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Accessibility Score calculation

The accessibility score for a scan is calculated based on the aggregate accessibility score of all the pages or workflows included in the scan.

Calculating page score

The page score is calculated based on the the number of issues on a page and their level of severity.

For every component on a page, based on whether an accessibility rule is applicable, a score is assigned as follows:

Score Condition Description
1 Applicable The rule is applicable to at least on component on the page.
1 Passed All the components on the page passed the rule.
0 Failed At least one component on the page failed the rule.
0 Not Applicable The rule does not apply to any components on the page.

Based on the level of severity of each accessibility issue on the page a score is assigned as follows:

Score Severity
1 Minor
3 Moderate
7 Serious
10 Critical

The total actual score and the total possible score are then calculated using the following formulae:

  • For every rule i from 1 to n,
    • Total Actual Score = Σ(Severityi * Applicablei * Passedi)
    • Total Possible Score = Σ(Severityi * Applicablei)

The page score is calculated using the following formula:

  • Page Score = [ Σ(Total actual scorei) / Σ(Total possible scorei)] * 100

Calculating scan score

The scan score is the combined score of all the pages included in the scan.

For each page in the scan, the respective total actual score and the total possible score is calculated.

  • For example, for each page x from 1 to n, the scores are calculated and are assigned to variables as follows:
    • Σ(Total actual scorei) = Nx
    • Σ(Total possible scorei) = Dx

The scan score is calculated using the following formula:

  • Scan Score = [ Σ(Nx) / Σ(Dx)] * 100

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