Note: You may encounter the error “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named blinker._saferef”. This can be resolved by downgrading the blinker library to version 1.7.0)

Now, the environment is ready, and you can use Selenium Wire to enhance your web automation projects in Python.

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How to perform Proxy Authentication with Python Selenium?

Selenium Wire simplifies the process of using proxies with authentication. When configuring the WebDriver, you can pass the proxy details, including username and password, in the seleniumwire_options.

Here’s an example of how to use Selenium Wire to handle proxy authentication:

from seleniumwire import webdriver

# Proxy server credentials and host information

proxy_username = 'your-username'

proxy_password = 'your_password'

proxy = ""

sw_options = {

   'proxy': {

       'http': f'http://{proxy_username}:{proxy_password}@{proxy}',

       'https': f'https://{proxy_username}:{proxy_password}@{proxy}',



# Initialize WebDriver with proxy settings

driver = webdriver.Chrome(seleniumwire_options=sw_options)

# Access target website


# Close the browser


Code Breakdown:

  • Proxy Settings: Configures the proxy ( with basic authentication (your-username:your_password).
  • WebDriver Initialization: Starts Chrome WebDriver, routing all traffic through the proxy.
  • Page Access: Opens using the proxy.
  • Clean Exit: Closes the browser session.

How to use Selenium Wire with your Selenium Scrapers or Bots?

Selenium Wire enhances Selenium’s capabilities by allowing you to capture network traffic, use proxies, and modify requests. This is particularly useful for web scrapers or bots that need to bypass restrictions or inspect requests and responses.

Here’s an example that scrapes product names and prices from using a proxy:

from seleniumwire import webdriver

from import By

import json

# Set up proxy options

options = {'proxy': {'https': ''}}

# Initialize WebDriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome(seleniumwire_options=options)


# Scrape product names and prices

products = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "shelf-item")

data = {product.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, 'shelf-item__title').text:

       product.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, 'val').text for product in products}

# Print data in JSON format

print(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False))


Code Breakdown

  • Proxy Setup: A proxy is configured using the seleniumwire_options parameter.
  • Product Scraping: The scraper locates all products using the class name “shelf-item.” For each product, the name is extracted from the “shelf-item__title” element, and the price from the “val” element. All data get stored in a dictionary.
  • Data Output: The results are printed as a JSON string.
  • Session Closure: The browser session is closed using driver.quit().

This example demonstrates how to integrate Selenium Wire with proxies into your web scrapers.

Using Selenium Wire to capture HTTP requests

Selenium Wire allows you to capture HTTP requests and responses, giving you access to the raw network traffic while interacting with a website. This can be useful for inspecting APIs, headers, or any requests sent during a browser session.

Here’s an example to demonstrate how to capture and display HTTP requests while browsing a website:

from seleniumwire import webdriver

# Initialize WebDriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Navigate to a website


# Capture and display HTTP requests

for request in driver.requests:

   if request.response:







Code Breakdown

  • WebDriver Initialization: The Chrome WebDriver is started without any proxy settings, as the focus here is capturing HTTP requests.
  • Page Loading: The browser navigates to the website
  • Capturing Requests: driver.requests stores all HTTP requests sent during the session. For each request, check if there’s a response and print the URL, status code, and header’s Content-Type.
  • Session Termination: The browser is closed using driver.quit() to end the session after capturing the requests.

This method gives you complete visibility of all network interactions and is useful for debugging and analyzing web traffic.

How to modify requests and responses using Selenium Wire?

Selenium Wire is a powerful library that extends Selenium’s capabilities by allowing you to intercept, modify, and manipulate HTTP requests and responses directly within your Python code.

This feature is useful when you need to test how a web application behaves under various scenarios, such as simulating different network conditions, manipulating request headers, or altering server responses.

Method 1: Modifying Requests

Selenium Wire allows you to intercept and modify outgoing HTTP requests. For example, you can modify headers, change request bodies, or even simulate network issues.

