How to test JavaScript in Browsers (with 5 Methods)

Learn to test JavaScript code in browsers with effective online tools such as JSFiddle, BrowserStack, CodePen, JSBin, & Liveweave.

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How to test JavaScript in Browsers (with 5 Methods)

To test JavaScript in a browser, there are several tools and techniques available using which one can utilize. Each tool comes with a set of unique features that contribute to different outcomes. While narrowing down to a single tool that can meet all your testing needs might be challenging, consider using a mix of tools to achieve the desired business and product goals.

This article describes 5 methods to test JavaScript code in commonly used browsers instantly. So, if you’re a JavaScript tester, let’s get started.

How to Check Browser Compatibility in Javascript

To check browser compatibility Javascript, let’s briefly understand these five methods or types of tools in the following sections.

1. Cross-Browser Testing Tools

Although one can instantly test JavaScript using tools like CodePen and JSFiddle, one cannot analyze the behavior of these scripts across different desktop and mobile browsers. This is where online cross-browser testing platforms come into the picture.

  • Developers and QAs can check their websites for cross-browser compatibility using BrowserStack.
  • The infrastructure enables a developer or a QA to instantly test their websites across a range of real mobile devices and browsers like Chrome, Safari, IE, Edge, Firefox, etc.
  • Users can also access free tools like responsive layout testing and screenshot testing, which tests the validity of JavaScript on a particular web page.
  • The wide range of OS-browser combinations and the latest real devices provided by BrowserStack for testing purposes is unmatched. It’s pretty simple to use and instantly test Javascript in your browser.

Check browser compatibility Javascript on BrowserStack

Try Cross Browser Testing

2. JSFiddle

JSFiddle is an online tool that enables a QA to instantly test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript directly in the browser. Introduced in 2009, it was initially known as Mooshell. This tool is compatible with popular JavaScript frameworks like Vue, React, etc. In it, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets are referred to as fiddles. JSFiddle is known for its easy-to-use interface.

The user can type some JavaScript along with HTML and CSS and verify results on the spot. JSFiddle’s dashboard is quite upfront and divided into three sections – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For a better understanding, refer to the image below.

Test Javascript Online with JSFiddle

3. CodePen

Introduced in 2012, CodePen is an online platform similar to JSFiddle for testing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code snippets called Pens. One can start scripting in the editor and instantly test the code for desired outcomes. However, CodePen is not just restricted to coding and testing; it operates as a social community that provides an online learning environment. Aspiring developers can share their work on this platform.

With a whopping 33000 active users, it’s one of the largest developer communities online. CodePen provides numerous exciting features like Asset hosting, Collab mode, and more.

Pro-TipBrowserStack Test University provides fine-grained, practical, and self-paced online courses to enhance your testing skillsets.

Asset hosting allows users to drag and drop images without worrying about separate hosting. Hosting for other assets like CSS and JSON files are taken care of.

Refer to the image below for a quick glimpse of the interface.

Online JavaScript Testing with Codepen

JavaScript Test Online

4. JSBin

JSBin is an effective alternative to JSFiddle. Its features also enable users to experiment, learn, and teach. The script written and saved in JSBin by a particular user is called a Bin.

For every Bin, a URL is generated. This URL can be shared to display the user’s work or request code improvements, thus facilitating increased collaboration.

Using the built-in editor, one can quickly start testing their Bins written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. One can also access premium features like Private bins, and Dropbox backup by upgrading to the pro version. Refer to the image below for a clear picture of the JSBin UI.

Test Javascript is JSBin

Note: Once changes have been made to any JavaScript code, it must be tested on multiple real browsers and devices to establish compatibility with each device-browser combination. Check browser compatibility Javascript on 3000+ real browsers and devices on BrowserStack.

Test Javascript on Real Device Cloud

5. Liveweave

Liveweave is yet another coding platform for developers or web designers to write, test, and share JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code with their team members. This platform provides exciting features like live preview, night mode, and code hinting. Code hinting, in particular, makes programming easier for beginners by providing a drop-down list of commonly used tags. Liveweave also supports several popular libraries like jQuery, AngularJS, and Bootstrap.

Instant JavaScript Testing with Liveweave

These simple ways to test JavaScript can benefit developers and web designers. However, users can also choose to use developer tools for particular browsers. For example, a QA can debug JavaScript errors using the JavaScript Console in Chrome developer tools. Similarly, DevTools for other popular browsers like Firefox and Safari can be an efficient alternative to the abovementioned tools.

Key Takeaways

  • When testing a website across many browsers, using Devtools for individual browsers can be time-consuming.
  • An intelligent approach is to use universally usable tools in the early stages of testing and utilize browser-specific Devtools for dealing with browser-specific test cases.
  • Performing tests on BrowserStack helps QA teams to leverage their test script execution as it covers broader aspects of testing in terms of platforms, browsers, and device coverage.

As a result, BrowserStack infrastructure has the edge over others like Codepen and JSFiddle to check browser compatibility Javascript.

Try BrowserStack for Free

Also, learn how to get the most out of your JavaScript test with Nightwatch and how to get started to make your JS projects easier to test.

Cross browser testing Testing Tools