In this example, you need to modify the outgoing request by adding custom headers. Specifically, you must update the “User-Agent” and “Cookie” headers in the request.

from seleniumwire import webdriver

import json

# Initialize the Chrome WebDriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Define the request interceptor to modify request headers

def interceptor(request, response):

   # Modify the 'Cookie' header in the request

   response.headers['Cookie'] = 'key1=value1;key2=value2;'

   # Remove the existing 'User-Agent' header and set a new one

   del response.headers['User-Agent']

   response.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0'

# Assign the interceptor to the driver

driver.response_interceptor = interceptor

# Navigate to a URL


# Loop through all requests and print the headers of the response

for request in driver.requests:

   if request.url == "":

       print(json.dumps(dict(request.response.headers), indent=2))

# Close the driver


Code Breakdown

  • Initializing the Driver: Initialize the webdriver.Chrome() to create a Chrome instance using Selenium Wire.
  • Defining the Interceptor: The interceptor function is designed to modify outgoing requests. It updates the Cookie header and changes the User-Agent to simulate a request coming from Firefox on Linux.
  • Response Interception: driver.response_interceptor assigns the interceptor function to the driver, ensuring that every response is checked and modified before it reaches the browser.
  • Fetching and Printing Headers: After sending the request to, the modified response headers are captured and printed.

Method 2: Modifying Responses

In addition to requests, Selenium Wire can intercept and modify incoming responses. You can change the status code, alter response bodies, or manipulate headers before they are processed by the browser.

In the below example, simulate a custom response by intercepting a request to and sending a “Hello from BrowserStack!” message instead of the actual server response.

import time

from seleniumwire import webdriver

# Initialize the Chrome WebDriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Define the request interceptor to create a custom response

def interceptor(request):

   if request.url == '':


           status_code=200# Setting a custom status code

           headers={'Content-Type': 'text/html'},  # Custom headers

           body='Hello from BrowserStack!'  # Custom response body


# Assign the request interceptor

driver.request_interceptor = interceptor

# Navigate to the target website


# Wait to observe the behavior


# Close the driver


Code Breakdown:

  • Creating a Custom Response: In the interceptor function, check if the request URL matches If it does, the function creates a custom response using request.create_response(). This custom response returns a status code of 200 (OK), sets the Content-Type header to text/html, and returns a body containing the string “Hello from BrowserStack!”.
  • Assigning the Interceptor: The driver.request_interceptor assigns the interceptor to intercept outgoing requests and potentially modify their responses.
  • Custom Response Observation: When the browser navigates to the website, it receives the custom “Hello from BrowserStack!” response instead of the content from the actual server.

How does BrowserStack Automate run tests in Selenium Cloud Grid with real devices?

BrowserStack Automate makes running tests on Selenium Cloud Grid with real devices effortless. It provides you access to a wide variety of actual devices and browsers, so you can see how your app really performs in various user scenarios. Setting it up is simple. You just need to configure your Selenium WebDriver with BrowserStack’s capabilities and remote URL.

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One of the standout features is the ability to run tests in parallel across different devices and browsers. This speeds up the testing process and helps you cover more ground quickly. Plus, since BrowserStack takes care of maintaining the devices and updating browsers, you don’t have to worry about the technical details.

On top of that, BrowserStack provides useful reporting tools like logs, videos, and screenshots. These help you spot and fix issues faster, making your testing process more efficient.

For more details on how to set up, configure, and execute Python Selenium tests on BrowserStack Selenium Cloud Grid, refer to this documentation.


In summary, Selenium Wire in Python is a game-changer for handling HTTP requests and responses, giving you extra control and insight into your web scraping and automation tasks. It simplifies setting up proxies, capturing traffic, and modifying requests, making your testing and debugging more efficient.

Combined with BrowserStack Automate, you can run your Selenium tests on real devices, ensuring your app performs well across different environments. This setup helps you catch issues early and maintain high-quality, reliable applications.

Overall, Selenium Wire and BrowserStack together enhance your automation efforts, offering valuable tools to refine and perfect your web projects.

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